
Occasionally Arty

@occasionally-arty / occasionally-arty.tumblr.com

I'm Pete, have fun with this mess of a blog

interesting fact i have titanium in my spine

Fun Fact!

Titanium not only is crazy durable, but it noo magnet! Thas wy Dock chok jjiun spi; surgyr ad pater noster, qui es in cœlis; sanctificetur nomen tuum: Adveniat regnum tuum; fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cœlo, et in terra. Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie: Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris: et ne nos inducas in tentationem: sed libera nos a malo.

dude got hit with the ol’ Lorum Ipsem beam😞

Fun fact! Titanium is often used for medical implants because it's *dodges lorem ipsum beam* because it's strong, nontoxic, won't corrode inside the body, and best of all, *dodges* bone will directly grow onto it! This is called "osseointegration" and it means that your titanium artificial hip, dental implant, or whatever will have greater *dodges* greater mechanical stability and will ARRRGGH! aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit!

DM: There's a chest with clawed feet--
Warlock: It's a mimic isn't it?
DM: Uh...
Warlock: Keep the party back while I Mage Hand it open. Everybody get ready--prepare to Blast and Firebolt this thing to oblivion
DM: The treasure box opens and it's only a mirror inside that none of the party are now at an angle to be reflected in. So no, it's not a mimic, the clawed feet were decorative. It was just a trap.
Warlock: Oh well if it's only that...

love dungeon meshi senshi's character design bc when he has the helmet on he looks like a fucking pokemon

and then he takes the helmet off and hes just a guy with a face and forehead and everything


to me he looks like this

“In a new interview with the New Yorker ahead of his 70th birthday on Monday, the comedian explained his theory about why there’s no “funny stuff” to watch on TV anymore. “Nothing really affects comedy,” he said, “People always need it. They need it so badly and they don’t get it.” Instead of getting sitcoms like M*A*S*H, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, and All in the Family, audiences miss out, he said, as a “result of the extreme left and P.C. crap, and people worrying so much about offending other people.” […] A look back at some of his earlier comments on a similar subject adds some context, if not clarity. In 2015, Seinfeld sat down for an episode of The Herd with Colin Cowherd podcast, where he explained his aversion to performing stand-up on college campuses. “I don’t play colleges, but I hear a lot of people tell me, ‘Don’t go near colleges. They’re so PC,’” he said on the show. After giving an example of his teenage daughter using the word “sexist,” he concluded that young people “just want to use these words: ‘That’s racist’; ‘That’s sexist’; ‘That’s prejudice.’ They don’t know what they’re talking about.””

This is such a bummer. Tell me you’re a privileged, entitled, myopic Boomer without telling me you’re a privileged, entitled, myopic Boomer.

It’s interesting to me that he says these legendary sit-coms, none of which were cruel, punching down, or hurtful, but were actually satirizing power, celebrating women, changing societal norms through representation, and using comedy to do it all, wouldn’t exist if “the extreme left” had anything to do with it.

Umm. Who does he think created these shows? And is he really that ignorant? Has this guy never read a single interview with Norman Lear? Or literally anyone in the cast of Mary Tyler Moore? I mean. Come on, man!

Teenagers and college students don’t know what they’re talking about when they tell a privileged, entitled, multimillionaire Boomer that his “jokes” can be hurtful, and maybe he could use his tremendous talent to do comedy that is just as funny without being hurtful. Okay. Got it. Keep saying that, and see how far it gets you, buddy.

Hey, Jerry Seinfeld: when blue checks on Twitter are celebrating you being a dick, it’s not because you’re so funny and such a brilliant comic; it’s because they love how you’re validating what garbage they are. You can’t see that, or don’t care, and that’s such a huge bummer.

Yeah, we all know TV comedy died the minute Seinfeld went off the air in ‘98.

Political correctness is so grim and woke - there could never be a popular comedy in the 2000s with a multicultural, multigender cast that occasionally directly addressed racism and sexism.

And MASH had so much to say - there’ll never be a 21st century popular comedy that makes people really THINK.

Nah. It’ll never happen. Because some washed up has been says it won’t.


I have to assume that Seinfeld lives at the bottom of the Marianas Trench where he has no TV reception.

We frankly live in a great age for TV comedy, in part because we can watch all the old ones, but also, there’s a goatload of channels and they all want comedies.

So I am going to rant as a Gen Xer.

A lot of my generation are shitty comedians. And they’re shitty because in the 90s, the shitstorm of the 2000s hadn’t happened yet. A lot of 90s comedians basically had a pathetic manchild schtick that worked in the nineties, but no longer works but none of them know how to fucking grow up. I’ll be fair - that was not the essence of Seinfeld (it’s the essence of Adam Sandler, who if not forced to be good, reverts to the pathetic manchild schtick that doesn’t work for a man his age). But the essence of Seinfeld was apolitical cynicism, the kind that can be afforded by well off white men. It’s the heart of Seinfeld and of South Park, the idea that caring about things makes you history’s greatest monster, and that your comedy should stand for nothing.

