

@the-meatgrinder / the-meatgrinder.tumblr.com

I’m still a piece of ~garbage ~


Theres this guy at work and were talking and im bad at this and he’s hella cute and far too fucking cool and i literally just chopped off most of my hair

God i hope this works out

So it did in fact not work out little Emily- and good thing too Jesus Christ. He invited you over his “place” and you drove to the address in this weird suburb. He appeared 10 minutes later in pitch black and then asked you if you smoked. You didn’t, he said ok we’ll go back to his place to drink-which was not where you were parked in front of weird.

So you drive to his “place”, a very large house that just took up the whole sky. He tells you to wait there while he goes to open the door. Back and forth he went trying to get in as you text your friend “if I don’t come in tomorrow it’s because I’m dead lol” cause how else are you going to react to slowly accepting the fact that you’re part of statistic now.

He finally after 10 minutes gets the back door opened and you both walk into a large dark room. It has 2 identical queen beds both with maybe a blanket covering then and just hoards of objects all over. He pours you a drink of the strongest Jamaican rum you will ever smell-you fake drink it. He starts playing heavy trap music and tries kissing you. It’s like he’s sucking off your face in the worst way and then he grabs you and you stand your ground. This isn’t happening and you’re pissed at yourself but this isn’t how it’ll happen for you. He walks you back to your car and you drive home crying.

Your mother doesn’t get better with comforting you. She says he made a mistake-everyone but you makes mistakes. She won’t get better. And you think it’ll get awkward at work but it works out-he took too much Xanax and forgot to label any of the chicken. And you never see him again or figure out if his was really David.


unironically love the phrase “but I’m being so brave about it” because truly, like, what other choice do we have in this wretched existence? what a beautiful way to remind yourself to keep going, even if only out of spite


ok universe, i’m ready to feel good things. make me feel good things.

whenever i post this it works  reblog if u want to feel good things & the universe will bring u something sweet 


I feel a major transformation is about to happen in my life. I’m ready for new energy, new experiences, new opportunities and new blessings.

Speak it into existence ✨✨✨


Amen!!!!!!! Speak it and receive it!


I’m not saying he would win, but like….I get it


This is an interesting story because people my parents age are like “How dare he” and people my age are like “oh same”


Can’t believe eraserhead 1977 is licherally a student film when David lynch was a film student like these fucking teachers probably looked at him filming a dad and his ramen noodle baby on campus like



Not to mention the fact that Mrs. White isn’t qualified to teach. She should be required to take a remedial English course. “I have went”? please. It’s “I have gone”, Mrs. White. 

first, my kid would not sign anything without me seeing it first. 2nd, upon seeing it i would be at the superintendant’s office the next morning. then we would speak to the teacher. black folk gotta nip it in the bud.

Dont let your children be controlled like this. I remember back when I was in school my mom always told me “if you really need to use the bathroom or attend to an emergency and the teacher won’t let you, then just leave the classroom and I’ll deal with teacher and principle”

Mom had my back

If I was this kid I would use up those passes and then just fuckin’ throw up or get a severe nosebleed in the classroom and then refuse to leave because “sorry, I can’t go to the nurse, I already used up my two passes for the fucking MONTH”

There was a student at my high school, who we will call John Doe, who actually did that. When teachers gave him a limited number of bathroom allowances (usually 3 per semester, which was the standard at my school), he would use them in the first week, and then induce vomitting my eating rotten food he found around the school garbage cans. If teachers refused to let him go, he would just throw up on something they had to touch. Light switches, keyboards, whatever was available.

Instead of making admin do anything about this toxic policy, they just doubled down harder, to the extent that one girl politely informed a teacher that she felt like she might be about to have a seizure and could she go to the nurse, please. She was denied, sat back down at her desk, and promptly passed out and concussed herself on the concrete floor when she fell. 

Another girl had severe vertigo-induced fainting, could not get a teacher to excuse her from a phys ed class, and fell off a monkey bars and split her head open, and nearly lost an eye because her glasses broke when she landed.

A student with, I believe, diabetes had a severe blood sugar drop and tried to eat a candy bar in a class with a “no food or drinks” rule. The candy bar was taken away, and she had to be taken out by EMTs. 

This kind of human rights abuse in public schools is not new. I graduated a full decade ago. 

I’m glad it’s being publically discussed again, (briefly around 2003-2005 this was also a popular subject of discussion). I hope that this time, concrete changes in policy are actually affected.

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