

@radiojane-blog / radiojane-blog.tumblr.com

Shauna * Earned AFA, working on BFA* Aiming for the Comic Book Industry * Plays with animation * Click here for my animation blogs! *

Bow chika bow wowwww~

Hey ya’ll, so in case you thought I was dead over the past few months, here’s my excuse. xD  This is my third costume, and definitely the most challenging.  The armor set took me four months, and the energy sword was rushed in the last three days before Phoenix Comicon where I premiered it.  I decided to do a Halo Reach/Epsilon Unit rendition of Tucker, I’ve always preferred Reach’s armor style. X)


Here's a little teaser of a few panels from a page I'm working on for a fan comic that I've had rolling around in my head for some time now...  Whether or not I'm just gonna do a few pages for my portfolio, as opposed to doing the whole comic, I've yet to decide... >3> 

Also, sorry if Tumblr's messing up the resolution and blinding you with the sharpness, coloring it should fix that. xD; 


Woah, a bud just told me that a few of my animations got some love on Nick Roche and James Roberts's Twitters!  I'm glad you fine fellows liked my work, it's made my day!  Part of what's made reading More than Meets the Eye a comic book experience like no other is how the creative staff has been interacting with the fans along the way, it's great fun. X)


HI!! Your Casey Jones cosplay is amazing! can you please tell me how you made the hockey sticks?


I've been getting this question a lot, so I'll just post this up here for anyone who's curious!  Good luck to all ye who wish to have security policy-approved hockey sticks for your next comic con. xD


Rewind's Data Log 452: "Meet the Crew! Part One: Cyclonus"

I figured I'd bring this here onto my main blog, it's been about a year since I made it, and I'm happy to announce that the Rewind's Data Log series is back in the works!  I've got a new addition that I'll post up either today or tomorrow! X) 

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