
bts fancafe

@letmesuga / letmesuga.tumblr.com

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16.12.18 BTS fancafe update

Rap Monster

사랑해 요 갑자기 말해주고 싶어 남겨요 굿밤

I love you Suddenly feel like telling (you guys) this Goodnight

© letmesuga please take out with full credits

16.10.03 BTS fancafe update

Jin - 


여러분 근데 저도 사진 안봤어요 아미랑 같이 보려고

But guys I haven’t seen the (teaser) picture too I will see it together with ARMYs


근데여.. 나도 언제 뜨는지 몰랐음 ㅠㅠ 미안여 ㅠㅠ

But.. I also don’t know when it will be revealed ㅠㅠ Sorry ㅠㅠ

© letmesuga please take out with full credits

16.09.06 BTS fancafe update

J-hope -


모두가 잠들어 있는 시간 사랑해! 요 !

The time where everyone is asleep I love you!

© letmesuga please take out with full credits

16.08.31 BTS fancafe update

Rap Monster - 


가끔은 생각이 많아도

스스로나 어떤 것에 대해

맹목적인 믿음이 더 좋을 때가 있는 거 같아요

아무런 증거 없이도

저는 제가 잘 하고 있다고 그냥 믿어보려고요!

누구도 완벽할 순 없잖아요

제가 저를 믿을 수 있게 해주는

이 글을 보는 많은 분들께

또 그대가 그대여서 감사합니다

저도 당신을 믿어볼게요!

날씨도 좋은데 많이 웃었으면 해요


- 남준

Sometimes Even with a lot of thoughts When it comes to our ownselves I feel it's better to have an unconditional faith Without any evidence I'm just believing that I am doing well! Because no one is perfect To everyone who are reading this, who made me believe in myself, thank you for being you I will believe in you too! The weather is nice, so please smile a lot Thank you


© letmesuga please take out with full credits

16.08.29 BTS fancafe update

Jimin - 


기대할게요 진형 솔직히 기대 안해요

I’m looking forward to it, Jin hyung Actually no I’m not


태형이 감동먹었어요

Taehyung-ie is touched

Kakaotalk translation Taehyung: *crying noises* (i have no idea how else to translate this) Jimin: hahahahahahaha Jimin: fans are cheering for you

© letmesuga please take out with full credits

16.08.28 BTS fancafe update

Jin - 


내일!! 아육대..하.....

Tomorrow!! ISAC.. ha......


여러분 저 축구 잘함!!  초 6때 메이플 한다고 관뒀지만 ㅎㅎ 관둔지 12년 되었네

Guys i’m good at football!! Even though I quit it in 6th grade to play maple haha It has been 12 years since I quit it 


오해가 있는데 메이플 접었습니다

There’s a misunderstanding I quit maple

© letmesuga please take out with full credits

16.08.21 BTS fancafe update

Jin - 

일요일이네요 치킨드세여

It’s Sunday Go have some chicken

뜨거운 치킨먹으면서 불타오르네 들으면 이게바로 이열치열

If you listen to “Fire” while eating a hot chicken, this is what they call “fighting fire with fire”

불타오르네 들으면 치킨맛이 좀더 좋아짐

If you listen to “Fire” the chicken will taste better

© letmesuga please take out with full credits

16.05.13 BTS fancafe update

Suga - 

고마워요 우리 아미 최고최고!!!!! 여러분 덕분에 큰상 받고 활동 시작하네요 피곤할텐데 언능 쉬어요!!!

Thank you Our ARMYs are the best!!!! Thanks to you guys, we received a big award when promotions started. You must be tired, get some rest quickly!!!

© letmesuga please take out with full credits

16.05.04 BTS fancafe update


여러분과 소통하기위해 저는 오늘도 재미없는 개그를 합니다 흑흑

For communicating with all of you I will tell some jokes that are not funny heukheuk


알람 왜이래 알람 어린이날이라 휴가갔나 What’s with the notifications Did it went for a holiday since it’s Children’s Day


뱀이 불타면?? 뱀파이어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

What do you call a snake(’baem’ in korean) on fire?? Vampire (baem-fire) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


왕이 헤어질 때 하는 말은? 바이킹ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

What did the king said when he’s leaving? Viking (bye-king) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

© letmesuga please take out with full credits

16.05.01 BTS fancafe update

Rap Monster - 

시간 참 빠르죠!! 벌써 5월입니다. 화양연화 2를 작업하던 때, 아니쥬 비트 들고 옥상에서 머리 싸매며 소리지르기를 반복하던 때가 정말 엊그제 같네요. 너무너무 괴로운 순간들도 있었고 행복한 순간들도 있었어요. 그래도 결과가 좋아서 참 다행이에요. 운이 좋았어요. 많은 행운에 감사합니다.

