
Pesky Redhead

@peskyredhead-blog / peskyredhead-blog.tumblr.com

writer. marvel fangirl. feminist. cleverly disguised as a responsible adult. currently freaking out over peggy carter and matt murdock.


Today, October 18th 2015, Naveka Designs turns one year old! Thank you so much to all the customers who have supported us to make it this far. Here’s a small giveaway to thank you.


  • 1st place: two items from our shop + anniversary necklace
  • 2nd place: one items from our shop + anniversary necklace
  • runner-up: a 60% discount coupon


  • We ship worldwide.
  • Giveaway closes October 31st, 11:59pm CDT (GMT-5).
  • Likes count as entries too! Please reblog only two times a day.
  • Winners will be selected using a random number generator.
  • You (or your parents, if you are underage) must be willing to give us your address via e-mail so we can ship your prize to you. We cannot give 100% discount coupons on Etsy.

Keep an eye on this blog for the following days, since we’ll be posting coupons for discounts and free shipping. Again, thank you! <3



Today, October 18th 2015, Naveka Designs turns one year old! Thank you so much to all the customers who have supported us to make it this far. Here’s a small giveaway to thank you.


  • 1st place: two items from our shop + anniversary necklace
  • 2nd place: one items from our shop + anniversary necklace
  • runner-up: a 60% discount coupon


  • We ship worldwide.
  • Giveaway closes October 31st, 11:59pm CDT (GMT-5).
  • Likes count as entries too! Please reblog only two times a day.
  • Winners will be selected using a random number generator.
  • You (or your parents, if you are underage) must be willing to give us your address via e-mail so we can ship your prize to you. We cannot give 100% discount coupons on Etsy.

Keep an eye on this blog for the following days, since we’ll be posting coupons for discounts and free shipping. Again, thank you! <3


Today we spent the morning de-weeding my yard and then we packed up 70% of my library and now we’re at Lowe’s picking up paint to beginning paint the guest room, which we’re affectionately calling @peskyredhead’s room. :D


Hmmm...I think @actual-hawkeye-kate-bishop and @whereintheworldisbuckybarnes are in front of me at this Women fantasy writers panel


PSA for everyone writing term research papers right now

Mendeley is the greatest program ever

I want to weep with joy every time I use it

Just click a button when you pull up an article and it will automatically save it to your library

And cite it for you

And you can use it on your mobile devices

And it’s free

Just download it and you won’t have so many urges to kill everyone in sight while writing a research paper


Thank you so much!

Guys, I cannot stress how amazing this program is. 

You can use it to highlight, write notes, mark up, etc. What I do is I highlight all the important jazz, use the comments to write notes on the document, and on the side bar, I write an annotated bib for it for future me. It save everything you write on it forever for you and you can put the articles in folders and organize it.

But that’s not the best part, the best part is that you can access your articles ANYWHERE. Literally anywhere. Forgot your laptop and at a public library? No worries! You can go to the Mendeley website and ACCESS ALL YOUR ARTICLES WITH YOUR NOTES ONLINE. You don’t even have to download the program to access it! It is a life saver and I suggest everyone in academia use it!


Dawson will travel to “Luke Cage” after appearing in both “Daredevil” and “Jessica Jones,” the two Netflix series preceding “Luke Cage.” This is part of Dawson’s overall Marvel contract, which has positioned Claire Temple as potentially the connective tissue for Netflix’s four Marvel shows (it has yet to be announced if Dawson will appear on the fourth series, “Iron Fist”). Temple’s involvement on “Cage” seems a natural fit considering that the character originally appeared in the comics as Luke Cage’s love interest.

Rossi played Juice Ortiz on FX’s “Sons of Anarchy” from 2008 to 2014. Deadline’s report states that Rossi’s character is “smooth and manipulative, street smart and controlling.” Deadline’s inside source believes that Rossi will be playing a villain on the show, Shades. In the comics, Shades and his partner Comanche were Cage’s fellow inmates; upon getting out of jail, Shades donned a special visor that emitted powerful blasts.

“Luke Cage’s” cast continues to grow; Alfre Woodard joined the show in August in an unspecified, possibly villainous role. Cheo Hodari Coker (“Southland,” “Ray Donovan”) will serve as showrunner for the series.

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