
may the force be with you.

@handsolos / handsolos.tumblr.com

“Nous protégeons ceux qui ne peuvent pas se protéger eux mêmes.”
Mythology, historical ladies, teenage werewolves, fashion, fairy tales, comics, history, star wars, fantasty, and science fiction. Proud member of houses martell, ravenclaw and slytherin.
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Anonymous asked:

Why is Elia agreeing to polygamy so irksome for you?

Because it runs completely counter to her own interests, self respect, and exists solely to make the adulterous, disastrous love affair of Rhaegar and Lyanna more palatable.

Elia Martell marries the crown prince in all acceptable honor and suffers greatly to give him a daughter in the first year of the marriage. Rhaegar rewards her with national humiliation at Harrenhal by publicly declaring his interest making his cousin’s underage betrothed his mistress. Much how Aegon the Unworthy tried to do poor Naerys but was stopped by Aemon.

Speaking of parallels to Aegon the Unworthy, why the in the seven hells would a Dornish princess be happy her husband was trying to recreate Daemon Blackfyre? A Dornish queen and her half Dornish son facing off against a favored high born bastard; a centuries old conflict that ended in Elia’s own lifetime. Elia might has well be sharpening the blade Rhaegar uses to cut the throats of their children as to approve of him fucking a rival into Lyanna Stark.

Rhaegar could have taken a discrete mistress or carry on a quiet affair nearly any other woman on the planet. Instead he chooses the daughter of one Lord Paramount and betrothed of another. He runs off with Lyanna and kicks off a war. Leaving Elia alone on Dragonstone. Leaving Elia and their children in reach of /Aerys/.

If you insist on making Elia complicit in Rhaegar’s crimes, why isn’t Elia and their children in Dorne? Why aren’t they hidden away in Essos? Why was Aerys able to get his hands on them and hold them hostage?

Elia is Dornish; therefore she is polyamorous. That is a ruinous, racist piece of tripe. Oberyn Martell has an open relationship with a long term paramour so his brother in law can abduct and have an affair with another woman? Rhaegar isn’t Dornish; he doesn’t get to use his wife’s culture against her. Doran Martell never took another lover after Mellario left. Quentyn Martell was a virgin.

Plug Cersei Lannister or Catlyn Stark into Elia Martell’s situation and Rhaegar’s actions are suddenly beyond the pale? How interesting only white women are worthy of respect and honor.

It is ‘irksome’ because it degrades and dehumanizes and drags Elia down to a footstool for Lyanna Stark. And that is all people like you care about.

Thousands of people died for this little love affair. Elia and her children died. Thousands of her countrymen died. It is irksome that these are acceptable casualties as long as your self insert gets her hot little hands on that crown.

And polygamy has been illegal since before the reforms of Jaehaerys. It is illegal under the Faith of the Seven. It is illegal under the Old Gods. The last Targaryen king who tried enforced polygamy had dragons and he failed. Rhaegar has none.

Interesting how Rhaegar keeps pulling up parrellels to the worst historical dragon kings.


Imperial Snapchat

Imperial Snapchat. Admiral Piett is currently leading the contest.

Thanks for the wonderful idea, @kaelinaloveslomaris and @occasionalinanity

I am sorry

Boba: Hey, Vader, wanna take a selfie?

Anakin hindbrain: *chanting* SELFIE SELFIE SELFIE SELFIE-

Vader: …ugh, fine.

Boba: lol cool, I’m gonna use the cat ears feature!

Anakin hindbrain: *ungodly screeching noises*


The fucking level of art quality for this fucking shitpost.


This is a beautiful graphic but it doesn’t explain the pros and cons of each fire type.

The Swedish torch is good for an efficient and contained fire, it’s controlled and good for cooking over and produces less light and heat than other fires. It can be difficult to keep going once you burn through the original log

The teepee is your traditional campfire. Good for heat and light not great for cooking, burns through fuel fairly quickly

The star fire is one of the slowest burning and not well protected but provides an even heat good for slow cooking and is excellent if you have limited fuel and need the protection a fire can provide

The lean to is a compact and efficient fire that evolves into a dense and hot bed of coals. The structure creates a good source of air flow which can help damp wood burn. A slightly better cooking fire that isn’t as bright. It also provides protection from wind on one side

The platform fire is incredibly hot and will create a very thick bed of coals but it doesn’t have a lot of air flow and is a little harder to get started.

The log cabin is big and bright and has lots of air flow which again is good for damp logs. You can also use this structure to start a smaller fire in the middle while drying out bigger logs. This fire will crumble into a messier bed of coals that don’t produce particularly even heat for cooking.

The modified leanto is excellent if you need it to perform multiple functions. The side with more fuel will burn bright and hot and the side with less fuel will burn less hot but more evenly and controlled, this gives you different cooking options.


reblogging for writing purposes. the exact reason will come soon enough.

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