
@danjaley /

Welcome to Danjaley's cluttered and curious blog about historis(i)m, stories, and cc-making adventures. Most of my custom content can be found here, as well as archived content from retired creators.

Posepack: Cutting Hair

  • Pose 1a and 1b are made with Newsea Mellowstars. The one linked is the retexture I use, of course any other is fine as well!
  • The half-cut hair is the basegame ‘Emo’ hairstyle.
  • Pairings 3-5 can be combined rather freely. Pair 2 now snaps together, but is in a different position than the rest. Also you may have to use alt to reduce clipping between the hair and the scissors.
  • Pose 2f now has a hand-position without the scissors. You can combine 2 and 2m, but in this case both Sims hold scissors.
  • 1b was not in my story, but I thought it would be useful for bathroom mirrors.
  • List, nolist, previews and codes are included.

The scissors-accessory is by @murfeelee and is included with this download. Thanks for your work and patience, and for allowing me to include the finished item here!

  • The scissors are found in CAS under Accessories/ Rings.
  • Teen to elder, male/female
  • Custom thumbnail

Update March 2025: Dehyphenated codes and hopefully more intuitive numbering. Improvements to some poses.

Download: SimFileShare | Dropbox

Updated with minor improvements, especially the hand of pose 2f.


Future Story Snippet

Thanks for the tag @toadifylackoffantasy ! Especially for you, the appearance of guest-star Eric Pistache in 1801 (I may still work on the pseudo-Irish spelling):

François: I’ll take ten feet of this please. Trader: Name? François: François Louis de Montigny. Trader: Very funny, your lordship. Company? François: Delaroche & Montigny. I’m the owner. Trader: I’ll put it down like that. Give my greetings to your master. François: Very well.

Trader: Next please! – Name? Customer: Eirigh Peastaighe. Trader: Excuse me? Eric: I’ll write it down for you. Trader: Firm? Eric: The same. I’m the owner. Trader: Are you young fools in a conspiracy to make fun of me!?


Posepacks: Poem - Read

Simple reading poses, using Sunny’s accessory.

The three extra poses were made for various contexts. The book is by kuroineko05 (book 6). The chair in pose 2 must be pushed back a little with alt. I put these poses in a separate pack, as I don’t know if I will expand the ‘letter’ and ‘read’ themes in the future. The nolist poses are all together in one file.

Download: SimFileshare | Dropbox


Posepack: Argument at Table

These don’t strictly follow a narrative but are rather some variations of fist/pointing/flat hand. As you can see in the previews, the back of the chair often gets in the way, but as always the alt-key is your friend :)

Update March 2025: Dehyphenated Codes. Less risk of conflict with the later ‘Argument’ posepack. Previews now included.

Download: SimFileShare | Dropbox

This posepack used the same codes as my recent "Argument" poses, only with - instead of _. Please redownload for more unique codes. No changes to the poses themselves.


Posepack: Lead Child, Hold Hands

This is one of those themes I keep adding to as the story requires it. For this reason there are some duplicates in this pack, but I thought it would be useful to have them all together.

  • "childlead1" is previously unreleased. I made this for a smaller child and then converted it to standard height.
  • "childead2" is exactly the same as "sisters2". This was updated before, only the codes are changed to match this set. I may retire the "Sisters" posepack at some point and move the hair-brushing pose to "Dressing". (But I'm nostalgic about it because it was the first posepack I made for my current story.)
  • "childlead3" is an improved and expanded group from "Child Conversation". I use this all the time, and I felt a mirrored version would be useful.
  • The "childholdhand" set was partly released in a Miscellaneous set, which I split up. Here I added the non-pregnant variations.

Download: SimFileshare | Dropbox


Character Inspo Tag

Considering myself tagged by @toadifylackoffantasy . I couldn't come up with six, but here are four between Matt and Jon. Tagging in turn anyone who wants to share their inspo.


Posepacks: Serving at Table

Serving Poses

Poses 1a+b are not made for any specific plate. The picture on the right shows how they snap together. To adjust them to a plate in game, use alt-shift, and alt-rotate. (To alt-rotate Sims, put them on an OMSP and rotate that)

Update March 2025: Added the three tray poses, which are converted from the child set. The orignal poses 1-3 are unaltered except for dehyphanated codes. Previews are now included.

Serving Poses (Child)

Poses for a child serving at the table - in the story this was a bit of a Cinderella character, that’s why the expressions are mostly unhappy.

