
i was never young

@queerwabbit-blog / queerwabbit-blog.tumblr.com

iris agender, they/them gemini2x engaged to a slime tree

An ad about understanding autism that changes as you move

I looked into the organization that made this ad (national autistic society) and found out that their website actually features posts written by autistic people to persuade people that rather than “curing” autism, the differences among people should be celebrated and theyre primarily recommended to parents learning with new diagnoses :^)


when you hit that level of "i'm so fucking done" where you wouldn't actually kill yourself but if you could safely put yourself in a week long coma yes yes yes


If I don't quit my job I'm going to pull a mass murder/suicide on the clock


and I know they have benign intentions but I’m so over cis people calling me “brave”. I’m a white only child and my parents love me, the world is my goddamn oyster. I’m not brave for stabbing myself with a needle every week. not even a little.

my transfeminine friends have to deal with everything from slurs and stares to hit-and-runs and fucking firecrackers being thrown at them. where is their praise for not setting the town on fire when that’s 100% what I’d be doing? I’m nothing. I am not shit compared to my transfeminine friends and I am not shit without them. go awkwardly praise them.


Help Robyn move to the Big City

As many of you know, I am a trans woman currently attempting to move to Chicago in August, for various reasons, among which are chiefly I know next to no one in this town anymore and it’s a small town with a garbage job market and it’s just, a really bad environment for me.

As many of you may also know, I lost my job about a month and a half ago and cannot find another one for the aforementioned reason. I went through my savings much faster than expected and now no longer have enough money saved to pay to move in anywhere.

I would appreciate it very much if you could help me out by donating whatever you can! The donate button on my blog is broken atm but you can still send money via Paypal to magiricmagi@gmail.com and I may send up a youcaring or something soon as well. I appreciate any help you can give, even if it’s just a signal boost

I made a YouCaring page! https://www.youcaring.com/robyn-mcgranahan-587345 If anyone could donate to this at all it would be extremely helpful, I’m so desperate to get out of here for both my physical and mental well-being

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