
i drink to forget the gods

@drunkolympus / drunkolympus.tumblr.com

rhea . xxv . a little hedonism never hurt nobody

Love how by late game in stardew valley you can cast spells and teleport and change the weather and talk to animals and commune with spirits and dwarves and shadow entities but the only person who even acknowledges that you aren't a normal farmer and you've literally become a wizard is the one other wizard in town


do you ever think about how if you dive into the ocean and go deeper and deeper you will pass through layers of darker and darker blue until everything is black and cold and the pressure will be so intense that it will kill you without protection but if you keep going you will find little glowing specks of light, and if you go up into the sky and go higher and higher you will pass through layers of darker and darker blue until everything is black and cold and the pressure will be so intense that it will kill you without protection but if you keep going you will find little glowing specks of light


A farmer wants his son to be afraid of beautiful women, so that he will not leave home too soon, so he tells a story about how one drowned his brother’s cousin’s friend in a lake, not because he was a pig who deserved to be drowned, but because beautiful women are bad, and also witches.


I love that we're still learning shit about this world we're in. Spiders sing? Fish chirp and enjoy tummy rubs? Trees feed each other? Mushrooms can talk. Rats giggle. Crows play games. If you leave a hamster wheel in the woods, mice will run in it. And despite all focus on the contrary, if you leave a handful of human beings alone with the opportunity to do good and be kind, they will. I love this Fucking planet so damn much


*thinks abt videogames*: now this is epic. I feel safe and warm and soft and happy. yes... this is good.

*Thinks about the videogame industry*: oh. oh no. Uh oh! Uh oh! Uh oh! A thousand curses and devils


is the world really such a terrible place? yesterday i asked if oat milk was extra and the barista said yes so i said ok just regular milk then and when she gave me my chai latte she whispered “i used oat milk ;)” doesnt that make u want to live another day?

here is my life philosophy: next week there might be someone ahead of you in line at the store who’s short a quarter and you have a quarter and you can give it to them. if you weren’t there, they’d have to put something back. the week after that you could be getting lunch and the waiter might ask if you want some pancakes someone else ordered and never picked up. you could find someone’s lost cat. you could watch someone’s bag while they go to the restroom. there are so many ways you are going to touch other people’s lives and they are going to touch yours and there’s no way to know when it’s going to happen. so you have to keep living!!! i wouldn’t want to die knowing that tomorrow the barista will give me free oat milk just to be nice. 


mitski's new song 'working for the knife' is an incredible commentary on consumerism and the culture it creates where you have to cut parts of yourself away to be more marketable and easy to digest for the audience, and how this stifles creativity and individual expression and leaves you feeling burned out and directionless. my jaw is on the floor she's done it again.

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