
Fearless To Fly High

@banqtan-ed / banqtan-ed.tumblr.com

Chase the 'butterfly' as high as you can. I'm chasing mine. How about you?

Aku jatuh kali ini.

Entah sudah berapa kali. 

Bangkit selalu menjadi pilihan.

Kali ini, aku hanya tidak tahu,

bagaimana aku harus membangkitkan kembali hati yang terluka. 

- RintikSenja


Angin itu menerpa wajahku sesekali.

Memejamkan mata,

menikmati setiap hempasannya.

Hingga aku tersadar,

angin tidak sendiri.

Ia bawa serta serbuk sari bersamanya.

Menerbangkannya hingga jauh tak terlihat.

Hingga saatnya serbuk sari sampai pada kelopak yang lain.

Yang bukan dari asalnya.

Hinggap disana dan membuat lembaran cerita baru di kelopak itu.

Teman, seperti itulah kehidupan. Kita tak tau, serbuk sari yang mana yang akan bernasib sama dengan kita. Apakah kita akan terhempas ke tanah? Atau sampai pada kelopak bunga terindah? Atau bahkan kita hanya terus dibawa angin tinggi menuju tak terbatas? Kita biarkan saja angin membawa kita, sampai pada akhirnya, kelopak bunga asal kita tak lagi terlihat. Dan serbuk sari lainnya pun juga tak terlihat....

memories of
him no
longer hurt me
the way
they used to
but i learned
that i could
never not
revisit him
every once
in a while

Kai Masa

“If you leave her, make sure she’s not the love of your life. Otherwise you will meet her one day, on an autumn street, yellow leaves blowing about her, her arms full of her child and a happy marriage. And she will as you expectantly, her eyes gleaming, hoping you found happiness too, “What did you trade me for?” And you will not be able to answer. Because all you traded true love in for is empty hands and a half full life.”

— Nikita Gill


You are the moon, living among the stars. Just take one of them to accompany you shining this night. Making this night more beautiful.

And I will be the one who make you and the star you have chosen, shine. I will let you beautify the night sky. It’s okay, I’m fine, just be happy then. I just want you to know. I love you anyway and I have let you go to shine....


Tuan, pergilah bersama hujan. Agar setiap langkahmu berarti. Berikanlah keberkahan bagi setiap umat. Hapuskanlah jejak-jejak rindu setiap insan bersama dengan hujan. Kau perlu belajar banyak dari hujan, bahwa tak mudah meninggalkan langit senja dan bumi.

Tuan, biarkan dirimu terbawa angin. Belajarlah dari angin cara menyampaikan rindu orang-orang, agar kau dapat mengerti bahwa memendam rindu yang tidak tersampaikan itu berat.

Tuan, jika kau ingin mengetahui, ada banyak hal di Bumi Tuhan ini yang dapat kau ambil pelajarannya. Jadi, belajarlah dari mereka, agar kau tahu seberapa berat rindu yang kurasakan ini kepadamu....

I will not have you without the darkness that hides within you. I will not let you have me without the madness that makes me. If our demons cannot dance, neither can we.

Nikita Gill (via meanwhilepoetry)

When will you stop being afraid of everything you can be. When will you let flowers grow in the cracks of your soul. When will you understand that those broken parts of you have learned how to sing more beautiful songs than the loveliest of songbirds.

Nikita Gill, You Can Set Yourself Free But Only If You Want To (via meanwhilepoetry)

You may not think you are extraordinary but I do. You see, you haven’t seen yourself the way I have seen you, in the quiet of a rooftop at 4 a.m. the sky spilling the moon’s light just to illuminate your skin, your eyes star-sung bright whilst you talk about all those soft things you love so well, so much passion in your voice even the darkest stars smiled listening to you speak. That’s the version of you that has permanently implanted itself in my heart. That’s the version of you I will always see and no matter what happens between us, that is the version of you that will never leave me.

Nikita Gill (via meanwhilepoetry)

I asked Persephone, “How could you grow to love him? He took you from flowers to a kingdom where not a single living thing can grow.” Persephone smiled, “My darling, every flower on your earth withers. What Hades gave me was a crown made for the immortal flowers in my bones.”

Nikita Gill, Conversations With Persephone (via meanwhilepoetry)

I hope you are blessed with someone who reminds you of the universe you have hiding under your skin, of every star illuminated through your ancient eyes.

Nikita Gill (via meanwhilepoetry)

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