
Nerdish Nerd

@nerdishnerd / nerdishnerd.tumblr.com

I'm a nerd old enough to be your dad & let's just leave it at that. No cool factor to be found here.

This is a significant danger to homeless populations living in close quarters and prison inmates. It's more about severe neglect and abuse of prison populations than being quite as simple as "ugh antivaxxers at it again", because drug resistant TB, or MDR-TB, was first formally documented in a British prison study in 1955-56, well before the Antivaxxer movement began as we know in contemporary terms. The Antivax movement has been around since vaccines were first invented, but tuberculosis WAS cured in combination to vaccination and the advent of penicillin. It came back worse than ever the worse we've been treating our poor and outcast populations like inmates and the unhoused. In the above NBC article, it states almost immediately that this outbreak took place where MDR-TB does its worst to the most people: an overcrowded, squalid building populated by people that are probably too poor to afford regular adequate preventative care and treatment. One person at least has already died, which is a strong indicator for the presence MDR-TB rather than Ye Olde TB.

What often goes unmentioned is that Tuberculosis is no longer on our list of "cured" diseases. Due to atrocious prison and homeless conditions around the world most than lack of vaccinations, because even the Tuberculosis vaccine itself can't always protect patients from contracting TB and MDR-TB, especially in countries with poor access to healthcare for the general population, high population density, high poverty and homelessness rates, and overcrowded prison systems. In the US, states like California that get most of their agricultural exports through prison slave labor (13th Amendment. Read it. It's right there and you should be PISSED it is). However, as a result of packing elbow-to-elbow packing plants and rarely-adequately-outfitted medical bays, Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis is now a real thing, cannot be cured in most patients, keeps getting MORE drug-resistant to more and more drugs, and does not respond to the once-effective cures that had already been invented decades ago. It mostly afflicts inmates and homeless people, the vaccine for it is usually only available in countries like India and not regularly used in the US, and can spread to anyone in close proximity with someone infected by blood, mucous, and particulate contact from their coughs/sneezes.

Fuck the antivax movement, seriously, but let's please also remember that some of these returning diseases aren't their OG versions anymore: they've mutated and gotten harder to treat and almost impossible to cure, because TB only afflicts poor people and jailbirds in the US as far as anyone knows, and a lot of people are shockingly okay with the notion of our culture's untouchables dying to a disease we already cured that's growing more teeth, spreading to "wanted" populations of people, and LOVES to co-infect with none other than motherfucking COVID.

Reblogging for additional context that is extremely relevant and important.

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