
incredibly selfish.

@aether-fumes / aether-fumes.tumblr.com

I'm _______, 我系_______. chiffon, silk, leather, metal rock, ice, fur, glass and brass | art | trippy shit | mind fucks | dark humour | broad shoulders | husky voices | drawling voices | nice arms | uniforms | suave | facts | weird facts | good designs | good books | good music | good vibes | details | or lack thereof | food | rock pools | natural history | DIYs | questionable legitimacy | rumours | myths | legends | anything odd; quirky; curious; novel | lexiophile | translucent | Studio Ghibli | smooth talkers | EXO | BTS | SVT |

I know many of you out there are feeling a bit down. Have a crow to Wouldn’t it be Nice by the Beach Boys to lift your mood.

He stops and looks both ways?!?

You wanna know what makes this better?

Crows normally walk. This one seems to have both legs working, so he’s not hopping out of necessity, he’s doing it for fun. Corvids can sometimes be seen doing things like this for no evident reason other than enjoyment.



aries: “i have a lot of talent today" 

 taurus: "inspiration hit me like a truck" 

gemini: "i wanna draw something gay but i am limited by my artistic capability" 

cancer: *aggressively tries to get better at art*

leo: "i’d kill three and a half sluts to be able to draw backgrounds like this”

Virgo: “i really want to draw but i’m afraid i won’t be able to" 

libra: "where can i buy inspiration" 

scorpio: "i have .00036% talent today" 

sagittarius: "art is hard when your art style won’t cooperate" 

capricorn: "my inspiration is dead somewhere" 

aquarius: "art is hard" 

pisces: "my art is having an existential crisis and so am i”

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