

@freelee / freelee.tumblr.com

adult female human. vegan.
youtube: freelee
Anonymous asked:

hey freelee :) I was wondering if you could do a video on Emma Chamberlain’s “VEGETARIAN TRIES MEAT FOR THE FIRST TIME” video? I watched it awhile ago and was really disappointed that it.. (I love you btw I’m HCLF vegan now and after reading the China study have convinced my family to incorporate more vegan family meals! You’re such an inspiration to me I watch your videos every day)

Hmmm definitely will consider


no, i don't want sex. no, i'm not posting this to make your d*ck hard. the thought makes me dry. my nude female body does not = i want to f*ck. sitting like this does not = signalling for sex. i am not here for you. i like the freedom and aesthetics of the photo. i like the important message it brings. that's it. don't sexualise what isn't. females don't exist as sexy playthings for males. just incase you were confused.


11 years ago I renamed myself Freelee during a waterfast because freedom is what I hold most sacred in life. Since then I've been shedding the layers that hold me back. I freed myself from the 9-5 slave drive and moved to the jungle. I spend most of my day nude; free of restrictive clothing. I feast mostly on organic fruits and vegetables picked from the land. I shower in monsoonal rains and drink from pristine creeks. I quit an unhealthy relationship and found peace. I haven't shaved my bodyhair, dyed my hair, or worn makeup in over 6 months... I'm feeling freer than ever in life. This is not random good luck! You too CAN create this freedom, and I'm here to inspire you.🤝 #gofreeyourself (ps- I do not recommend water fasts).


Farmer freelee 👩‍🌾#gofreeyourself


Some of you will hate me for being me, and that’s ok, at least you actually hate the REAL me. I refuse to manipulate you into “loving” a pretend me. In a world filled with fakery, at least our connection is authentic. ✌🏼#givemerealhatenotfakelove

Anonymous asked:

What are your stands on religion

There is NO skydaddy.🔥


Raw till...lunch box! 😉Even though I cook like a lifelong raw foodist many of you asked for lunch box recipes for school 🔥Thankfully these recipes (& more)turned out fucking amazing (with a little help)😅 and it's almost time to deliver the ebook 💪 If you need creative tasty unique healthy vegan lunch box recipes with photos of the whole process then stay tuned, it's coming. 😲👊 #gofreeyourself #vegan #veganlunchbox #lunchbox #freeleethebananagirl #lunch #schoollunch #burgers #rawtilllunch #rawtilllunchbox #rawtill4 #rt4

Anonymous asked:

Please do a new video on Tana Mongeau. She stopped being vegan and she literally makes fun of it with her friend.

Yeh she was never Vegan but I think it might be time for another video on that flake. Where did u see her making fun of vegans?

Anonymous asked:

how can you be so supportive or pro choice and abortion yet follow someone like Trump on instagram???

I'm not following him because I support him of course 🤷‍♀️ I like to comment some truth on his posts whenever possible. 🔥


Living Off-grid in the jungle is amazing 🙌 Solar power energy, satellite internet, pristine creek water for drinking, outdoor shower, composting toilet, recycling most food waste and mainly homegrown organic food. 💪 I show you more in today’s morning routine 2018. Link in here: https://youtu.be/1l7YuaYW2yU 👋 #gofreeyourself #vegan #morningroutine #girlpower #proqualityoflife #femaleempowerment #offgrid #outdoorshower #solarpowered #organicfood #fruit #tentlife #jungle #yoga

Anonymous asked:

'No matter WHOSE toes' (not who's)- you're so funny, Freelee. You pretend to know what you're talking about but you can't even spell. Ha

Oh wow good catch! I suddenly forgot I was being graded on Tumblr 😅That spelling error made the whole caption mean nothing. Thanks so much 🙄


Some people will find you too extreme, too passionate, too spicy, too…YOU. Some people will hate the way you think, speak, feel, look; those are NOT your people. 🙅‍♀️Stop chasing fake acceptance and adoration from others, and proudly strut to the beat of your own drum. 🙌Have the ovaries to STAND UP and rebel against the system, no matter whose you stand on. Your tribe will answer. 💪#gofreeyourself #vegan #girlpower#feminism#femaleempowerment#beyou

Anonymous asked:

your video about high heels is great! it's important that women starting understand that heels are form of opression and will never be empowering. there's nothing empowering about choosing oppression.



🤷‍♀️ There are between 17,000 and 32,000 rape-related pregnancies in the United States each year. There are many(?) states in the USA where if a woman is raped and chooses to birth, the rapist then has parenting rights. Yep, joint legal custody. 😧 A woman should never be forced to incubate a man's sperm. 😔 Prochoiceisprolife #gofreeyourself

Anonymous asked:

I'm really happy that you're speaking out about abortions and religion, my country (Poland) is currently trying to pass laws that'd ban abortion if the foetus is heavily damaged (the abortion here is legal only in 3 cases and this is one of them) and doctors can actually use their religion as an excuse to not perform an abortion if it is legal. There was even a case of a woman being forced to give birth to a baby unable to live on its own and she had to watch it die. Thank you for speaking up!

Ugh aw man :( We need to keep speaking up!


Apparently I’m going to burn in hell🔥after having an abortion because someone’s sky daddy isn’t happy. 😈🙄But I thought "thou shalt not judge" 🤷‍♀️ (By the way I don't mind u judging me at all, however, you can't then call yourself a "person of god")😏Religion has been called the "root of all evil" and it's not hard to see why. Religions around the world have been oppressing women and animals for centuries and I'm not staying quiet on it anymore, video coming. Yes, I'm a proud Atheist; I do not believe in your sky daddy, and I never will.👋 #religion #god#abortion #prochoice #prolife#gofreeyourself #feminism #femaleempowerment #noskydaddy (by the way if you are religious I do not necessarily dislike you as a person, I just do not agree with you).

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