
Hi it's Sel!

@sellleh / sellleh.tumblr.com

Personal blogs for my soul | Fandom ranging from Western to Anime to Danmei | my art blog is selpuku.tumblr.com

Terms You Might Want To Know For Your Wuxia/Xianxia Fic

MXTX's danmei are getting increasingly popular, and the fandoms are getting more fic-happy. I've noticed that some writers seem interested in writing their own fics but are concerned of making mistakes with niche honorifics and titles. I've noticed some that have jumped right in, but have made innocent errors that I'd like to correct but fear coming off as rude or presumptuous. And so I've made this list of terms that covers the basics and also some that are a little more niche since they're usually directly translated in cnovels.

DISCLAIMER: This is by no means a comprehensive list of everything one needs to know or would want to know concerning ancient Chinese honorifics and titles, merely what I myself consider useful to keep in mind.

  • Shifu: 'Martial father'; gender-neutral
  • Shizun: 'Martial father'; more formal than 'shifu'; gender-neutral
  • Shimu: ‘Martial mother’; wife of your martial teacher
  • Shiniang: ‘Martial mother’; wife of your martial teacher who is also a martial teacher
  • Shibo: elder apprentice-brother of your shifu; gender-neutral
  • Shishu: younger apprentice-brother of your shifu; gender-neutral
  • Shigu: apprentice-sister of your shifu
  • Shizhi: your martial nephew/niece
  • Shimei: younger female apprentice of the same generation as you
  • Shijie: elder female apprentice of the same generation as you
  • Shidi: younger male apprentice of the same generation as you
  • Shixiong: elder male apprentice of the same generation as you
  • Shige: elder male apprentice of the same generation as you, specifically one who has the same shifu as you or is the son of your shifu
  • Zhanglao: an elder of your sect
  • Zhangbei: a senior of your sect
  • Qianbei: a senior not of your sect
  • Wanbei: a junior not of your sect

ao3′s orphaning option is cool and a good idea but mostly very fucking funny. i posted this work for fun when i was younger and i still want people to be able to come back to it if they liked it, but now im an adult professional and i dont want it attached to my name. whats the word for that? umm, anonymously posting? no. i want something that indicates i murdered this story’s parents 


technically the story’s parents faked their own death and disappeared to go have an office job, and that’s even funnier


playing video games

(fun fact; hidden inventory happened august 2006 and pokemon diamond/pearl came out a month later. so i drew a comic about it)

On rainy nights or on lonely days
Please color me with your shiny light
I'll do better when you promise me we will stay together

- ONLY by Lee Hi


Gate… close.

Wendell Berry / Tim Seibles / James Baldwin / Mahmoud Darwish / Mary Oliver / Mahmoud Darwish / Octavio Paz / Madeline Miller / Florence + the Machine / Trista Mateer / Ocean Vuong / Akutami Gege, Jujutsu Kaisen

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