
My Goodsnakes

@snowil / snowil.tumblr.com

happiness is just a hap away
Kite 1.0, punching a child: Respect Nature
Kite 2.0: I see you are apologizing for murdering me. Interesting. I have never been so insulted in my entire life. You will follow me everywhere, apologizing every day. You will not be allowed to take your own life. You will achieve self-actualization. You will practice self care. You are part of my friend group. Yes this is a threat

fucking losing it at the concept of a reverse Holmes and Watson like there's this genius journalist who goes around solving crimes and writes about how he does it and then there's his useless himbo assistant who does fuck all and just follows him around absolutely out of his mind on cocaine






The spy chasing me throws a tracking device at my car. The throw is perfectly timed and the small, round device hits the bumper perfectly flush. However, since the tracker is magnetic and my shitty car is plastic, it bounces off

The spy is following me as I walk down the street. I bob in and out of shops. Pause and accelerate my pace randomly. Stop to tie my shoe so he loses sight of me. I stay perfectly out of his reach. This is all due to being sleep deprived, confused, hungry, and lost

The spy freezes my bank account. I do not notice for three weeks and only because Netflix sends me an email about non-payment

The spy chasing me does a stakeout at my house. After 4 days of trying to match my sleeping pattern he has to call HQ for backup


What did you do that requires a spy to follow you so thoroughly?

Honestly I have no idea. My best guess is that it's a misunderstanding


I may be an absolute disaster of an adult but when someone younger than me asks for advice I turn into a Wise Professor

Youngster: how do you cope with exams/anxiety/time management

Me, who just had a panic attack while eating a bagel at 2 pm:

Anonymous asked:

I see your short hair hero Shinsou, but have you thought about flowing locks Shinsou? 🤔

i like the way you think, anon…. aizawa paid shinsou $500 to cut his hair or shave because there were too many “eraserhead sightings” of him petting cats around town u_u


So, some facts to consider:

-> Katsuki Bakugou sweats nitroglycerin from his palms

-> He sweats a lot of it, particularly when in combat/excising (see: the giant bracers he can fill on his arms).

-> Quirks often have negative side effects on their users, usually related to not being immune to some element of the quirk ex: being able to create fire but not being fireproof.

-> Nitroglycerin is used medicinally as a strong vasodilator (lowers blood pressure).

-> Nitroglycerin can lower blood pressure dangerously even at low dosages.

-> While people can build up some immunity to it over time, high exposure like Katsuki would have would still be dangerous. Unless his body had some sort of counter.

-> There’s lots of ways a body could raise blood pressure. One of them? Stress.

-> Stress (adrenaline and cortisol) can significantly raise blood pressure and do so fairly quickly.

My conclusion? Katsuki having No Chill Ever is actually his body’s way of keeping his blood pressure even. He’s constantly at 99/100 stress level for everything because of this. It’s why he does everything so intensely, he’s got near max levels of Adrenaline in him at all times.

Now whether or not this is canon or what canon intended is up in the air, but it’s now my personal canon. Ideal results of this:

-> Katsuki’s stress levels are discovered when he and his classmates/maybe teachers are exposed to a fear/panic quirk that shoots your adrenaline and cortisol through the roof. His classmates are sent into a panicked frenzy, running around and hiding. His teachers are either also panicked or just barely holding on to rational thought through many years of practice. Katsuki…. is just fine? Mostly he’s confused as to what the hell is wrong with everyone else. Whoever they’re fighting isn’t actually that tough without their quirk, so Katsuki takes ‘em down. Everyone is put through medical to determine what happened and why Katsuki wasn’t effected. They discover the quirk didn’t work because like, the quirk is made to take someone from 5-10% stress to a sudden 90-95%. Katsuki has a resting 96.7% or something. The extra 3.3% doesn’t change much.

-> They try to put him on anti-anxiety meds or something to help. He starts to calm down for the first time in his life which lasts all of 5 minutes before he passes out and almost fucking dies from the blood pressure drop.

