
@loyalpika-moved-blog / loyalpika-moved-blog.tumblr.com


Okay, with how stressed out I’ve been lately. I’ve decided I won’t delete. Rather I’m going to move my blog to a newer one starting within the next week or two. This way I can keep this as an archive and have all my old posts and stuff. But moving is legit the only thing I can do to probably get rid of stress.


Until then you can find me on my Pikachu OC since I’ll be setting up my new account for this one in my spare time.

It’s really hard to enjoy this account. I constantly get the ‘reply soon’ messages or am assumed to be finding others to be annoying when, if everyone has checked, I’ve been busy after a surgery and still struggling to regain muse. Honestly it doesn’t help my muse to get these messages since it makes me want to not log on and reply tbh.
I’m honestly at the point where getting up here seems like a chore and I honestly want to just DROP all my threads and/or delete since it’s not fun to deal with this.
I’m going to go on a Hiatus, honestly. I’m dropping ALL of my threads also. I’m sorry. I can’t deal with the stress this account brings and I feel constantly like people only care more for my replies than me or don’t seem to recognize that I’ve made countless posts about my recovery this month and my writers block. I don’t want to log on and constantly be bombarded with this.
It’s really hard to enjoy this account. I constantly get the ‘reply soon’ messages or am assumed to be finding others to be annoying when, if everyone has checked, I’ve been busy after a surgery and still struggling to regain muse. Honestly it doesn’t help my muse to get these messages since it makes me want to not log on and reply tbh.
I’m honestly at the point where getting up here seems like a chore and I honestly want to just DROP all my threads and/or delete since it’s not fun to deal with this.
I’m going to go on a Hiatus, honestly. I’m dropping ALL of my threads also. I’m sorry. I can’t deal with the stress this account brings and I feel constantly like people only care more for my replies than me or don’t seem to recognize that I’ve made countless posts about my recovery this month and my writers block. I don’t want to log on and constantly be bombarded with this.

It’s really hard to enjoy this account. I constantly get the ‘reply soon’ messages or am assumed to be finding others to be annoying when, if everyone has checked, I’ve been busy after a surgery and still struggling to regain muse. Honestly it doesn’t help my muse to get these messages since it makes me want to not log on and reply tbh.

I’m honestly at the point where getting up here seems like a chore and I honestly want to just DROP all my threads and/or delete since it’s not fun to deal with this.

I’m going to go on a Hiatus, honestly. I’m dropping ALL of my threads also. I’m sorry. I can’t deal with the stress this account brings and I feel constantly like people only care more for my replies than me or don’t seem to recognize that I’ve made countless posts about my recovery this month and my writers block. I don’t want to log on and constantly be bombarded with this.


It’s really hard to enjoy this account. I constantly get the ‘reply soon’ messages or am assumed to be finding others to be annoying when, if everyone has checked, I’ve been busy after a surgery and still struggling to regain muse. Honestly it doesn't help my muse to get these messages since it makes me want to not log on and reply tbh.

I’m honestly at the point where getting up here seems like a chore and I honestly want to just DROP all my threads and/or delete since it’s not fun to deal with this.

I’m going to go on a Hiatus, honestly. I’m dropping ALL of my threads also. I’m sorry. I can’t deal with the stress this account brings and I feel constantly like people only care more for my replies than me or don’t seem to recognize that I’ve made countless posts about my recovery this month and my writers block. I don’t want to log on and constantly be bombarded with this.

Sorry squirt, that face won’t work on him. Volty has a tendency to use that look a lot to get her way, and while sometimes a certain someone would give in to those big eyes and cute smiles but oh no, not this one. Raichu stood firm, staring down at his pre-evolution with a neutral expression.
“…” But the mouse wasn’t completely heartless, his tail slowly slinks out from behind him, and the older chu pats the younger on the top of his head using the flat portion of his tail.

    Really? A pat? No cuddles? No hugs? Perhaps he’s just too use to being with his Pikapi who offered him affection always. He sits there as he’s briefly patted. A look of ‘are you serious?’ showing on his features. If this was his idea of affection he’d hate to see anything else. Of course perhaps he was just confused? Yes. That must be it. Maybe he didn’t get the memo that his cute face meant affection?

           “A hug would’ve sufficed...” 

{ビリー} - “How could I not love that adorable face…?” Billy immediately lifts the cute animal up and begins to embrace it.

   He knew it’d work. With a large grin he wags his tail as he wraps his smaller arms around the other. Pressing his cheek against the others face before he lets out a happy ‘Pika’ in content. At least this one was willing. Others were often scared of being shocked.

Totally cuddles that cute rat!

  And he’s just going to return the cuddles. Pikacuddles were the best. As long as they weren’t too tight since it might result in shock. But that’s not the case now. He nuzzles his face against the others chest and wags his tail in glee.

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