
  “I grew up in Kentucky—not skinning squirrels…actually, I have skinned a squirrel before. I can’t even say that. I was like, ‘Jennifer, you’ve even eaten squirrel chili!’”

Anonymous asked:

How come a lot of the JLaw haters are Marilyn Monroe fans(as evident in their profile icons, their YouTube watch history that they forgot to clear, their old old forum posts, etc)? Notice the MM fans also hate on other entertainers like Madonna, and so on, for Marilyn. Can you explain that please?

I have absolutely no idea. I've never noticed that pattern at all. I also don't really get involved with "haters" or go looking for people or through their past activities.

The only thing I could think of off the top of my head would be that society and the media have conditioned us to continually pit women against each other. Which is a ridiculous mindset to have - one woman's success does not preclude another's. But it's something I think we've all thought at one point or another. We just have to be careful not to give into it.

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