
She's Mad But She's Magic

@mad--but--magic / mad--but--magic.tumblr.com

crazy. queer. feminist. loser/loner/lover.

Broken heart bath

  • Add white rose petals, honeysuckle blossoms and rose attar to bath filled with water. substitute hydrosols with fresh flowers if necessary.
  • Place a rose quartz large enough to not go down the drain in the bath too.
  • Soak in the scented bath.
  • Following the bath, carry the rose quartz with you. Sleep with it under your pillow until you don’t need it any more.

“he just left in the middle of an argument” dump him “he rolls his eyes when I start to cry” dump him “we never agree on what movie to watch and we always go with his choice” dump him “when he’s mad he’ll stand up straight and tower over me” dump him “his friends make me uncomfortable” dump him “he didn’t appreciate the gift I made him” dump him “I don’t like that he drinks every day” dump him “sometimes he ignores what I said during sex unless I say it again” dump him “he told me he doesn’t like it when I wear my favorite sweater” dump him “he threw something when he got mad once” dump him “he won’t yell but sometimes he’ll just stop responding until I stop talking about it” dump him “he doesn’t want me to go to my friend’s parties without him, but he never wants to go” dump him “he pouts and says his last girlfriend did it for him” dump him “he plays pranks on me that I don’t like” dump him “he doesn’t think my jokes are very funny and makes fun of me for it” dump him “he wants me to wear more make up” dump him “he got angry that I cut my hair” dump him “he still hasn’t met my parents” dump him “he talks about me giving him kids, but we’ve never talked about our future” dump him “he whines that condoms don’t feel as good” dump him “I like having a boyfriend, but I have to put up with a lot for this one” dump him (:

reminder for the future


🔥 Fire Grounding 🔥

a quick guide on grounding with bonfires or candles for elemental witches

🔥 to be done near a lit candle, or by a safe bonfire. 

🔥  practice fire safety when doing this, and do not go too close to the fire! if no fire is available or safe for you, visualization is recommended

🔥  have a view/hearing of the fire to the best of your ability

🔥  visualize:

the way the fire crackles and burns away at the wood or wick, the negative and stagnant energy burns away from you. it turns to smoke and dissipates into the air. 
the inside of you is dark and empty. there are only ashes left behind, pure and still.
each spark and flame fills you with new energy. the flames, their brightness and warmth replenishes and re-energizes you.
from the ashes a new flame is kindled within you, and it lives within your chest.

🔥  when you are ready, douse the fire you focused on in the appropriate method. you are not ending it, as the fire lives on it you, where its energies have spread.


🚿💧take your showers up a witchy notch 💧🚿

every time you shower, visualize all of the negative energy that has attached to you washing away and going down the drain… Concentrate on the feel of the water on your skin. Envision the power of water washing all of the negative energy away. Any negative emotions, thoughts, anger, sadness, regrets and depression all rolling off of you with the water. You’ll notice yourself feeling lighter and much more clear. As you wash your body, feel the soap drawing out even the deepest of your stresses, and visualize the waters pure clean energy soaking through your skin.


Gardens of the Witches

Already starting to plan this years garden so I thought I should do a post on Witch Gardens

Moonlight Garden

A garden that blooms in the moonlight, a great place to perform night time rituals, meditations, or to just take a midnight stroll. A garden that is full of magick even after the sun sets. 

Plants to add in your moonlight garden:

  • Moonflower: (Ipomoea alba) A nocturnal relative of the morning glory. Has fragrant flowers that open at dusk and close by dawn.    
  • Evening Primrose: (Oenothera biennis) Has beautiful, scented flowers that bloom only at dusk. 
  • Night Flox: (Zaluzianskya capensis) A sweetly fragranced flower that only unfurls its pinwheeled shaped flowers after dusk. 
  • Four O’Clock: (Mirabilis jalapa) Its scented flowers bloom at around 4:00pm (hence its name) and do not close up until morning. 
  • Queen of the Night: (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) A species of cactus whose flowers only open at night. Attracts moths and bats!!!
  • Night Blooming Jessamine: (Cestrum nocturnum) Strong, sweet scented star shaped flowers that only bloom at night. Attracts moths and bats!!! All parts are toxic, do not ingest!
  • Angel’s Trumpet: (Brugmansia) Produces a strong scent on warm summer evenings. All parts are toxic, do not ingest!
  • Evening Stock: (Matthiola longipetala) Produces lots of small blossoms that produce a perfume described as a mix of vanilla, rose, spice, and cloves only after the sun sets.
  • Ever-Flowering Gladiolus: (Gladiolus tristis) Release a strong almond fragrance after dusk.  
  • Lilac: (Syringa vulgaris) Although has a perfume during the day, it is said to be a lot stronger after dark. 
  • Flowering Tobacco: (Nicotiana) Open in the late afternoon and have a fragrance that smells of jasmine. All parts are toxic if ingested!
  • Summer Snapdragon: (Angelonia angustifolia) Preferably in white, to reflect the moonlight. Has a scent apple-scented foliage. 
  • Silvermound: (Artemisia schmidtiana) Has thick foliage that will shimmer under the moonlight.
  • Jack Frost: (Brunnera macrophylla) Hdeart shaped leaves of silver and green, perfect to add more highlights of silver to your moon lit garden. 

