
End of Line

@jacfox / jacfox.tumblr.com

hrm... lets see where this goes

Hello everyone.

So today I have sad news to bring to you, I’ve been plagied.

I had some messages there telling me if I made a game that I released lastly, knowing I didn’t I asked no and wanted to know why many people asked me this, then they gave me a link to the Facebook page of the company :

I looked on it, and directly saw the icon that is, quasi my little pigeons I animate bouncing, then I was like “ mmm … maybe they were inspired but they could ask for permission because it’s way too similar for my taste, it’s really like my animations”  then I saw the videos and it was terrible.

You may already what I animate, but when I saw the video of the gameplay, I had no words.

All of my motions, bouncing animals, Dancing frames are exactly the sames !!

They totally copied my art !!!

So I contacted them, I wanted to be sure, they replied me that it’s for game and that my art is for animation so it’s not the same. Sigh 

So I told my friends about it, many tried tu put messages to discuss with them, no success. Some even were blocked when they put proof of my work.

I’m lost, I didn’t sleep last night because of this, I contacted lawyers and got some explanation, so it’s still going but I have to deal with it and I wanted you to know my current situation.

I share this with you because I’m an artist, this kind of thing happen to us WAY too often and I want to act, for me, for you, for any artists on the internet!

It have to stop!

I have so many proofs on my blog, but also you know me and my art well. 

I can’t let this pass and stay there.

Please be aware of this and tell people that it’s total plagiat of my art.

Thank you.


Furnal Equinox badge: Sid

He’s sid, a white wolf. Dancing rock&roll listening his walkman. I remember a young panda on high school listening music on a huge discman that barely fit on the hoodie’s pocket, spending lots of money on music, searching for new albums of my favorite bands, discovering new music, new artists, new bands. That was my music age. This is one of the lasts badges for Furnal Equinox, just some few more!


MFF room badges

Not part of my commission badges, but I considered this as part as my “no-break-vember” challenge, I did one daily, and I’ve tried to continue doing one more daily badge from the rest of this month, all of them for MFF 2016 (Midwest FurFest). Remember I’ll be at the artist alley only on Friday December 2nd from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm. MFF’s artists alley is asigned by a random raffle, so it is not completely sure I’ll be there that day, but I’ll really try. Also I’ll be fursuiting on saturday and sunday, if you see me, don’t hesitate to say hi or even hug me, and let’s take some pictures together, don’t be shy, that the shy one is me. And please visit the Art show this year, I’ll have 4 original pieces, probably a print, and most of them will be for sale (as auction). On this pack of badges, I asked them to each one at least 5 things they like, and tried to represent them on little doodles on the background. And they are (from left to right, up and down)(CLICK HIS NAMES TO GO TO THEIR GALLERIES)


According to Jac, there was some fisting involved in this incident

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