
@barrycisco-blog / barrycisco-blog.tumblr.com

korryn; hey everyone.

star wars in general is terribly written, not just the prequels

like, i can’t remember the post now but the guy who plays obi wan whose name is also escaping me, was complaining about the dialogue

carrie fisher was complaining about the dialogue

the scene with leia and luke and then leia and han in return of the jedi is cringeworthy

it is badly written

even the pacing in a new hope and return of the jedi - would argue empire strikes back is an exception - is bad.

the whole last thirty minutes in a new hope where they’re fighting to destroy the death star is too long and i’m not invested in any of the characters except for luke but it’s basically just an extended action scene with nothing going for it

same with the battle on endor

star wars has always had a problem balancing out its characters and its action – that’s what makes empire strikes back and the force awakens so different because they achieved that balancing act much better than the other movies.

but the thing for me is that both trilogies have a huge heart underneath the bad dialogue and the bad pacing that literally shines through. 

i’m just so tired of people holding the OT to this paradigm of goodness when the same problems literally plague them both.


I was dragged on Twitter for this but I’m gonna try again on here I low key wanna switch my iPhone 6 Plus for a galaxy 7 edge

why would someone drag you bc of this??

omfg my fave tweet from when I got dragged was “your selfies are gonna like CCTV found footage on Cops™ yes bitch WERK it 😩👏🏽👏🏽💦💦💦” I WANTED TO CRY


laskdjf omfg. i mean that’s probably not wrong but heY water proof is pretty neat

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