
@vetmedlove / vetmedlove.tumblr.com

vet student. newlywed. golden lover. crazy cat lady.

Feline Ceruminous Cystomatosis

This is an uncommon nonneoplastic pathology that can be found in cats. If the cysts remain small, no treatment is necessary. In severe cases, like the cat in our practice, treatment can be warranted. Different techniques can be used, of which laser therapy is preferred. Other options are  surgical excision, cryotherapy and chemical cautery.


The study grind


Clark Kent could have been a doctor, using his x-ray vision to detect life threatening tumors. But no, we really needed another journalist.

Om g


You don't know why you're studying anymore?

You’re studying because you want to get a good grade, you’re studying because you want to show that you’re capable, you’re studying because you want to go to your favorite university, you’re studying because you want to be a doctor, a judge, an engineer, an artist, whatever you dream of. You’re studying because you wanna do what you love. You’re studying what you hate because you want to do amazing things one day. You’re studying because you have a goal. You’re conflicted because you care. You’re procrastinating because you think you won’t be good enough, so why even try? But let me tell you, if you keep lying down and just thinking about your ambitions, they will never come true. You gotta work for it. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. I promise you it will be worth it. And don’t think, not even for a second, that you can’t do it. Don’t make excuses. You CAN and WILL do it. You’re studying because it will help you do it.

Anonymous asked:

is it okay if i let my cat lick a marshmallow on occasion? i think she likes the texture

Not a problem.

We sometimes recommend hiding pills in marshmallows for pets that need a restricted protein or novel protein diet, since it’s mostly sugar and most pets don’t react to them.


Apparently cats in general tend to really love marshmallows? At a recent CE lecture the vet recommended them for pilling cats. Haven’t tried it yet personally, but wanted to add that in case someone needs ideas for pilling their naughty kitty, even if they don’t have food allergies :3

So it’s not just my cat?  (She found these poor defenseless marshmallows in the bag.  Bag was just as beat up as these marshmallows when I got home.)  I gotta remember this!

The fiend! Those poor marshmallows never had a chance ;P

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