
Dark One Had Cometh

@filipfatalattractionrblog / filipfatalattractionrblog.tumblr.com

One day I'll become a writer

Anyway, here's the megapost of all my sonic adventure surge pieces. This series was a blast, I love the green goober and I learned a lot. Especially keen to try that rendering style again, it's very reminiscent of how I used to draw on iPad (back on my old blog) and I'm v nostalgic for it.

tumblr is full of phrases that we are all so desensitized to that they're just normal, but if you say it to a person in real life its so funny to them its a one-hit insta kill

my fave additions from the notes

i think its just the humor being very similar. We love explicit wacky expressions, especially online!

we uuuuh are also usually left alone on social media because so few people know portuguese outside of brazil (compared to, say, english or spanish). so we just. say shit thinking none one will see. like this one time someone tweeted to lil nas x "lil nas x break into my house and eat the asshole of my entire family".


In case you forgot, this is what he looked like before

??? Do lobsters change color when they molt? I never knew

Not usually, no. They tend to lose some of their color when theyโ€™re preparing to molt and then come out looking more vibrant, but they typically donโ€™t change colors completely. Banana Bread is just a very fashionable lobster I guess

last night i dreamt tumblr added like a billion buttons to the mobile app so instead of this

we got this

and everyone just rolled with it but sometimes the wide naruto got too wide and blocked off all the other buttons and people would just post "got naruto'd again :/" and the only way to reset him was to log out and log back in

I believe in gentle parenting. Unfortunately many people refuse to parent their child at all under the guise of gentle parenting. Sometimes youโ€™ve got to look your fourth grader in the eye and say โ€œLittle dude, that was an asshole move.โ€

Both equally important feedback to give children.

John Cena's social media is fascinating because his twitter is the most generic sounding inspirational messages ever that sound like theyre from an old calendar while his instagram is filled with weird memes that Cena mustve made himself because a lot of them seem like he's the only person that understands them

Probably the most notable meme is Cena photoshopping someone elseโ€™s head (or an object) onto Stone Cold Steve Austin and saying โ€œStone Cold [thing in image]). Heโ€™s posted like hundreds of these

hate it when i want to start working on a project that needs major structural changes, but i haven't figured out what i'm doing with the ending yet. logically i know that with the last project i had this, i also didn't know what i was doing with the ending, until it randomly came to me on the journey to a work event while i was working on the chapters leading up to the ending. but like. that won't happen TWICE, surely

something i genuinely love about making kink art for people is there's an honesty about them. like someone contacting me to say "can you draw my fursona being pampered and fattened by toriel from undertale" and i say "yeah gimmie like a week to get a wip ready." like its so mundane. but think for a moment that person is confiding with me a deep fantasy they have. something they might not tell a lot of other people about. definitely not family or coworkers or non-furry friends. but they're coming to me, fully exposed. their soul laid bare. naked. about something they feel deep within. and for me it is tuesday. i dunno i feel like i live in a world where a lot of creative works have to focus more and more on keeping up appearances. Marketing themselves, being advertiser friendly, obeying whatever trend or algorithm demands it. A lot of it feels disconnected from people. So having someone come to me personally and request: "draw the avatar of myself being loved exactly the way i want to be loved" or "draw this person who represents my ideal partner" or "draw me loving my body" or hell even "draw me being a nasty bitch" it's honest. it's brave. it's intimate and trusting. i think its beautiful. Hell yeah i'll draw it. Your dream deserves to be given life and i really hope i succeed.

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