
Galactic Champion of Justice

@zethsaire / zethsaire.tumblr.com

Porn, LGBT, Marvel fandom, and spoonie stuff.

you know those tropes where you come across them and are like Hard No Thank You but then you see the author’s name and are like… 😒 i will read this FOR YOU 😒…


Clicking on the fic like


I've always been curious to know this about the people around me. Most people have been in severe pain, but in my experience few have had what they would say is their 10/10 experience. I guess it's just something I find fascinating, as I had my 10/10 experience quite young and I sometimes forget that not everyone has. In my opinion it changes your relationship with pain and how you engage with it afterwards. If you answered yes, feel free to elaborate on your circumstances in the tags!

(reblog for a bigger sample size etc)

Reblogging bc I know most of you have.


A phrase that bothers me, as a chronically ill person, is "You must be feeling better."

First of all, this is patronizing. This is a phrase smug adults say to a child who they think is malingering. It is not what you say to your adult friend with an intractable forever-illness.

Second, there is no "better." I'm feeling somewhat bad all the time, and that's ok, but I don't think of this in terms of "better" and "worse." Are you, an able person, thinking of your daily existence as "better" and "worse"? How would you feel if you told someone about a particularly above-average day, and they responded by saying "Oh, so things must be going better"?

I'm not good at walking. I haven't been in remission in two years. If I have a day where I can make my own meals, that doesn't mean I am "better." It means I am having a good day, which is ephemeral, but this is ok. I don't think that tomorrow will be "worse," even I can't do as many things as today. I think tomorrow will be tomorrow.


This is a great way to put this! I've always thought of my days as better or worse. And I get SO UPSET at myself when I'm feeling "worse." I've been thinking of better as "good" and worse as "bad" even when I don't really have any control over that.

Thinking of my good days as ABOVE AVERAGE takes that pressure off. I wouldn't expect an abled person to have above average days all the time. So I shouldn't expect myself to have good days all the time.

And that's okay.

I think it's the first time I've thought it was okay.


i'm curious to know the ratio of writers to readers on ao3 so here's a poll. when i say writer, i mean people who have published works on ao3, doesn't matter if it's once, or if it was ages ago, or if it's a regular occurrence. when i say reader, i mean people who have never published a work on ao3. the reader vote still counts if you don't have an account on ao3. if you're a writer who is also an active reader, please still click on the "writer" option!

please do boost this so it reaches a larger sample space!

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