
it's lunchtime, children

@lievetels / lievetels.tumblr.com

Jacqueline. She/Her/Hers. Costume Design. Aries. i like ttrpgs, video games, rooster teeth, and gay shit. and fire emblem. icon by @tritns!

do you ship rarepairs? yes? good! then come join our server!

it works on an opt-in system where you can request your own rarepairs, no matter how many you want, and you choose which other ships you want to see :D

we've got the briarwoods, we've got vexleth, we've got caleb/gilmore, we've got reani/calliope... and that's only the beginning!

Anonymous asked:

What makes you think it’s okay to watch Hannibal given its subject matter?

sometimes i watch television shows for entertainment purposes.


ok google, how to crush that spark of hope that flares up every once in a while when someone says something to imply they might return feelings for you


The Sakha (or Yakuts), Republic of Sakha, Russia

1. Singer Juliana Krivoshapkina 2-4. At the Yakut festival Ysyakh 6. Yakut woman in feast dress, Siberia, ca. 1902, taken by Waldemar Jochelson during the Jesup North Pacific Expedition

Anonymous asked:

What makes you think it’s okay to watch Hannibal given its subject matter?

sometimes i watch television shows for entertainment purposes.


reblogging your own selfie

why is his name white he’s purple

his name is redd white and he runs a company named bluecorp we dont ask questions here

if you mix redd white and bluecorp together like paint you’d get a light purple or pink depending on ratios. we’re just not on his level. we never will be.

His hair is purple which is red and blue

His suit is pink which is red and white

And his jewels are light blue which is blue and white.

his shirt is beige there’s something going on

he’s a murderer also I think that’s worth mentioning


so the minnesota freedom fund turned out to be fraudulent :///


y’all..........remember 1. most grassroots organizations aren’t prepared or expecting to raise 30+ million dollars in 3 weeks 2. days after they started they said they had enough donations and asked people to direct funds to needier orgs 3. they announced they’ve spent over $200k bailing people out and are working on doing more 4. community organizing done right is hard work with a lot of different factors and limited resources Beyond just money.

hold these organizations accountable and demand transparency. but this original post has such little information and y’all are just circulating it? read the thread from the oakland mask org that started years ago and how intense this work is. it’s been three weeks and these are what looks like less than 12 people who have been given an immense amount of cash in an unbelievably short amount of time. i wouldn’t be so quick to call this a shaun king situation.

I follow Fadumo. She's deleted these tweets.

The MN Freedom Fund has existed since 2016. Prior to the George Floyd protests, they were a small bail fund that paid out around $1000 per day. Paying out over $200,000 in 20 days puts them at over 10 times their previous payout rate.

They stopped taking donations very early on because the support overwhelmed their capacity.

Their front page now, as it has been since late May, is almost entirely links to local efforts which need more support - Black Visions Collective, Reclaim the Block, and funds like Rebuild Lake Street and the Northside Business Association.

Meanwhile, The National Lawyers Guild has said that jails are delaying activists from being able to release protestors.

The MNFF should be transparent about how it's using the money, yes. I believe they should also redirect the donations they can't immediately use to other organizations. But they're a 501(c)3 nonprofit, there are restrictions on how they can spend and transfer money. You can check out their nonprofit filing forms on ProPublica - no one at MNFF receives a salary.

Keep orgs accountable, keep pushing for transparency, but please do a little more leg work before accusing an org of fraud.

all this. you can't just waltz into a courthouse, write a check for $35 million, and call it a day. it would be scandal if the $35 million had been spent frankly.

they also can’t ‘redirect the donations they can’t immediately use to other organizations’, because it’s illegal for nonprofits to do so in the state of minnesota


“I’m glad we could have this little tête-à-tête, Wright.”

good friends always accuse other friends of murder!


if you frame apollo justice under the context of that GS4 anthology comic (which are usually doujins so not really canon per se but are published by capcom iirc) where klavier basically says kristoph has been gaslighting him from childhood, almost all of their behavior makes sense

ive been over some of this a zillion times and im sure some of you are DEFINITELY tired of it but heres what i mean for those of you who like meta.

when klavier meets apollo outside people park, he knows who he is. and he deliberately helps apollo into the crime scene, being really the only reason he can even get in there. at the time, he says it’s for trucy, but it makes no sense for a professional prosecutor to be randomly letting children into highly secured murder scenes. we dont find out til the next day that klavier knows apollo, knows what he did, and explicitly took the case knowing he’d be on it. he says he canceled tour dates and dropped everything for this case, because he had to see the guy who “bested his big brother.” bested. while smiling. weird choice of words for a guy whose brother is in the clink.

he continues to do all this nice shit for apollo and treat him like a friend and this might seem weird if youre not a shipper like me. but under this lens we get this interpretation: apollo is the first guy to see through kristoph’s bullshit without witnessing it firsthand, after klavier’s gone his whole life being told that what he saw in kristoph was all in his head, that he was wrong. he’s the first guy to get kristoph caught and punished. he basically validated whatever klavier had been going through for his whole life, and was probably the first person to do so.

and when kristoph has to take the stand again, klavier does not seem happy. he’s sweaty and upset and unsure of himself and kristoph seems a little TOO sure that he can persuade his brother. when klavier points out that apollo is accusing him, kristoph is like “oh and you AGREE with that?” which is totally in line with this characterization. and it almost works. but now apollo’s there. he picks up that something is very wrong here and jumps the fuck in and anyway this has like. really flipped the game for me in some ways. 

I mean



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