
@harryfeelstagram / harryfeelstagram.tumblr.com

shelby / 18
I don't wanna let it burn in the city lights

ok so Matt would definitely be the one to get super excited to plan out your wedding and he would be by your side and have opinions on everything for the wedding instead of letting you do all of the work and even if you didn’t like one little thing and just shrugged it off he wouldn’t have it. He would make sure everything is perfect for his princess and then when the actual wedding day comes he would try to sneak a peek at you while you’re getting ready and the bridesmaids are in a different room but you wouldn’t let him. so instead he would send you a ton of texts that morning and say how he couldn’t sleep the night before bc you weren’t in the same bed as him and he never wants that again and little “I love you’s” and “in 3 hours we’ll be married” and every hour until the actual minute and then the ceremONY he would be sO excited standing at the altar with a little tux on and his hair styled and your favorite cologne on him. yours and his parents would be in the front row and he would keep glancing at them with a huGE smile on his face and he does a little jump as he stands there because he’s sO excited to see the love of his life walk down any minute. once the music starts playing he would immediately start shaking even though he tried to keep his cool. you walk in and every single persons eyes are on you and you get a lil nervous and you and Matt lock eyes and he just smiLES SO FUCKING BIg and you can see him tearing up a lil but he wipes his eyes real fast and because he’s crying you’re crying so then you get to the altar and he just smiles at you and kisses your cheek and he grabs your hands and just stares into your eyes and you’re crying and his tears are spilling over so he just whispers little things to you like “baby girl you’re going to ruin your makeup if you keep crying” and you both chuckle a little and then it gets to the vows he would start off with the first night you met and describe exactly what you were wearing and how you looked perfect to him but you thought otherwise and talk about your first date and your first big fight but you always stood by his side, which he thought was crazy because he never thought anyone would be that insane to stay with him this long and then to actually marry him. so you would do your vows and go over how you never understood how he could handle you and he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you and he would tear up again then the guy would say “you may now kiss the bride” and he would lean in and give you the most passionate kiss you’ve ever shared, but not too rough and then you guys would leave the altar all smiley and happy and giddy and so fucking happy

This makes me cringe but it's also really cute I hate myself


Just a casual reminder that Jennifer Lawrence is a horrible person who mocks and disrespects the culture of the disenfranchised

JFC how could you not even be aware of how asinine you’re being?


ok but chris pratt pressing his fists

he was ready

Didn’t Chris Pratt used to live in Hawaii before he got famous?

He did! He was also homeless during that time of his life.

that’s….that’s fucking disgusting

Anonymous asked:

Maybe high school where I'm from is more different than what I thought compared to US but I don't really think it was made for extroverts lol why do you say that?

first, crowded as HELL, second, u have to participate in class or u dont get “points” which affect your grade, third, in my spanish class (which i’m dropping today) the teacher had us spontaneously get up (there are abt 40 ppl in the class) and introduce ourselves latin american style to everyone we didn’t know, and just talk to ppl? without any notice? and then she randomly called on me when she saw how i was freaking out abt it lol. fourth, the learning environment is just designed for people who can raise their hand and talk and not for people like me, who like to sit and listen and even if im not raising my hand and participating vocally, i’m still listening attentively. but they just dont see that. at least my public high school is centered around people who are comfortable in big crowds and big classrooms and being picked on whenever. don’t even get me started on the assemblies OMG. also, idk if anyone else agrees w me??? but that’s jus my opinion ig. sorry it’s so long LOL



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