
notice me ¿yusuke?

long ago I saw this image I did something funny so now told me more grace … maybe because it reminds me a little yandere simulator … thanks to the power of this edition is the result …. 




  it gets better 

simply beautiful 


      Looking at the clock that hangs from the kitchen wall, she is quick to finish tidding up the small space (even when it’s already impecable, of course.). A person so dear was visiting, and they were surely arriving at any moment. It was almost amusing, to her at least, this life of earthly dreams. To find herself so real, so alive, in a stage of life she did not think of reaching so many springs ago. And It was surreal to find herself in a home, her home, living an everyday life that she could call hers.

Sometimes she feels as though she could cry all over again.

    “Ah!” Chiri exclaims as she hears the doorbell ring, and she completely sure that it’s her guest. Quickly rushing to the entrance of the appartment, she opens the door wide, smiling so softly and yet so brightly.


“You’re here!!!”


“It wasn’t hard given your directions.” The old woman chimed, bowing respectfully in the doorway. Quite a ways from her temple far off in the distance mountains, the elder had traveled a great distance. But it had all been worth it. Seeing the delightful smile blooming over the young woman’s fair cheeks made her more energized and her tired legs less wary.

“This is a very nice building,” she went on, “I take it the accommodations are treating you well?” Though she may be past her prime, Genkai was still unnaturally sharp. Her quick and cunning wit told she was a woman who’d lived a long life. Though, she was ever filled with energy and strength of a woman much younger than her ailing appearance would tell. Beady brown eyes scanned the entryway while she removed her footwear. It was a good sized home and she could already sense it was taken care of to make both she and the owner feel welcome. “I rather like the design.”  

Act my age? What the fuck is that, “act my age”? What do I care how old I am? The Ocean is old as fuck. It will still drown your ass with vigor.

the greatest thing i have ever read  (via get-fit2fuck)



“Evil witches are a big old cup of nope. Not only they like to feast on people, but they’re just the most ugliest things you’ll ever rest your eyes upon. I can relate to that though I’m a coffee person. If I didn’t have a cup of coffee that morning, expect me to be grumpy.”


“My former student compares me to that often. I wonder if he’d find me beautiful after fixing his eyes upon one of them — I should send him their way. If you want a cup of coffee, however, I only have instant. I rarely drink it myself.” 



“I’ve met my fair share of old women to know that you are a rare of ‘em all. All the others are either too nice, racist, or they wanna try and eat me. Knowing a sassy grandma is a relief.”


“I’ve never been much for cannibalism. Well, so long as I have my tea to get me though the day, I don’t think you’ll have to worry about my dentures getting stuck in you. And if an old woman is being nice, she’s probably delusional.”


And then he continuously insults her as he absorbs it back inside of him.

I mean, just the line: “You’re not my freaking mother.”

Everything we’ve seen in their relationship from last episode, the affection he has for her, the affection she has for him–these insults are obviously not real. I mean, sure, he’s Yusuke and it probably feels good to call Genkai a bitch while he’s suffering. But let’s be real. Mostly, this is a calculated move on Yusuke’s part.

He loves Genkai. And as clueless as Yusuke can be sometimes, he’s not dumb when it comes to people. He knows Genkai, and he knows she’s not taking the orb because she thinks he’s weak. She’s taking it because she wants to save him, because she loves him too and she can’t watch him go through this. 

And yet, he pushes all that aside and bullshits his way through this interaction, even as exhausted as he is, because he needs to create distance between them. In case it doesn’t work. To give her permission to not get emotionally involved. Because he’ll need it, too, even if it does work, in order to forgive her for the pain.

That’s the heartbreaking thing about this. They became something more than mentor/student here. They became a family.

And yet, they can’t sustain that if Yusuke is to do his job here. Genkai CAN’T love him. And perhaps the worst part is that it’s YUSUKE who recognizes this. Yusuke the loner. Yusuke, who needs a stable family, someone to take care of him, someone to love him, more than anything. But he rejects it for now–at his most vulnerable when he needs to cling onto something like that desperately–because he knows Genkai won’t let him go through with it if he doesn’t give her permission to stop loving him.

So she backs off, recognizing it herself, acknowledging his sacrifice. But that’s all. Her face carefully becomes neutral again.

“You’re not my freaking mother.”

My vote for the most heartbreaking line in the series so far.

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