
overdrive in chrome and steel

@jimmydean-jamesdean / jimmydean-jamesdean.tumblr.com

This is a blog dedicated to James Dean. The pioneer of the 1950’s who brought with him a style and an attitude that shook America during this generation of troubled youth.
"Take it easy driving, the life you save, might be mine."
Anonymous asked:

Do you know how much was donated so far !?

No, I dont know how much as of right now. The donation campaign is fairly new as well as the film, but I am hoping the amount is at a healthy start.


James Dean: Actor and cultural icon James Dean starred in East of Eden, Rebel Without a Cause and Giant. He was killed in a tragic car accident at age 24.1931-1955

‘’An actor must interpret life and, in order to do so, must be willing to accept all the experiences life has to offer. In fact, he must seek out more of life than life puts at his feet. In the short span of his lifetime, an actor must learn all there is to know, experience all there is to experience, or approach that state as closely as possible. He must be superhuman in his efforts to store away in the core of his subconscious everything that he might be called upon to use in the expression of his art.‘‘

Source: marinahulce
Anonymous asked:

Beautiful documentary! Is there a website I can donate on !?

I do not know of a website but there are texting instructions explaining how to donate! If I get any other info on different ways to donate I will post it!!!

Anonymous asked:

Thank you so much for this documentary, so many feelings ! I'm donating now! All james dean's fan, blog ... must know about this so we should spread this all over the internet. Together, we can do it !

Oh that makes me so happy that you were willing to donate something, I am actually over the moon right now that people are willing to do this to help out such a special little place!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Continuing spreading the word! Lets save Fairmount!! Xoxo!!


Attention all James Dean fans!

This is a new short film that a young gentleman whom I know who has made entitled “Saving Fairmount”. He is a local of this town, and has been working on this for about 2 years now. I suggest you watch and reblog, as there is a wonderful message towards the end of this video, as the town is trying to raise money (approx. $400, 000) to restore Fairmount and bring the streets and buildings back to life. If you watch, there will be easy instructions to those willing to donate, I will be donating myself, as I love this town with all my heart and want this town to have some life brought back into it. As quoted in this video, “A town needs to be kept up..”. The high school couldn’t be saved, and its so sad, but it takes heart and soul to keep the heart of the town beating. I want Fairmount to reach it’s goal. I will help, but will you? (I also happen to find it kind of entertaining that I made a few mini appearances haha).

Anonymous asked:

Why is Jimmy so different and better from others to you ?

There is so much I can talk about about why he's better than others, its hard to really explain, he just has a dynamic appeal and persona that I can relate to.

Anonymous asked:

William Bast just passed away ... What are your thoughts ?

Its sad, of course, but I've never really been one to believe some of his stories about Jimmy, especially the ones that are in reference to his homosexuality. Thats just my personal opinion though.

Anonymous asked:

Is James Dean the most inspirational person to you ?

One of the most inspirational, for sure, but I do have other inspirations!

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