
The Sardonic Tamper

@dope-barista / dope-barista.tumblr.com

Cynical coffee addict with a penchant for humour and a bitter outlook on life.

whoa canada

someone needs to turn down that sass level

Two things to know about Canada!

  1. We are smart enough to know hot things should be hot.
  2. We are sorry if you don’t

A few things you need to know about this hot coffee case:

  1. It wasn’t an issue of the coffee being because no fucking shit coffee is hot, but McDonald’s had over heated their water to 250 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s 121C. Not just hot, but really FUCKING hot. Your fancy Starbucks lattes are brewed to 150 degrees.
  2. The 79 year old woman had this cup of 250F (121C) coffee between her legs when it spilled so 250F (121C) coffee spilled on her genitals
  3. She got third degree burns…on her genitals. THIRD DEGREE.
  4. She had to have skin grafts to repair the damage
  5. When she sued McDonald’s, it wasn’t for millions of dollars, it was for $20,000 to cover hospital costs and court fees. 20-fucking-thousand.
  6. It was the courts that awarded her the amount of money she got. Again, she only wanted hospital bills and court costs
  7. McDonald’s changed their heating policy, but not before making her sign a gag order keeping her from talking about this case
  8. So she had to live on hearing little shits like you call her stupid and money-grubbing, and other horrendous stuff because she dared ask the company in the wrong to fix what they fucked up.


9. The woman who was burned was not driving the car, she was a passenger.

10. The car was not in motion when she was burned. The car was parked so she could add cream and sugar.

The coffee case is one of the biggest examples of a carefully-crafted smear campaign by a company that is in the wrong trying to hide that.


Additionally, several people had been badly burned by McDonald’s coffee prior to that case, both employees and customers, and McDonald’s had been fined and told to lower the heat of their coffee. They refused to lower the coffee’s heat, continuing to serve a product they KNEW from EXPERIENCE was dangerous, because they could.

When she was burned, she reached out to McDonald’s for them to cover her medical expenses. They sent her a coupon booklet as a big eff yuu.

She required skin grafts not just on her genitals but on her thighs, buttocks, and I think stomach. Like, it was a lot of skin grafts! And did you know that skin grafts don’t always take? She was very severely hurt by a product that McDonald’s knew for a FACT was dangerous.

But nah, go on talking about how she was just foolish and greedy, that’s obviously the case, big corporations have all of our best interest in heart, really they do.


Her name was Stella Liebeck. She has since passed away but I think it’s important to name the victim in this story. Her name was Stella Liebeck and the coffee was so hot that it fused her labia together. It melted her genitals closed. But it’s all just a giant joke, huh?

This was the lawyers for tort reform master plan. Reduce the number of injury lawsuits filed by making the case sound so ridiculous the public would ridicule people for filing in the future, thus discouraging the filing of valid lawsuits. And it worked. We’re doing the corporations work for them.


99% of Credit Card Transactions

Customer: (hands me their credit card)

Me: (pointing to pin pad) oh I’m going to have you slide that right there

Customer: (slowly moves towards pin pad with confusion, tries to insert their card into the chip reader)

Me: it’s going to be slide (gestures to the side)

Customer: (starts to pull out the gift card saying “Slide” from the chip reader)

Me: we don’t take chip. you’re going to slide it right here on the side

Customer: (pulls card out of chip reader, inserting theirs) This was in there, i think someone forgot their card

Me: that’s just in there to let you know to slide your card

Customer: oh it’s slide?

Me: Yeah we don’t have the ability to accept the chip

Customer: but my card has a chip

Me: I know, we still can’t take it.

Customer: But-

Me: You’re. Going. To. Slide. Your. Card.


Open Letter to non-tippers

Listen, I can respect and understand not wanting to tip because you feel like you shouldn’t have to (okay no I don’t but lets pretend). 

You think companies should pay their employees and it’s not your responsibility. I agree.

So I’m going to ask you a small favor, instead of being rude to your sever and telling them why you don’t think you should be tipping, start voting and pushing for a higher livable minimum wage, because right now that person that just waited on you, brought your food out, made sure your water was full, and asked if everything was to your liking, isn’t making shit. 

However if you don’t like the idea of raising the minimum wage or tipping it pretty much means you want a poor working class person serving you and that pretty much makes you an Asshole.

Consider not eating out.



the Syrian dictator Assad, along with Putin, are about to completely massacre an entire city - Aleppo. the Syrian army has taken over 98% of the city. families are sitting together, praying, knowing any minute will be their last minute on earth. civilians are tweeting their last goodbyes, sending out last minute pleas for someone, anyone, to help.

imagine that. sitting with the people you love, holding each other, hearing nothing but their harsh breathing and the clash of bombs completely destroying your home, killing your neighbors, your friends, you. just imagine that. i cant, i really cannot.

the U.N. has already called Syria the worst humanitarian crisis in this century. experts are saying this massacre rivals that of WW2 (not to take away from the holocaust) in terms of how heinous and completely disgusting it is.

i’m not the best with words, with conveying me emotions. but please take a moment out of your time to acknowledge this, at least. this is the worst humanitarian crisis happening on Earth right now, according to the U.N. this is a breach of human rights, of all our rights. you should be concerned, in the least.

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