

@sharkbomb / sharkbomb.tumblr.com

My name is Paulene. Storyboard artist on Big Hero 6 series. ppphouybanhdyt@gmail.com

Women in Bradley County Jail are being kept in horrible, unsanitary, and unsafe conditions. Literally signs for help in the window.

The best way to help is to bail them out!!

Please if you have a couple of dollars to spare we are doing our best to get as many women out. Women who can’t, will get money in their commissary for sanitary products.


If any nurses/retail workers/doctors/... are following me, I just want to thank you all for your service. I know you're overworked and probably underpaid, but without you, this outbreak would be even worse.


on september 11th 2001, two planes crashed into the world trade centre in new york city. It was a massacre. 3000 dead in a matter of 24 hours. the entire world was in shock of the atrocity, the brutal, diabolical murder of scores of innocents. 

the american government reacted accordingly. a full investigation was launched to hold the culprits responsible – what nation could have sanctioned such a brutal attack on so many innocents? what kind of soulless country could, regardless of vendetta, allow such a heinous crime? 

by 2002, the united states had their answer. the investigation was complete. A 600 page document known as the Congressional Report on 9/11 was released. approx 20 pages detailing the workings of the nation responsible were produced. The report was published. 

Except the name of the country responsible for 9/11 was redacted in the report. blackened out with a sharpie. It would remain redacted for 14 years. The country in question? Saudi Arabia. 

Instead of declaring to the world who was involved in orchestrating 9/11, the u.s. would hide this information for over a decade. 

Instead, they would point fingers at Iraq, whilst knowing that iraq had nothing to do with the attack in the first place. They would orchestrate journalistic propaganda in the new york times about “weapons of mass destruction” – a narrative that had been proven false by their very own intelligence officers, a narrative that had been shot down by every journalist that had ever stepped foot in Niger (where the purported ingredients of mass destruction were coming from). Regardless, the New York Times would dutifully publish the perverted stories anyway. NYT editors would say “to not invade iraq is the bigger mistake”. 

In 2003, the months of building up false stories in the media, propaganda in every mainstream newspaper, journal and t.v. show would pay off. The u.s. would invade iraq. 

from 2003 -  2011 the country of iraq would be brutalized in ways never seen before by mankind. modern, 21st century warfare would decimate the very spirit of iraq. at least 460 000 innocent, iraqi civilians murdered in 8 years. entire generations were wiped out in less than a decade. we will never know their names. 

waves of sexual violence committed upon “captured” cities ensued at the hands of american soldiers. many of the survivors, if not dead at the hands of their occupiers, would take their own lives. we will never know their names. 

in 2011, the blood in iraq is finally dry. we’ve leeched all of it. we’ve procured the natural resources we came for – it’s time to head out. the so called WMD we came for were never found, they did not exist, they were never real to begin with. A far cry from how things got started, we start seeing articles about the falsehood of the iraq war. the same publishers who willingly handed out propaganda to the masses about WMD in Saddam’s hands are now saying “wait…we’ve made an error.” the narrative shifts. the occupation ends 3 years after a new commander in chief is granted the power to end it. in its wake we leave behind military bases and mercenaries that are ready to activate whenever called upon. 

That same year, the u.s. supports various popular movements across the arab world. tens of regimes are flipped. 

and in that same year, using the same weapons left behind by valiant american rapists and invaders, an army of another kind of mercenaries is born. they call themselves ISIL, then ISIS. 

ISIS vows to cleanse the muslim world of shia muslims, minority sect muslims, christians, yezidis, Jewish people. ISIS also vows they are enemies of the u.s. America vows vice versa. Their feud is a celebrated one. ISIS, the evil nemesis of the Brave & Courageous America. 

But then, 2012 happens. America, losing their influence and control over the levant, start funding ISIS factions. America starts funding Al-Qaeda factions. 

The same NYT that once convinced us that Iraq had WMD is now INSISTING that these al-qaeda factions, that themselves claim to be brothers of al-qaeda, are moderate rebels simply looking for democracy and liberation. people believe it. 

America’s proxies in the levant go on to destroy the region in unimaginable ways–and then, 2018 happens. 

