

@morgielefay-blog / morgielefay-blog.tumblr.com

I'm an actor, singer, voice over, and a lover of life! Check out my blog, it's got lots of silly ish on it and occasionally updates on my life. :) Check out my website! (www.morganmeadows.org) Annnnd... my VO demo! (http://studiocenter.com/voice-talent/morgan-m)
what she says: you can touch my hair if you want
what she means: please for the love of god play with my hair feel how soft it is I will roll over into your lap like a kitten

“Two days ago at school we learned how to play a game called chest. You have horses and pawns and bishops and castles, and you’re supposed to steal other peoples’ places by squirting your pawn diagonal and eating their pieces. If anyone else wants to learn chest, I’ll teach them.”

Kesha was being raped by her producer for 10 years straight and when she tried to push charges , her right to make music was taken away from her.now she is not only a victim of a disgusting crime but her career is at risk too, help kesha by joining the hashtag #FreedomForKesha, spread it and let us not just sit and watch , i don’t care if you like her music or not, she is still a human, no one deserves to be treated like this, everybody deserve love and respect .

I’m watching the Republican debate and Trump oh m y go dddd

“I’ve been in politics my whole life, just on that side.” *points to audience*

Yeah Trump I’ve been a doctor all my life just on that side *points to the patient waiting room*

I can’t f ucking believe. Rand Paul called him out on insulting people for petty things, like a middle schooler, and Trump’s response.

“I don’t recall ever attacking you on your looks, and there’s a lot to talk about there.”


“Trump you insult people on superficial things.” “No I don’t also you’re ugly.”

He unironically suggested we let ISIS and Syria kill each other off

Is this–Is this Jurassic World?!?

Donald Trump drinking game: take a drink every time Trump answers a complex, important political question with–

  • The world doesn’t respect Obama
  • The world doesn’t respect America
  • We need to be great again

I’d do it but I don’t wanna die. Someone else take me up on it.

“I respect women.” –Donald Trump

“Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that?” –Donald Trump, about the one woman Republican candidate.

How did this callous lizard man crawl out of the swamp and slither into a suit. Who let this melty slug flop its way onto stage. Isn’t there security at these things?

“I want to build a wall. We have a lot of really bad dudes in this country. They’ve got gangs all over the place.”

I know 12-year-olds more politically informed than this.

“We have to have assimilation! In America we speak English!!”

-lies down- -lies down and cries- -rocks back and forth crying-

Trump, aiming to be surgeon general “Disease is bad! We have to go back to a time when disease wasn’t ravaging this country! Obama let disease happen. I won’t stand by and let Obama turn American into this!”

Trump, aiming to be a Supreme Court judge, “Lawlessness is ravaging this country! Crime is so high! We need to stop judges from letting illegal things happen! Obama did this.”

Trump, aiming for any highly specified and vitally important position, “Vague general angry statement! Blaming Obama! More vague angry noises! I hate women!”

“Autism has become an epidemic…I want smaller doses (of vaccines) over time… You take this little beautiful baby and you pump in–it looks like it was meant for a horse!”

oh god. oh god oh god ho god oh go do goh og do goh ogod ghog dso gooh god 

He said. He said. Let’s not vaccinate our kids because needles are scary. The vaccines. Look scary. Don’t put needle in smol baby. Scary. I don’t



“I thought you guys were pro-life.” -My friend Annie, in response to the above

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