
Bris' art and news

@brisineo / brisineo.tumblr.com


It’s been a long while since I posted here, but I’ll recap

My infection got worse to the point where I have been unable to use my right hand for anything useful for the past few months.  Only now I’ve been able to use my hand, and even then, just barely to the point where I can put out artwork.  Even then, it’s very painful to do so.

But darn it, Will of the Wisps was far too good of a game to not be inspired from.  Just... don’t tell Fluttershy what happens in the end.


Guess I'll finish this decade with a tribute to but a few of my favorite MLP fandom artists.

And to be honest, I literally freaked myself out. I can't believe I drew this. While sick and but a shell of my regular self to boot. I'm honestly stunned. Especially considering when this decade began, not only did I not know I'd be so deep in a My Little Pony fandom, but that I'd even become an artist.

Guess they all really were major influences to me.


I don't know what's worse.

The horribly cursed energy coming off this image, or the fact some anonymous person made it before I did.

Either way, it speaks to me on a spiritual level.


Have a spooky Ghoul commission for Kip on this Halloween season

Also Medical Update:

During the first aggressive part of the treatment process 2 weeks ago, I had a massively negative decline of health, known as a Herxheimer Reaction.   It’s uncommon, but known to happen with some cases of Lyme Disease where large amounts of the bacteria die at the same time and release large amounts of a poisonous compound.  It was the worst I’d ever felt, and I barely made it out without being hospitalized.  And while it effectively reduced the bacteria population by around 25%, the toxins released had apparently damaged my liver in the process to the point where it no longer can process the poisonous compounds to an effective degree.  So now I have to hold back and postpone my whole treatment process and focus on helping my liver to heal (it’s fortunately not permanently damaged) until I’m recovered enough, because continuing on with another procedure will very likely, and unfortunately, kill me.

Even then, they’re stepping back and going to ease me into it with small doses of medication after my liver is in a fully functional state, because they don’t want to risk anything going wrong.  However, my immune system isn’t nearly as damaged, and is rather doing a very good job of attacking the lyme bacteria, which had a lot of biological defenses disrupted by the first procedure.  As well, the amoeba are mostly killed off, so that’s at least one issue I don’t have to deal with anymore.

Time to rest up some more, I guess.  My body’s currently a battlefield, and unfortunately, I’m dealing with an enemy that’s not afraid of using scorched earth tactics.


When MLP is over but you’re still rocking out to Discord like it’s still 2012

(This is the first vector I’ve been able to have the wellness to sit down and draw in a long time.  After a rocky start for my recovery, I hope things are going to improve from here.)


At the end of G4, I will say one ironic thing about my relationship to it.   I went into this show being forced by various life issues to be very shut in, very headstrong, and very avoiding of outside help.  This also unfortunately led to me being closed off from everyone too... I even was caught while I was watching the first episode for the first time, and I dropped it halfway from the embarrassment and I honestly had the chance of never picking it up again. 

But a month later, somehow, I did.  It led me to pick up hobbies that years prior, I had completely abandoned.  It gave me confidence to reach out and make connections with friends.  Also the confidence to get my first job.  To expand my talents into something profitable. Though the true irony, is that as it all ended.  I was forced to do something I never thought of doing back then; I was forced to a place where I couldn't do anything but reach out for help.  And the help I received was... overwhelming.  Completely obliterating my paradigm of the people around me and who actually cared about me.  They saved my life.  You saved my life.


So while I may have been introduced to Friendship is Magic as someone who thought he could take care of everything himself, I leave it humbled.  Brought to my knees.  Taught that very same lesson Twilight was also forced to learn on that night 9 long years ago.

Dear Princess Celestia, I learned that among good friends, it's okay to trust them to help you.  And if you step back, and allow them to lift you up, there is no limit to what you can accomplish.  Because their love is what gives you strength.

Friendship truly is Magic.  /)


Here’s a bunch of commissions I’ve done recently.  Just to show I’ve been working at them while I’m recovering. Again, thank you whoever is helping fund my treatments.  I’m just now starting to see some effect and have some actual energy again.  I still have a long ways to go, but it’s looking bright.


You guys just have a thing for making me cry, don't you?

I'm still in such a state of emotional shock I really don't know what to do but promise to do my best to get better and return all the love you've shown me over this past year. I never imagined I'd ever receive a fraction of it.

You're all so wonderful, amazing people. This community and fandom is so great. And I can't trade anything in the world for my friends. From the bottom of my heart, in as the most simplest and yet heartfelt way I can express, thank you.