-> “So you’re telling me being calm for once in my life literally almost fucking killed me?”

“Basically, yeah.”

“Hang on, I need to call my mom. I have an argument to win.”

“Hey mom, remember all the times you said ‘Would it kill you to calm the fuck down, you brat?!?!?’ to me? WELL GUESS WHAT-”



Izuku: Ah. It would literally kill him to be nice. That explains everything. 


You’ve heard of “Fake Dating.” Now get ready for

Fake Family

1. “This guy is being a creep and won’t leave me alone. Will you pretend to be my overprotective older brother for five minutes?”

2. “The nurse said only family was allowed back here, so I told her we were siblings. Just go along with it.”

3. “That person asked if I was your S/O. I’m sick of people not believing when I say we’re friends, so I said we were siblings.”

4. “I’m your bodyguard, but the event you’re going to does not allow bodyguards, so I’m now your sibling.”

5. “I was on a date, and the person made me uncomfortable, so I told them my parent was a cop. Only problem: My parents are dead, and you’re the only cop I know. Help?”

6. “We have a very elaborate story of how we’re related that we tell everyone when they meet us. No one has any idea that it isn’t true.” 

7. “I told someone we were siblings, but we look nothing alike, so you said I was adopted. Now they want to have dinner with my family… Are your parents good at lying?”

8. “We always joke that we’re siblings, but someone didn’t realize we were joking, so now we’re seeing how far we can carry this out.”

9. “Our organization is extremely covert, but your friends have caught me at your place a few times picking you up. I just found out that you’ve been telling them I’m your hysterical aunt who calls you every time she has a new heartbreak. Really? You couldn’t come up with a less embarrassing cover?” 

10. “Look, I love you, too, but if you keep telling people you’re my grandchild, I’m going to scream. I’m not that old, you know?”


the longer I’m parenting-aged the more I realize how disciplinary oriented parenting styles are significantly more deranged than initially assumed

me as a teen watching a parent storm across a room to scream at a child for accidentally spilling paint: hm. This is not good.

me as an adult watching another adult storm across a room to scream at a vulnerable and still developing child for accidentally spilling paint: This is my villain origin story

Bartender: thanks for stopping that bar fight, spiderman. Can I get you a drink? It’s on the house
Peter: thank you, but I can’t
Bartender: why not
Peter, trying not to give his age away: I’m pregnant
Bartender, shook: oh, congratulations, boy or girl?
Peter, now in full-on panic mode: it’s an uh, spider

I’m seeing stuff in the notes about “Miles would do this” and I just want to say: you’re absolutely right. All Spider-folks across all universes share one (1) singular brain cell and most of the time it’s Gwen’s.

As the current author of Spider-Gwen, I can attest that Gwen has not seen the brain cell in years.


I finally lay my eyes upon this glorious post myself


He’s protesting the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) in Mauna Kea! Say the name of the location and who’s trying to set up the TMT!

Jason Momoa says he can’t start shooting “Aquaman 2”… because he “got run over by a bulldozer” while protesting construction of a giant telescope on land considered sacred to native Hawaiians.

“Sorry Warner Bros we can’t shoot ‘Aquaman 2,'” he wrote in an Instagram post. “Because Jason got run over by a bulldozer trying to stop the desecration of his native land THIS iS NOT HAPPENING. WE ARE NOT LETTING YOU DO THIS ANYMORE. Enough is enough. Go somewhere else.”

In a followup post, Momoa asked fans to support the protest movement, writing, “During this time, we are trying to unite both kānaka and Hawai’i born peoples alike to protect not only the mauna, but also our way of life and greatest natural resources in Hawaii as a whole.”

Momoa has spent several weeks protesting on the highest point on the state of Hawaii, Mauna Kea, in an effort to stop construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), a $1.4 billion scientific project underwritten by a group of universities in California and Canada as well as partners in China, India and Japan.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson also has been protesting the construction of the telescope last month, he made a surprise visit to the dormant volcano.

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