내일 역시 저희에게는 가장 중요한 순간 중 하나가 될 것입니다. 많은 분들이 저와 같은 느낌을 받으셨으면 좋겠어요. 날씨도 풀리고~ 날씨랑 다르게 지치시는 분들도 많을 거에요. 그쵸? 그래도 힘냅시다. 제가 이러쿵저러쿵 궁시렁거리다가도 결국은 제 발길이 작업실에 닿아야 하듯이 여러분도 마음속에 그런 shelter가 존재하기를 간절히 바랍니다. 최후의 보루 같은. 사람은 그래야 살아갈 수가 있잖아요. 늘 외롭고 괴롭지만 새로워요. 이렇게 고민하면서 내놓는 게 결국 제 행복이고 이렇게 해내야 편한가봐요. 무언가를 할 수 있다는 것도 큰 사치인 것 같아요.

자 이제 날도 풀렸고 불타오를 시간이 거의 다 왔습니다. 정말 이 때만큼 두근두근 할 때가 없군요. 불타오르네, Save Me, Young Forever 그리고 다른 많은 음원들까지 기쁜 마음으로 기대해주시기를. 늘 기다려주시고 들어주시니 행복합니다. 감사합니다.

방탄소년단 화이팅. 아미 화이팅. 남준이 화이팅.

Time passed by so fast!! It's already May It feels like it was just a few days ago I listened to the beat of I Need U on the rooftop, racking my brain and screaming while working for HYYH part 2. There were really painful moments and there were happy moments as well. It's a relieved that the outcomes were good. We were lucky.

Tomorrow will be one of the most imporant moment for us. We hope a lot of people will feel the same emotions as us. The weather is getting warm~ But unlike the weather, there must be a lot of you who feel tired right? Still, let's gain strength. I'm rambling now this and that but in the end I will still return back to the studio. I sincerely hope all of you too have some sort of a shelter in your mind. Like a place you could go to as a last resort. That's how people can live. I always feel lonely and pained but it's a new feeling. Being able to do something feels like a luxury.

Now that the day has gone and the time to burn is almost here. I've never been this nervous before. Please look forward to Fire, Save Me, Young Forever and the other tracks with excitement. I'm happy that you guys are always waiting and listening to us. Thank you.

BTS hwaiting. ARMY hwaiting. Namjoon hwaiting.

© letmesuga please take out with full credits

16.04.20 BTS fancafe update

Jin - 

12:52am kst

와 이게뭐람 뮤비라니!! 멋있네 방탄 진 잘생김ㅇㅇ

Wow what is this A music video!! Bangtan is so cool Jin is so handsome

© letmesuga please take out with full credits

16.04.19 BTS fancafe update


09:06pm kst

오랜만에 우리 아미 힘 받구 싶다!!!!! 여러분 힘 주때여 ~.~

It’s been awhile I want to receive strength from ARMYs!!!!!! Everyone, please give me strength ~.~

09:31pm kst

댓글보구 감동 ~~~ 사랑해요 좀만 기다려요 으마 무시한그 들고 나오니깐 ~~~

I’m so touched looking at the comments ~~~~ I love you guys Please wait a little longer we're coming back with super amazing stuff ~~~

© letmesuga please take out with full credits

16.04.10 BTS fancafe update

Jimin - 

01:00am kst

오늘 최초 공개 내 발

First reveal today My feet

© letmesuga please take out with full credits

16.04.07 BTS fancafe update

Jimin - 

12:11am kst

이제 셀카 찍을 수 없어 액정 깨져서

Now I can’t take selfies anymore My phone screen cracked

12:29am kst

앞으로 내 발만 보게 될거야 1년간

From now on, you can only see my legs For 1 year

12:57am kst

내일 고치러 갈게

I’ll get them fixed tomorrow

© letmesuga please take out with full credits

16.03.14 BTS fancafe update

Jin - 

09:18pm kst

느끼하게 한번 갑시다 내가 아미의 사탕이야

Let’s do this cheesily for once I’m ARMY’s candy

© letmesuga please take out with full credits

16.03.14 BTS fancafe update

Jungkook - 

5:43pm kst

하얀 날이다 화이트 데이라고 사탕 너무 많이 먹지 말고 적당히 먹어요😊 그러다 이 상해요 먹고 양치질 꼭 하고!

It’s White Day Don’t eat too much candy Eat moderately 😊 If you keep eating too much candy, your teeth will go bad Eat and better brush your teeth!

© letmesuga please take out with full credits

16.03.14 BTS fancafe update


4:05pm kst

얍 눈깔 사탕 먹오랏 해피 화이트데이

Yap Eat lots of Jawbreaker/Gobstopper candy Happy White Day

© letmesuga please take out with full credits
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