
sam ♊︎

@nobodynocrimefanpage / nobodynocrimefanpage.tumblr.com

mean lesbian

Do you guys remember how kidnap fantasies were popular on wattpad because young girls and queer teens were both made to feel shame at the thought of their own sexualities, so the fantasy of being kidnapped totally against their will was a way for them to engage with a romantic or sexual fantasy without feeling morally in the wrong for doing so? Added bonus that the fantasy involved being whisked away from repressive environments like home or school, right?

Finding out that Bram Stoker was in a sexless marriage and that scholars believe that he very likely was closeted gay puts the entire book into perspective as to WHY it reads EXACTLY like a self insert wattpad Dracula kidnap fic:

“I TOTALLY love my wife and would never do anything that an upstanding Good Straight Working Man wouldn’t do but oh nooo, big strong man with broad back and strong enough arms to carry me back to bed like a princess trapped me and claimed me as his, completely against my will 👉👈 But he protects me against the bad evil sexual women (who I assure you, I am TOTALLY sexually attracted to, as any straight man with a choice would be) but trust me, I do NOT want ANY of this. What’s that? The Count is not capable of feeling love? Would be a shame if I had the special ability to change tha-”


This is also the fantasy behind all those old bodice-ripper romances that people today like to mock or call problematic, by the way.

“Oh, my next forty years are going to consist of nothing but washing dishes and keeping house and bearing children for the disdainful man I married right out of high school because my parents said college was for men and I had no other obvious life path open to me? What if a pirate captain thought I was worth stealing away from it all? [what if I ran away but no-one could blame me for leaving]?”


If you’re living in the US and reading this right now, I need you to know that if republicans take over office this next election, human rights are as good as dead.

The Heritage Foundation, a major Republican think tank, has published a 1,000 page document detailing how they want conservatives to take over the government and what they think should be done as soon as they’re in office. It is, in a nutshell, a call for fascism.

If you’re trans, know that one of the things it includes is basically banning trans people from having our existence acknowledged and it’s worded in a way where you could reasonably understand it to mean that being trans and going out in public is enough to get you put in jail for exposing minors to porn.

If you’re an immigrant, sanctuary cities are also going to be dead under this plan as district attorneys who don’t enforce the federal laws they plan to implement will be charged with crimes as well and they’re banking on them not being willing to pay the fines they’d be charged with in order to protect you.

If you care about climate change and safety regulations, kiss the regulations goodbye and prepare to watch the environment slowly get destroyed.

Here’s where you can read the whole thing if you’re so inclined

Hey. Hey guys?

Do us all a favor and

Fucking VOTE

i love you lab grown diamonds i love you slavery-free chocolate i love you community gardens i love you fact that the insulin patent was sold for $1 i love you locally produced meat and milk i love you streets turned into walkable parks i love you little reminders that Things Do Not Have To Be This Way and there are people working to build a better world!!


Just saw a post talking about "having a superiority complex over not watching Disney live action movies" and I was like damn, the bar for superiority is pretty low these days. Just the other day I saw an open single-serve slice of American cheese lying on the sidewalk and I didn't roll it up and shove it down my gullet without chewing like a hungry duck, I guess that makes me a genius who stands above the vulgar masses like a god

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