Props used:

  • Tray by Anoeska, Flatiron by Kardofe, Tablecloth by Lillyofthevalley,
  • (Mug by Aroundthesims - You can of course use any object for this pose, but it has to be placed on an OMSP to be at the child’s fingertips)

(Updated filename and moved to this shared post - no need to redownload)

Download: SimFileshare | Dropbox


Posepacks: Bedside 1 + 2 (Reworked)

Complete overhaul of these two posepacks. List, nolist, codes and previews are now included.

Bedside 1

  • Dehyphenated codes with completely new numbering system.
  • The chair-poses now have codes with "chair". 1a-c und 2 a-c are now centred to the chair, so they won't snap into the position by the bed. This makes them more useful for general seated conversations. For this reason they're in a file of their own. Seat-height is now that of a dining-chair.
  • The poses on the bed are now more natural, except for 1a, which was always supposed to look more dead than alive. I also kept the rather stiff version of pose 3, in case it's needed. Poses and expressions can now be combined with Lyralei's Poseplayer Add-on.
  • Download Bedside 1: SimFileshare | Dropbox

Bedside 2

  • Dehyphenated codes, partly renumbered. There was a serious mess in the old nolist file, which made it conflict with poses from Bedside3. Apologies, if anyone ever ran into that!
  • All poses improved in details, the one on the bed using the more natural pose from Bedside 1 (2a-c).
  • Pair 5ab2 is completely new. Idk, I found this in the folder; I must have made the variation for a story in the meantime.
  • Download Bedside 2: SimFileshare | Dropbox

Claire: And now tell me honestly how bad it is.

André: I hope to see Lucie married. And if possible to outlive my mother.

Claire: Your mother is determined to be one hundred, so we’re safe until 1830.

André: But if anything goes wrong, I’m glad you’re here. I can’t believe it’s real. All this time it was my only comfort that you were safe in Switzerland. Even if it meant I’d never see you again.


Claire: This may be a weird question to ask ones husband – but may I come over to your bed?

André: Any time. But I think you know …

Claire: Yes. It took me eleven years and a journey round Europe to recover from Lucie’s birth.

André: And I don’t want you to catch my cough. Er – and remember this is a thoroughfare room.


Separated Bunk Beds

All these beds are basegame-compatible and found in the usual catalogue places for beds. Prices are from the original bunk-beds, so they’ll show up near them:

  • Simple: 450§
  • Traditional: 800§
  • Antique 1300§

I only copied the first preset from the original beds (you can copy them over in game, if you need the others). Exception is the Antique bed, which has four presets with all stencil variations.

All beds are set to allow cats to hide under them. In case of the Antique bed, the cat will actually be hidden under the curtain, but I thought this was realistic :)

The Traditional bed comes in three variations: With a high and a low frame, and “mixed” with a high head and a low foot. Those three have some clipping and shadows left from their bunkbed-days.

Update March 2025: Fixed the tiling and removed old presets for the Traditional beds. Added the ‘mixed’ version.

Download: SimFileShare | Dropbox

Update: Adjusted the pattern-tiling for the Traditional beds (Thanks for letting me know, @stimmysimmy !). Now only the wood is slightly distorted, but that's in the mesh, not in the tiling. I also removed the old presets from the cloned object and added an extra version, which I've been wanting to do for some time. The two updated files will not overwrite the old versions.


Random question for native speakers of English:

What are the correct pronouns for angels? My guess was that it's "it" when referring to a figurine or in a general context and "he" if it's the archangel Gabriel. In German it's always "he". Although technically they aren't really male. This is to settle a dinner-dispute.


Lucie: So much happened! I went to school in the convent. I loved it at the time, but now I think it was very gloomy and dull. And Papa and Grandpère were in prison although they haven’t done anything wrong! I’m so glad Papa made it, because Grandpère died right after he came back and we thought Oncle Montingy had been executed. But our uncles from Scotland came and brought us here. You must meet them, they’re very nice. Uncle Jonathan lives just round the corner, but he’s extremely shy. Uncle Matthieu is more fun – he lives on a farm with lots of sheep and cows and horses, but it’s on the other side of the country. Luckily it’s a rather narrow country, so it’s not as far away as you were in Switzerland. But you know that, right? You grew up here. Didn’t you find it annoying that there’s a storm literally every day? Did you get your cough here? And how did you get along with Grandfather Briscoe? I’m so glad you’re here to answer my questions.


Nicolas: My poor mother!

Claire: She was so sorry she didn’t get to reunite with you. But I’m to tell you she was delighted to see Italy and the Mediterranean and she could finally understand why you love it so much.

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