
FCKH8 needs to stop

@stopfckh8-blog / stopfckh8-blog.tumblr.com

FCKH8 exploits the LGBTQ and other oppressed communities, has bad business practices and steals things to make money on t-shirts What's wrong with FCKH8? Read the posts on this blog and find out. We do not answer messages privately. SCREENCAPS - THEFT - CUSTOMER SERVICE - KIDS - RUSSIA - RACISM - FERGUSON - ACCOUNTABILITY - RELIGION - LESBIANS - MISOGYNY - TRANSPHOBIA/CISSEXISM - ASEXUAL - PANSEXUAL - STEREOTYPES - ALLIES - ABOUT THE BLOG

"Teach boys not to fucking rape" yes because teaching people not to fucking murder and steal has worked so well.


you’re way off point, teaching young boys about boundaries, consent and imbuing them with an innate respect for women as people and not prizes and objects they are entitled to DOES help stop them becoming rapists.

most people DO NOT commit murder, so that’s a bad comparison. don’t EVER compare rape to theft. it is really offensive to compare victims of sexual violence to property!

just because FCKH8 is flawed doesn’t mean the messages, slogans they use are completely wrong. don’t undermine the important impact of educating youth (especially boys) on “how not to rape” just because FCKH8 uses the phrase in an badly thought out and problematic video.

it is contributing to victim blaming and the lack of action to tackle the root issues even if you don’t mean to when you dismiss important strategies, just because an organization you don’t like associated with it.

FCKH8’s practices are so damaging and worrying exactly BECAUSE on a lot of issues they are correct or mean well. because their messages and impact have value that is less effective than it could be due to their own bad practices. or it contributes to the marginalization of intersecting groups they claim to be allied with even though they're selling themselves on being "inclusive").

Anonymous asked:

psst, could you guys collect your posts on fckh8's discrimination/marginalization of bisexuals under a link at the top of you page? i noticed a handful of posts that would definitely fall under that category, and think it would be nice if they could all be grouped like the other identities/categories are! thank you :)

we'll try using a 'biphobia' tag. someone(s) will go though old post seeing what's relevent to tag soon

if anyone has anything new (or wants to link old posts that could benefit from a 'biphobia' tag), you can use the submit function


"I shouldn't need a penis to get paid"

tw: transmisogyny, transphobia

((multiple people contributed to this post))

  • these are only basic points:
  • it is not the penis that grants you power it is being a man
  • some trans men have access to this power (male privilege), despite not having a "penis" of the type that is described in this context
  • ((that's not to imply that trans men do not face specific discrimination and difficulty in employment for being trans or things like race, class, disability))
  • trans women, who may have a "penis" in this rhetoric, face widespread and significant discrimination and barriers to employment. their penis, if they have one, grants them no special power to get paid more. the opposite is true: the specter of scary "women with penises" is at the center of transmisogyny!
  • reducing the issue to catchy memes about genitals is cissexist and transphobic, period
  • claiming women get paid less than men while ignoring the factor that race plays into this is bad social activism
  • white women come in over men of color on this scale. example:
  • a white man makes $1.24 for every $1 a white woman makes
  • a white man makes $1.52 for every $1 a latino man makes
  • so a white woman makes $1.28 for every $1 a latino man makes

FCKH8's clothes are made by American Apparel, A4 and Bella + Canvas

This information was in response to a direct inquiry about where their clothes are made:

((We know it is impossible to only buy/consume products that don't contribute to exploitative labor and poor working conditions ("ethical consumer") etc somewhere along the line. This information is shared because it has been requested by followers and is not readily available elsewhere.))

American Apparel:


  • There are lots of 'A4' companies that deal in apparel, we're not sure which one is associated with FCKH8.

Bella + Canvas:

  • Bella prides themselves on eco-friendly manufacturing, but we cringed to find their social responsibility page doesn't state them as having any interest in making sure the people who makes their clothes are paid or treated fairly:

What we want from FCKH8

  • TRANSPARENCY - Truthful and clear information on profits, donations and costs.
  • ORIGINALITY - No theft of art and intellectual property, as merch or marketing memes.
  • EDUCATION - A level of awareness of LGBT issues that is fitting for a company directly targeting that community as consumers - FCKH8 reps being ignorant and sometimes even bigoted and discriminatory is not acceptable.
  • FAIRNESS - Better custom service, including communication and how problems with orders are handled/resolved, and how FCKH8 deals with other companies and their employees.
  • RESPECT - An end to dog-whistle smear campaigns against their critics (like their response to colourlines). An openness to dialogue when they are criticized by members of a community they are trying to market to and make money from.

FCKH8's latest viral marketing campaign contains the line "I shouldn't need a penis to get paid", way to go with the cissexism. You'd think they'd have learnt by now.


But why learn when they can ride the mainstream success of Sarah Silverman's clueless and transphobic "if I got a sex change I'd get paid better!!" video?


Dear other white people: SHUT UP. YOU'RE NOT HELPING END RACISM. The fact that /another white person/ has to tell you guys that, proves that you're racist. =sry these stupid white people are messaging you=


sending US messages is literally helping nobody but making you feel like you’ve “done your part” when you’ve really done nothing of value

we KNOW white people are fucking up, go tell THEM


what happened to michael brown happened bc he was black, i dont doubt that. thats racist. that company isnt selling the shirt bc hes black, theyre selling it bc its controversial and controversy sells. intolerance is fueled by ignorance, and our social responsibility is to educate ourselves so that we become tolerant. some people arent there yet, but thats out of ur control. all u can do is be better, and try to educate others to do the same and thats not done through blaming other entire races


white folk collect your cousin


"no evidence will ever be enough for white people who are desperate to see things as some kind of fucked up 'evil but in a non-discriminatory, equal-opportunity way'." that statement is equally just as racist as anything this company could have done. to categorize all white people that way is just as unacceptable as categorizing minorities into anything. im a white person and im on YOUR team, so dont offend me with that kind of claim. the way to fight racism is not with more racism.


newsflash: you’re racist, shut the fuck up


Hey friends!  So remember FCKH8, the PETA of the LGBTQIA+ movement?  Well they stole my work for their facebook and didn’t bother to put in the ten seconds of effort it takes to find the source, and then told me to my face they didn’t think it worth it to credit me for my own art.  But are we even surprised at this point?

If you have a moment why don’t you go let them know what you feel about art theft?  And remember NOT to support this group.  They’re most recently selling Ferguson shirts and it’s tempting to buy those but FCKH8 will make money from it so instead donate directly to the town.

UPDATE: They’ve since removed my art but don’t let them get away with anything else.  I’ve read that this is a common problem with their company so I can’t assume they’ve learned any lessons by me.


Stolen posts/Art

I’ve seen literally all the comics they post before, they’re all stolen from various sources. This is gonna be long because there’s a lot. 

http://www.beutifulmagazine.com/ is the earliest source I can find for this and their site comes up multiple times when you reverse image search it:

This post is stolen from Tumblr user @gonnalivethedream. The images all have her watermark in the corner and is another unsourced, image set.

The “Raised Manholes” post, as well as being gross is a direct lift from Reddit, but I can’t find the Original poster’s username at this time. 

There’s a few really gross posts that are lifted from /r/creepypms, including a screenshots of  conversations where bisexual women are being harrassed.

An artist called Saint Hoax has had multiple images of  theirs taken and left uncredited. The campaign was targetting domestic abuse and was called Happily Never After, but their site is currently down for maintenance. (sainthoax.com)

And that’s with 5 minutes of reverse image searching. 

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