Iraqis & Iranians destroy ISIS. Indisputably, action from both nations led to the destruction of ISIS, now a paid member of the U.S. military. America, once using ISIS and AQ factions to regain control over the levant struggles to position themselves as the heroes – attempting pathetically to play both sides of the same coin. Again, the same way outlets like NYT backtracked their Iraq war propaganda, they start apologizing for identical mistakes in naming actual american funded terrorists as “freedom fighters.” another cycle ends. 

ISIS is gone, but the real loss is America’s. They’ve lost the barbaric feudalistic control they once held in the region via ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Their terrorist assets have been reduced to ashes by a people they once themselves invaded from 2003 - 2011.

This brings us to today. The united states has assassinated Qassem Soleimani, Iran’s second in command. this is akin to another nation murdering the likes of mike pence, joe biden or dick cheney. it is an act of war. 4000 troops have been deployed to the Iraq-Iran region. It is an invasion. 

And just as in 2003 the NYT & MSM justified the faulty invasion of iraq, and just as in 2012 the NYT & MSM justified the funding of ISIS & AQ factions, in 2020, a new propaganda will circulate to justify the illegal assassination of sovereign leaders. 

New propaganda will circulate to justify a new era of bloodshed in Iraq & Iran and the rape and murder of innocents.  New propaganda will vilify young, brown children as terrorists.  New propaganda will circulate to return us to the year 2003. 

There is nothing I can do within my capacity to help anyone. I am completely useless in saving any of the lives that will be taken in the next several years. 

All I can do is ask that when you see a piece of information that attempts to justify the actions of the u.s. on foreign soil, in any foreign nation, that you reduce it to ashes. They lied to you in 2003, they did it again in 2011, they are doing it again in 2020. 

Reject the lie. It’s all we can do. 


me @ AO3

You wanna know a secret tho? You can.

You can leave as many as you want and it’ll show up. I’ll see your name four times in the kudos list when you clicked it four times. That little note is just there to remind you that you’ve already done it.

wait whAT






Fuck man I just thought it was a glitch. Thank you to that one person who gave me kudos like 3 times. 

Okay, fandom friends, get ready for lots of notifications from me. I’ve been holding myself back for over a month, since I knew I already left kudos on your fics. You’ll get so sick of me, but feel my love dammit!!  *cough* @moonstruckandkissedinsane *cough* 


Please boost this!

From the website’s FAQ:

“Who is this for? Full Cart is perfect for hard working individuals and families looking for a way to extend their grocery budget.

Why is there no charge for the groceries? Full Cart partners with generous companies and organizations you know and love to cover the cost of your meals. All you pay is shipping.“

This makes my heart happy (and less stressed)


Stay blessed y’all


The only way we can help

Guys! They also have a shop where you can buy t-shirts that provide them money for planting the trees in Brazil!

Also each t-shirt you buy is 20 planted trees! Check out their shop!!

Please reblog this, they need as much help as they can get.


How to help Amazônia:

You can donate to SOS Amazônia which is one among the 100 NGOs selected as “The Largest NGOs in Brazil”.

> > > ( ENGLISH: //doe.sosamazonia.org.br/en ) < < <

And remember: - 1 USD is 4,04 reais. - 1 EUR is 4,47 reais. If you donate only $2,50 USD (10 reais) you’re helping a lot.

If you donate only $2,30 EUR (10 reais) you’re helping a lot. About people saying “the minimum value is $10”: Even if you’re not from Brazil you can donate in REAL instead of donating in USD or EUR via Paypal, so… YES, you can donate less than 10 dollars or euros. (Just don’t change the currency to USD or EUR, Paypal converts your dollars/euros to reais.)

Please. Boost if possible, this is REALLY important.

You can help by signing the petition too!

It won’t take much of your time!


Stop killing the Amazon!

To members of the Brazilian Congress, the government of Jair Bolsonaro and world leaders: As citizens around the world, we were horrified to see the rapid increase in the destruction of the Amazon rainforest in recent months. The fate of humanity is directly connected with the fate of the Amazon, and we ask that you do everything you can to protect the forest, including passing laws to protect public forests and ending illegal deforestation, and even increasing international pressure to prevent further destruction of the Amazon.


