

@lorem-ipsam / lorem-ipsam.tumblr.com

Welcome to a blog of a fool and a moron. Expect anything and everything (up to and including both baking and politics) and you shan't be surprised.

Hey, have you heard these 50 songs from 2021?

2021 has been a truly impressive year for music if nothing else, the quality and quantity of new releases thro I'VE CREughout the year has been staggering and honestly a little overwhelming at times. There are tracks that back in March I thought would for sure be some of the best releases of the year but were just utterly steamrolled in the last few months. As is now tradition I've collated a playlist of my personal 50 favourite tracks of the year (limited to one song per artist) and explanations for each tracks inclusion can be found below. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2hYQ14m6R0VDA5b2mVQYuy?si=18fe3bfea3504a11


Hey have you heard these 50 songs from 2019

I really enjoyed this last year so going to give it another go for ‘19. I put quite a lot of thought into what actually a ‘song of the year’ for me when I was first constructing and then heavily editing the playlist that came to be my Top 50 of 2019. I think the most important thing is that above all it’s a track that I’m glad exists, sometimes this is because of the songwriting or composition, sometimes the performance, sometimes the lyrical importance and sometimes just because it sparks joy.

Explanations for each tracks inclusion below the fold…


Hey, have you heard: Body Hound

If, in some parallel universe, I’m in a band I hope it’s a band like Body Hound. Not necessarily in terms of sound (although I’ll get on to just how much I love their sound in a due time) but in terms of the love energy, and fun they bring into making and performing their music. I first saw them live playing a mid-afternoon festival slot (ArcTangent 2015) and they tore up the stage like they were headlining. The pantomime theatrics of ‘playing metal’ giving way to huge grins on their faces as they tore through a woefully short but absurdly high quality oeuvre of tracks. I’ve seen them 4 times since that first show and every gig has lived up to the benchmark that first one set for me.


So, I really want to tell you about Body Hound, because they are hella good music.


Hey have you heard, about the best games I’ve played this year...

There are a fair few games I played this year, having come into the possession of not one but TWO consoles (PS4 and WiiU). Most of these games were not released in 2018 so please don’t take this as a ‘Best of 2018’ list, it’s more personal than that relating to my specific experiences in the past 12 months.



Did some more writing on my writing blog about video games I enjoyed this year.


Today I painted my nails

Yesterday I painted my nails too

I've been painting my nails on and off for the past couple of weeks

It's the first time I've done so in about a decade

It doesn't mean anything, but it makes me happy.


I’ve just been going over the last few pages of my blogs and have come to a couple of realisations. 1. Pandas are the absolute best, I mean I knew this anyway but the babbies are so danged cute! just these fluffy little bundles of awww. 2. I really like my theme. It’s the first bit of web design/templating I ever did and it still kind of holds up, to me at least. I’m doing some pretty smart shit there, there are a few things I’ll probably change and some of the code is messy, but I’m really proud of past me, much more so than I was at the time.

As an addendum to this some of those homestuck themes I created back in the day were wonderful creative trash fires I was really pushing Tumblr theming in ways it was absolutely not meant to be pushed. You go past Sam, have one of those thrice goshed danged adorable pandas on me!


I’ve just been going over the last few pages of my blogs and have come to a couple of realisations. 1. Pandas are the absolute best, I mean I knew this anyway but the babbies are so danged cute! just these fluffy little bundles of awww. 2. I really like my theme. It’s the first bit of web design/templating I ever did and it still kind of holds up, to me at least. I’m doing some pretty smart shit there, there are a few things I’ll probably change and some of the code is messy, but I’m really proud of past me, much more so than I was at the time.


Hey Tumblr, it’s been a while

Like quite a while. Holy shit things have changed but also they haven’t at all, and that’s kind of comforting, I think? My life has gone fucking mental for one thing, I think when I left here I was living with my parents working a shit temp. retail job over Christmas. Now I’m a hotshot developer at an agency employed by a market leader international brand. I heard Stephen flipping Fry advertising a product I delivered the other day, that was surreal. In that time I’ve also fallen madly in love, got engaged, planned a wedding and then watched it all fall down around me. It’s been mental. And let’s not even talk about global politics.... Anyway, why am I back? Am I lonely? I don’t think so... alone sure, but not lonely. Really, I'm not sure why I’m back, but it’s nice to be back. To see my old mutuals still here, to see the crazy mix of people and emotions on my dash.

Anyway while I’m here I’m going to kick off a new side blog, for longer focused pieces of writing and less stream of conscious stuff and gifs of pandas. More on that when I create it.


Target outchea comin for people’s lives 😂😂

Son I wish I could run their Facebook page

A++ social media intern.


how does anyone view non-gendered products as a problem oh my god


Words that people get mixed up


This would be great if it wasn't for the awful grammar in the compliment example. It really undermines the whole thing.

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