Any plant that blooms after dark or has white, lavender, pale pink, pale yellow on it is a perfect addition to your moonlight garden. 

Things to add:

  • Stepping stones that have the phases of the moon.
  • Fairy lights
  • A place to sit
  • Candles
  • A small fountain to sing along with the insects and birds of the night
  • String charms and bells on tree branches for a soft jingling every time a gentle breeze passes. 

Herb Garden

For witches who need a more practical garden for uses of healing, tea crafting, drying, and growing plants used in their practices.

Plants to add to your herb garden:

  • Anise: Helps to ward of the evil eye, find happiness, and stimulates psychic abilities. 
  • Basil: Use for anything pertaining with love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy, and protection. Dispels confusion, fears & weakness. Drives off hostile spirits.
  • Bergamont: Corresponds with money and prosperity. Provides with protection from evil and illness, improves memory, stops interference, and promotes restful sleep.
  • Borage: Corresponds with courage and psychic powers. 
  • Cat Nip: Is sacred to the Goddess Bast. Brings forth beauty, happiness, good luck, and good spirits.
  • Chamomile: Corresponds with love, healing, and sleep. Is known to reduce stress.
  • Chervil: Brings a sense of the higher self, placing you in touch with your divine, immortal spirit.
  • Coriander: Corresponds with love, health, immortality, and protection.
  • Dill: Corresponds with money, protection, luck and lust. 
  • Lemon Balm: Corresponds with love, success, healing, and psychic/spiritual development. 
  • Marjoram: Used to cleanse, purify, and to dispel negative energy.  
  • Mint: Promotes energy, communication and vitality.
  • Oregano: Corresponds with joy, strength, vitality, and added energy 
  • Parsley: Calms and protects the home.
  • Rosemary: Protects, cleanses, purifies, and aids memory. 
  • Sage: Used for self purification and dealing with grief and loss.
  • Thyme: Attracts loyalty, affection, and the good opinion of others.

Things to add:

  • A place to dry herbs
  • A place to compost any herb scraps
  • Rocks
  • A place to leave offerings before you harvest

Bee Garden

Make yourself a sanctuary to watch bees frolic and thrive

Plants to add to your bee garden:

  • Bee balm
  • Lavender
  • Crocus
  • Snow Drop
  • Wildflowers/Any native species
  • Catmint
  • Borage
  • Anise hyssop
  • Heliotrope
  • Sunflower
  • Oregano
  • Yarrow
  • Coneflower
  • Black eyed susan
  • Asters
  • Goldenrod
  • Foxglove
  • Marigold
  • Pansies
  • Sweet peas
  • Nasturtiums

Things to add:

  • Bee houses
  • Bee waterers/bee baths
  • Bee feeders
  • A place for offerings to the bees

Some other ideas for your garden:

  • Hummingbird garden
  • Medicinal garden
  • A garden whose plants and decorations represent/correspond with your practice.
  • Butterfly Garden
  • Faerie Garden 

The options are endless! I hope this gives you some ideas for this years garden.

Happy planting!

==Moonlight Academy==


not to be like “life is bullshit and i should be living on a small farm by the sea” but life is bullshit and i should be living on a small farm by the sea


From sunset magazine.

Reblogging because roses are about the only thing I have not dropped into vodka at this point.

Come June, I have some neon pink roses that are gonna fit the bill for this.


Plant Growth and Life Spell

Say this while circling the plant with your wand:

“May light engulph you, may water nurish you, may you grow big and tall, and provide for us all.”