Some things need cynicism applied to them - South Park is at its best when deflating bloated egos and scams, like when it took on Scientology. Seinfeld spent a lot of time tearing apart sitcom cliches; in the eighties, everyone had to learn a lesson; the essence of Seinfeld is that no one ever learns anything.

But this cynicism became an attitude that if there’s a political conflict, both sides are equally terrible and comedy shouldn’t ever advocate for anything positive. And that’s why a lot of 90s comedians turned to crap.

When a comedian whines about PC, what they really mean is ‘I can’t make cruel jokes about those being punched in the face by society’ and also ‘I don’t actually know shit about anyone but wealthy white men because I don’t even interact with non-rich white men anymore’

The Inside Baseball Problem.

In the past, the Inside Baseball Problem was minimized because every comedian assumed middle class white men were their audience (or they operated purely inside a minority group they belonged to). This is no longer the case but it was when Gen X comedians like Seinfeld were coming up.

What is the Inside Baseball Problem? The best comedy requires you and the comedian to share deep knowledge of something. Baseball. Being Jewish. Being a Middle Class New Yorker in the 90s. (The title comes from a sports show that was great if you loved baseball and incomprehensible if not.) But lots of topics are not well known by enough people to work with the random audiences a comedian faces now. This creates a great temptation to stick to broad stereotypes. But those stereotypes were generally created to dunk on people.

They’ve also largely been beaten to death by overuse.

A lot of successful comedians fall into this trap because they stop interacting with anyone normal and don’t know how to make jokes about normal experiences any more. And all their material on various groups is old, moldy, ill-intentioned stereotypes.

So that’s basically the Seinfeld situation.

I think a perfect example of this is Ghostbusters (1984) vs. Ghostbusters (2016).

The comedy of the original is centered around Bill Murray, who plays an asshole. He’s a con artist, but the comedy mocks the actual experts in parapsychology for being nerds. The manager of the hotel– you know, the one they did thousands of dollars of damage to without any kind of warning that they might do so– is a stuffy prick about being handed a very large bill based on fees that were never discussed in advance. The EPA guy is a stuffy prick because he wants answers about the nuclear technology that is being operated in fucking Manhattan.

And the thing is, that’s pretty much every movie Bill Murray plays. “Dude is awful but it’s okay because he’s funny” is kind of a comedy staple, and was particularly so in the 1980s. Chevy Chase. John Belushi. Don’t get me wrong; I love a movie where The Asshole™ learns to be a better person, but that’s not what I’m talking about it. I’m talking “Asshole goes through the entire plot as an asshole, learns nothing, does not change, but gets forgiven for it because he accomplishes the thing”.

And the thing is… when you look at the elements of the remake, most of the “problematic” is still there. Erin’s obsession with Kevin is pathetic. Abby is selfish and unpleasant. But the difference is that the narrative doesn’t ignore it– Abby’s behavior makes Abby the butt of the joke. Erin’s behavior makes Erin the butt of the joke. Kevin is, himself, the butt of a lot of jokes, but it’s satirical, rather than just sexist.

(We’re not going to repeat my rant about the plots– or more accurately, the plot development that the remake had where the original didn’t– we’re talking about humor.)

What these comedians are pissed about it is “It used to be I could be an asshole and get paid for it, and now I can’t.”

Two points I’d like to make:

First, this whole “You can’t make edgy comedy anymore!” idea is just ridiculous, given that South Park, Family Guy, and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia are all currently in production with a combined total of more than 60 seasons.

Second, Jerry Seinfeld was born in 1954. He is not a Gen X comedian. He is an actual Boomer.


What is or isn’t a slur can be highly contextual, y'all.

“Jonny Sims bummed a fag off my ma” doesn’t contain a slur, but “What are you, some kind of fag?” does.

“Queer studies”, “the queer community” and “I’m queer”? Not a slur. Some bigot calling you a “dirty queer”? Slur.

“Be gay, do crimes” and “He’s gay” ≠ slur, but “Ew, that’s so gay” = slur.

In conclusion, stop buying into this fucking “q slur” bullshit. Queer people talking about the queer community aren’t using it as a slur any more than a gay man calling himself gay is using that term as a slur.

Looks like its time for derogatory pepperoni again

That is actually hilarious, thank you for this addition

Always reblog derogatory pepperoni

Pepperoni (derogatory)


I feel compelled to tag @salamigerard for the pepperoni thing…


salami (derogatory)


The easiest way to tell if someone is using a word as an insult is if it’s preceded by the word “fucking”.


I think it’s really cute that Mickbell called Chilchuck a greedy old geezer and was like ‘nyeh nyeh 😠🖕fuck you’ and was giving him the stinkeye from a distance when their parties met up.

and despite that, Chilchuck had no hesitations about taking him to hide in safety. and then they were chill enough to talk shit with each other later lol

Chilchuk just automatically has solidarity for other half-foots when shit gets real, despite any personal issues, and as a trans woman I respect that


Apparently dating back to 2015, the almost 10 year old shitpost generator does show its age, but all the more it beautifully captures the tone and style of tumblr shitposts of the era. It's not dated, as much as it is a historical artefact.


it's not THAT outdated


this slaps

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