By now, I think most of us are aware of the fires in the Amazon, but is there anything that we can do, especially those of us outside Brazil?

thank you!!! This is actually the first I’ve seen of any petitions or donations for the Amazon, and I’ll definitely be signing



for the last 2+ weeks, the Amazon has been catching fire. Yes, it’s the season where that’s normal but because of the sayings (aka incentive) of our new president, some farmers are taking advantage of that and intentionally setting the trees on fire. Yesterday, because of this, the sky of São Paulo looked like this. AT THREE IN THE AFTERNOON.

Hospitals of the northern states are filling up with people (especially children and seniors) claiming they can’t breathe properly. ALREADY ENDANGERED ANIMALS ARE DYING. THIS IS SERIOUS.

Germany and Norway, huge donators to the Amazon cause will stop sending money because they don’t see results (that can also be credited to our president, who has been tweeting angrily ever since - not because he cares about the environment, btw). That money gives this guy and his team equipment to save little guys like these:

THIS AFFECTS EVERYONE, NOT JUST BRAZILIANS. The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world, and it’s being destroyed. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING.

If your country is holding elections, vote for someone who cares about this. Don’t let another Bolsonaro or another Trump have the power to do something and then do nothing. This is going to shape our future — if we have one.


side note: not to sound bitter or ungrateful but also like what’s up with Europe… y’all exploited South America for centuries but just because you “aren’t seeing results” you stop helping altogether?? if you really wanted to help you wouldn’t stop because you think you aren’t helping lol

theres a petition going around. PLEASE sign it. this is HUGE

Please reblog to spread the news. This is important.




DON’T LOOK AWAY ‼️‼️‼️‼️


i better not see a single post celebrating the 4th of july this year


hey so uhhh here’s an important update on what’s apparently happening at the border, especially with the use of the old japanese internment camps

all i can say is i’m sickened by this mess, by the atrocities committed against innocent people. and now there will be no surveillance. no one will be able to see what happens to these people. the UN, the media, and any other human rights organizations cannot get into these facilities, either, in order to stop what’s happening. by the way, coast guard members were apparently aiding in this process as well. so now it’s only a matter of time before it becomes a military movement.

no one gets in. no one gets out.

so when are we going to call this what it is? it’s fascism. it’s genocide. and if we don’t stop it now, it’s going to be disastrous.

contact your senators, your representatives, anyone that’s in office that can get off their lazy ass and do something.

can y’all please reblog this i’m begging


Happening right now in Hong Kong - the police is firing rubber bullets and using batons, pepper spray, tear gas and water cannons on peaceful protesters who took the streets to protest against the passing of a controversial law which would allow China to extradite people.

Protesters set up camps, gave out snacks and surgical masks before all of this started. Tanks are apparenrly out in the streets as well and people are being hurt as I write this, but they are not backing down.

Most of the protesters are young people, university students, even high schoolers.

The police are now stopping ambulances trying to help the injured and are taking people out of the ambulances and arresting them insteading of letting them get the help they need. This could cost people their lives, their vision (they aimed the rubber bullets in the heads of the protesters), etc. It’s like those police officers forgot what their jobs actually are and lost their humanity in the process.

The man covered in blood and lying on the floor in one of the photos above is a journalist and the police shot him in the head! The protesters moved to let the ambulance pass through and directed them to the man and let them pass to the hospital freely, clapping at the ambulance workers all the while. The man has since lost consciousness and his condition is reported as being serious.

Meanwhile, the police had since blocked other ambulance vehicles from passing through and arrested the injured.

A video of the journalist being shot was captured and is currently spreading on social media - in it, you can see that the man was just standing there and didn’t do anything to warrant being shot whatsoever.


approx. 10 riot police beating up lone protester while journalists (in yellow vests) film


earlier (approx 5:30 HKT 12/6/19 (dd/m/yy)) a protester was shot in the face ; not sure if its by rubber bullet or bean bag

First reports state 22 people have been hospitalized so far.

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