Good news!  Results came in.  I know what’s been causing my extreme chronic fatigue symptoms.  And, even better news, it’s fully treatable and there’s no permanent damage!

Bad news.  My brain is infested like a Zerg nest.  Amoeba, bacteria, fungus, you name it.  And the costs on my end for the lengthy, multi-step treatment they’re planning is more than double of what I initially expected.   Upwards of a modest $2000 in total out of pocket.  ($1500 of which is all for a single procedure though) Just as a reminder, traditional art commissions are still open all month, no limits on slots, and I’m still gladly taking them.  Though if you ever feel like you want to chip in a few extra bucks towards my paypal… I’m not going to turn it down.  I don’t want bugs eating away at my brain. And the extent of it is… nightmarish to say the least.  I’m still kind of in shock, so I’m just using this clarity of mind to put it down before I probably have a bit of a breakdown. At least I know what I’m dealing with, and I have a way to beat it.  That alone is going to help me so much, because now, I can end it and possibly come out healthier than I’ve ever been.  Mission Bris’ Brain Bug Blitz is a go!

paypal: stormeyebris@gmail.com


Small Ink/Traditional Commissions Open Again

So here’s the situation: I’ve been quiet and depressed for the past several months now largely because during that big eviction problem in June (now completely solved, thankfully) I got a double dose of bad luck and came down with a crippling chronic illness, which is only broadly and vaguely known as “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”.  While the causes and symptoms of it vary between people, it’s been a severe case for me personally, that’s left me mostly bedridden for most of the time since.  And as you could imagine, that’s not exactly very healthy for one’s psyche.

There’s been at least a glimmer of hope, however.  I’ll be working with a specialist over this next month, who is probably the best and only chance I have of at least managing the symptoms and getting back into production again to any useful degree.  The act of drawing now, much less any other kind of work is incredibly challenging in my current state though.  Even sitting down at a computer too long is tiring, so more than anything I desperately want to be healthy again.  Especially with all these ideas and larger commissions for friends that I cannot make in my current state.

The initial treatments from the specialist, however, are expected to cost anywhere between $500 to $700.  And still being overly reluctant and stubborn to beg for more money, I have no choice but to push myself, and at least provide something in return.  And also so I can honor the Inktober tradition by offering commissions in traditional art.  (Also it’s a lot easier for me to draw in bed than at a computer)  And yes, UV fluorescent inks like in the above picture are available if you want to play around with that effect.  Though I can only use green, blue, red, and purple as colors.

Here are the prices:

[Pencil] Bust: $15

[Pencil] Full Pony/Character: $30

[Ink] Bust: $30

[Ink] Full Pony/Character: $40-60 (depending on complexity)

[Ink] Add Color: +$10

Send me a note or PM if interested.  And from the bottom of my heart, for all the support you’ve already given, I cannot thank you enough.

*Will be willing to ship the completed pieces for additional fees

*Payments (Or donations) will be via paypal to stormeyebris@gmail.com  You can also email me there if you don’t want to message a commission idea through social media


Thank you so much for all the emergency commissions that came through.  It stressed me to the point of vomiting, but I was able to make the payment on time, and then even have some remaining for the next. They are a bit sloppy, but I consider them not bad for being made in bed.



Even though I’m still crippled and sick, and don’t have any of my set up ready for catching up on my backlog of big commissions, I need money to pay an essential bill. 

I absolutely hate begging for it, but I have no choice.  I’m willing to do some quick $20 commissions (traditional art) over the next few days.  Send me a PM if interested.  I’ll try my best on them.



So I have indeed found a home to stay in thanks to everyone’s generosity, but I’m also at the moment still in really shaky health.  (had some chronic problems that arose at the same time, near-crippling me)  But even despite the illness, I’ll be wandering Bronycon in a few days.  Look out for the Murky Plushie.  If you donated to me or offered support, I severely want to show you my gratitude and might even give you a quick sketch.  I hope to see you there.

(also I sort of paid for hotel and tickets a long time before any of my problems happened so I just kinda have to show up so I don’t waste several hundred bucks)


>when I begrudgingly post a link to my Paypal on my tumblr at the insistence of someone and within hours I get over $1K in donations

I'm... There are no words to describe how amazingly grateful I am.   I never thought that people would be that willing to help me. Truly, from the bottom of my heart.  Thank you.

Maybe set up a Gofundme?

Personally I absolutely hate begging for money.  I seriously don’t like how it makes me feel.

But if you insist I do have a paypal (stormeyebris@gmail.com) that people can donate.  I’m only saying this because people close to me are insisting I leave the option open, thoughI don’t expect much to come of it.

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