
The devil is a fashionable bitch

@creamycoconut-blog / creamycoconut-blog.tumblr.com

Hi Im Indri Mahadiraka, i like killer heels and hot guys, but then again, who doesnt ? xoxo
From heaven to hell and back again, life is a funny thing. Beauty can come from the most strangest of places, even the most disgusting places.

Alexander McQueen (via augusteden)

When the moon passes between the sun and the earth, strange fascination takes root in the heart and suddenly anything is possible. Its power is undeniable; its beauty, mesmerizing; its lure, biblical; its meaning, unknowable; and as quickly as it comes, it disappears, leaving us to dwell on our own insignificance in the face of God. 
Heroes 3x09 It’s Coming
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