
Photoblogging with Cerulean

@ceruleanphoto / ceruleanphoto.tumblr.com


Stranger Things is an amazing show. I can’t recommend it enough.

This comic isn’t very spoilery but it won’t make a lot of sense until you’ve watched the show. The entire first season is on Netflix. Go check it out!



“When Millie auditioned, she had long brown hair down past her shoulders. But Eleven was written as having hair “buzzed almost to the scalp.” Millie and her parents were understandably hesitant to chop it all off. Would it look ugly? Would it cost her other roles? Fortunately, Mad Max: Fury Road was about to come out, so we pulled out a magazine photograph of Charlize Theron as Furiosa and showed it to Millie. “Charlize looks totally badass, right?” Millie agreed; Charlize looked badass. And that was it: She agreed to buzz it all off.
“When the day of the haircut finally arrived, Millie’s mom brought out a camcorder, while her dad ran away with tears in his eyes, unable to watch. It was a pretty dramatic scene. But also very quick. Within 10 minutes we had shaved it all off and slapped a fake “11” tattoo on Millie’s wrist. Millie looked at herself in the mirror, gave her best Furiosa scream — and Eleven was born.”



The Avatar Family Cosplays made by: Me (Katara) Aang: Cerulean Photograhy  Photography by: https://www.facebook.com/availlight Edits by: Me  *Bumi was not left out, he just decided until the last picture that he didn’t want to wear his costume or be in photos  To see all the photos, go here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.510572152409982.1073741875.248973375236529&type=3

Why did we not see Bumi until the last shot?

As said in the comments under the photos, our Bumi didn’t want to be apart of the photos until the very last one. He isn’t really big on wearing costumes or cosplay and we didn’t want to force it on him :)

Holy cow, I can’t believe this is making a comeback @.@

It keeps coming baaaaack. Who keeps finding this?


every woman on tumblr should have this on their dash

And every man

Look how nobody’s yelling or arguing or making things into a competition. Look how this is to straight up educate people through a different perspective. Look how effective that makes the message.


The last one really hit me. I never really thought about something like that could actually impact a woman’s life. Damn…




ok I’m sorry I hate this post

rain water isn’t safe to drink at all like nah I’m not gonna get all sciencey on this shit because I do not have the time but it costs 2MuchMoney to purify water and a lot of contamination gets into the drinking water supply that they have to deal with too so please also when the fuck has anyone gotten a coke for 99¢ cuz I sure haven’t

I mean, I lived in a house where we had to essentially use rain water because the city wouldn’t put a pipe line in for our house. So I pretty much drank rain water all the time. I mean, I get purification and blah blah blah but the point still stands that water IS much more expensive then soda which is likely why people tend to drink soda. the prices above are a little fudged!

I get that but I was basically saying that the reason for the higher prices is because if you are going out of your way to buy it yes it is going to be more expensive because of the processes they have to do to purify etc etc. I never said that water is definitely cheaper than Soda, because no it isn’t.

Rain water still isn’t an ideal alternative (and I’m sorry you had to drink it suz), and it won’t necessarily KILL you buuuuuut with the things that are found in rain such as acids and chemicals it isn’t necessarily good for you either and over extended period of time could be bad. One case of “I did it and I’m fine” doesn’t change what facts there are out there about it. That’s the bit of that post that bugged me the most because if people are going to complain about the price of water than they are basically complaining about it being “too pure”

But I’m not going on about WATER IS SUPERIOR because I drink my share of soda and water but my point was basically that yes water has a reason for it’s price so yerrrrr

Ahh yes I feel ya then apologies. I just know that rain water sucks but its not the end of the world.

I get people that throw a fit at work all the time because we charge for water if they want more then a complimentary cup (but the prices are still cheaper then soda) and they wanna bitch and moan and I just am like…uh I mean store clean water is more expensive????? Its just…its all weird…

Point is being missed, because we use the SAME WATER that goes into the coke bottles (with HFCS, caffeine, flavors, etc) in the bottled water. Also, most bottled water is municipal tap water with nothing more done to it. Spring water is actually bottled at natural springs, but if its not spring water, its the same thing you can get turning on a faucet. For a lot cheaper. If you HAVE to buy water, buy it in gallons, not in little bottles. Or better yet, the big 2.5 gallon containers at grocery stores, which go for $3-4. $3 for 2.5 gallons, or $3 for two 1-pint bottles, which makes more sense? We are paying for not wanting to carry around a big jug? Are you kidding me?


Fuck Facebook in its fucking Face

My last name, as some know, is Blue. Apparently, this isn't a real name according to Facebook, and my account, and therefore admin access to my photo page, has been suspended. I can't even begin to explain how pissed off this makes me. Fuck you Facebook. Your policies are stupid anyway, but now you suspend me for my actual name? Zuckerberg can go fuck himself with a bargepole wrapped with rusty barbed wire. Twice.


This finale was just so important, okay? Like how everyone praised Pacific Rim for not ending on a kiss, let’s also do it for LoK, too. It allows for so many pleasant endings without crushing anyone. Is Korra straight, bi, aro/ace? Who can say?

The important thing is she’s happy, and safe, and Asami is going with her on that journey.

This, for the message AND the PR parallel.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (x) (x)


Book 4 Earth Kingdom Korra- Part 2 

NEW SHOES NEW PARKA NEW PANTS NEW SASH NEW ARM BANDS NEW WIG  Basically everything is new except my tank top. And Even that got revamped a bit/battle damaged. 

Little Korra plushie was made for me for Christmas last year and I realized I never had photos with her…so that had to change! 

Photos by ceruleanphoto https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cerulean-Photography/242949702432475 Cosplay Made and Worn by Me  Full Album and be found here: https://www.facebook.com/KrunchyCosplay

Being recursive and reblogging Krunchy's post of my pics~


Well, friends… today was our last official day at Nickelodeon. Mike and I posed in front of a poster that a bunch of you generous fans made for us at NYCC back in 2008 as a way for us to say THANK YOU! You are an amazing international community of creative, thoughtful, progressive humans and we are lucky to have had your support in our endeavors all these years. I mean, you guys won Tumblr gold and bronze yesterday! We hope you enjoy the 1-hour Korra series finale next week. We’ll be staying busy and staying in touch. I wish you all the best in your own endeavors and creative journeys!

Love, Bryan

It is and will continue to be an honor. Thank you all.


#first rule of the avatar fandom #ALWAYS REBLOG THAT’S ROUGH BUDDY



I don’t even watch Avatar and this is awesome!


First | Second | Third | Fourth | Fifth | Sixth | Seventh | Eighth | Ninth | Tenth | Eleventh Photography by LJinto @ C2E2 '13. ~~~Please do not delete Photo Credits!~~~

This group really was incredible. We were missing a couple of the doctors and our friend stepped up for the 1st that weekend, and we actually FOUND our 3rd at the con center. It sounds like a fairy tale how this group came together and it was glorious.

These girls all have a special place in my heart. and i hope this group forged strong friendship between everyone. All these ladies are beautiful and super glad to be apart of it all

Kinda perfect timing us getting these photos so close to the anniversary ;3 

Hey I know most of you


Taking Back Idiot Nerd Girl

I thought this was a super interesting take on the meme, seen as how I was at one point a novice too.

Yes. All of this.

The last one. So much. Does it make you feel good? Does it make you feel powerful? To be the people who made you feel horrible in high school? This is a question I often have to ask of 50 year old men at conventions. It’s like they’ve forgotten. 

The last one is the fucking best.

Source: uproxx.com
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