
The worst

This is literally the worst. Seven years for some crap that was irrelevant for the first 6 seasons. Stop it! It was brilliant in the beginning and they didn’t even bother to tie up loose ends from those plots before moving on to a totally ridiculous mess of people fighting over the A role.


PLL Livestream links... please share!

I just found these in the depths of the internet. Not sure which ones work the best, so I would advise having lots open in case the one you’re watching cuts off. (Some of them still say ABCfamily but I’ve checked and people have been using them for this season so they should be ok!)

I would also ensure you have adblock installed in case of any unwanted pop ups, although some of the sites may ask you to switch it off in order for you to access the stream.

🔸 The twitter @PLLlivefeed broadcasts episodes too

If you know anymore reliable ones please add them to the list! x


literally mona is such a breath of fresh air, she is literally the only one who isnt a complete idiot (spence, youre under a lot of pressure so you get a pass, but pull it together girl, mona cant carry the entire team on her back for long). 


Elementary asks!

1. Who is your favourite male character?

2. Who is your favourite female character? 3. Who is your least favourite character? 4. What is your favourite episode? 5. What is your favourite season? 6. What is your least favourite season?

7. Who would you like to date?

8. Who is your favourite romantic ship?

9. Who is your favourite platonic ship?

10. What is your favourite Sherlock quote?

11. What is your favourite Joan quote?

12. What is your favourite Moriarty quote?

13. What TV show would you like Sherlock and Joan to watch together?

14. Have you read the original Arthur Conan Doyle books?

15. Have you watched any other Sherlock adaptations?

16. What do you think about Sherlock’s drug addiction?

17. How did you start to watch the show?

18. If you could ask Sherlock any question and he had to answer it honestly, what would you ask him?

19. What would you change about the show?

20. What do you think of the gender swaps?

21. Do you think Joan and Sherlock are attracted to each other?

22. What were your thoughts on Kitty?

23. Besides English, do you speak any of the languages we know that Sherlock can speak? (Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Norwegian, French, Spanish, Farsi)

24. Who is your favourite irregular?

25. What did you think of the Joan/Mycroft storyline?

26. Name five songs you think Sherlock would listen to.

27. Who is the smartest? Mycroft, Sherlock or Moriarty?

28. Which TV show would you like Elementary do to a crossover with?

29. Name of thing you could imagine Joan or Sherlock giving the other for Christmas/birthday.

30. How would you rate your deductive skills?

This would be so fun! Please ask!!

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