This works especially well on edible plants, ie herbs, fruit, vegtables, etc.


its human nature to want a bunch of small jars


The Craft and The Land

In my experience, these things are inseparable.  I would argue that a strong connection to their land is one of the most important things that a witch must attain.  I have a catchphrase that I use probably a bit too much.  “The land informs the craft.”  Witches from different places have different practices, different magical methods, and different names for similar ideas.  In folklore, the English witches met in the woods, but the Spanish witches met in the caves and the German witches in the mountains.  But did you ever ask why?  The witch’s craft is intimately connected to the wild, and for each region, that wild place is different. The spirits that live in those wild places are different.  Magic is universal, but the methods in tapping it aren’t.  The way I practice my craft, that I make magic, comes from the land that I grew up on. It’s descended from the people who have walked it (the folklore of the land). More importantly, the land itself has crafted it.  The plants that grow on the ground, the trees I wander under, the animals that dwell on the land, all make up the way that I do my craft. When I stopped trying to make it something that it’s not, and really payed attention to the land I was on was when I felt a closeness with it. From that, I bloomed as a witch.  Not only will it empower you, but it’ll help you understand yourself.  It’s why I’m a forest-y witch.  It’s why there are sea witches.  It’s also why some are urban witches. (The city is just a big plot of land, isn’t it?) 


🍀 🍄A summary of the Sabbats 🍄🍀

When I was a baby witch, it was really difficult for me to understand the Sabbats and the wheel of the year. To help all my baby witches, I made a short summary to make it easier. 

🎄 Yule (Date: on the winter solstice, dec. 20-23) 🎄

This is the Sabbat for celebrating rebirth. Many people celebrate it similarly to Christmas, with gift giving, feasting, and wreath making. People will often kiss a consenting partner under a sprig of mistletoe for good luck.

🐏  Imbolc (Date: feb. 2) 🐏 

This Sabbat celebrates the return of spring. People make corn dollies and set them in a basket next to a symbol of masculinity. Many Witches will clean out their homes during Imbolc.

🐣 Ostara (Date: on the vernal equinox, Mar. 20-23) 🐣 

This Sabbat celebrates the coming time of fertility. Egg decorating is common during this time.

🔥 Beltane (Date: May 1) 🔥

This Sabbat focuses on fertility. Many Pagans choose to conceive children at this time (or just to enjoy themselves sexually with a partner). Beltane festivals are often high energy, with plenty of dancing and bonfires. 

☀️ Litha (Date: on the summer solstice, Jun 20-23) ☀️

A Sabbat for celebrating the longest day of the year, as well as for mourning the shortening days after. Some Witches burn bonfires or light candles to represent the Sun.

🌾 Lughnasadh (Date: Aug 1 -> 1 day before my birthday!) 🌾

I love this Sabbat but I’m not able to pronounce this name :). This is the first of the three harvesting Sabbats. There are festivals of grain and bread. People make gingerbread men during this time.

🍁 Mabon (Date: on the autumnal equinox, sep. 20-23) 🍁

This is the second of the three harvesting Sabbats. Witches give thanks to the Earth and the harvest. Celebraters will make and drink wine at this time.

⛄️ Samhain (Date: nov. 1) ⛄️

This is the last of the three harvesting Sabbats. It is also the festival of the dead. The veil is at its thinnest at this time. Witches will sometimes hold a big feast during Samhain.

Feel free to contact me if you have more questions!




Relationships are scary and complicated ONLY when you start thinking of your partner as some kind of adversary. 

You know how to stop being scared of relationships? Remember that it’s got a goddamn buddy system *built in*. That’s all a relationship IS: “Let’s approach life with the buddy system.”

Check on your buddy. Make sure your buddy doesn’t forget their lunch box on the schoolbus. Hold hands with your buddy so you don’t get lost. If your buddy wants to look at the monkey cage, look at the goddamn monkey cage with them. If you are the one looking at the monkey cage, ask your buddy what they want to do next, and when they want to feed the giraffe, help them find a quarter for the little food dispenser. Be a good buddy, and if your buddy isn’t a good one too, tell the teacher and ask for a new one.

This isn’t fucking rocket science, people. 


I have reblogged this before. I will reblog it again. And it’s not just romantic relationships: it’s family members and friends as well.

This kind of woke my ass up because of the amount of times I’ve had a buddy who didn’t check on me, didn’t want me to check on them, but didn’t want me to leave.

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