
The GameBoy is Back

@thekeyofthetwilight / thekeyofthetwilight.tumblr.com

Karasuma I Want My Curry Back!

Hello internet voices!

If you have a chance, take a moment to read, share, and maybe even donate to my family’s go fund me campaign.

My mom is a school teacher at Fair Avenue Elementary, once a kindergarten teacher, now Pre-K, and co-runs the ETK meetings for her area. She is the kindest and purest person I’ve ever known and shares her love fulltime.

About one month ago, my mom went under for a routine heart surgery (mitral valve repair). During the surgery she suffered a stroke and lost motor function in her left arm/ right leg as well as her speech function.

Now, her speech is back to normal and if anything, she’s got a little more spunk! She had complications with her lungs filling up with fluid, but now that is stabilized as well. The next big hurdle is Physical Therapy and strengthening herself to independently care for herself again.

This is where the campaign part comes in. The rehab facility is pushing for her to get well and get out, which is GREAT, but we are so not equipped to handle that financially.

Donating will help support us to provide her with a Wheelchair, walker, rails for the car, bathroom, bed, everything really, and a lot more that I’m sure I’m forgetting. It will also help with my travel expenses! My family lives in California and I live in New York. I’m freelancing right now, so that I have the flexibility to come to CA as much as possible.

Not to steal focus, but this is a factor: I’m a part of the LGBTQIA+ community and as loving and accepting as my mother and brother are, my father is not. My room was gutted for my father’s use and there’s a long history of/ continued abuse that makes it unsafe and unrealistic for me to stay there. This fund will also help with air bnb‘s here and there and GROCERIES.

The funds also helps with little things like, gas for the car, getting my mom’s hair washed (you’d think that was a given), snacks, games and puzzles to help keep her mind sharp and retrain the fine motor skills in her hands! A multitude of things to help my mom recover as best and as fast as she can.

Our goal is to reach $5,000. Which, might not be enough in the long run, but it’s ok for now!

I want to follow up with, this fundraiser is 100% for my mom. My brother and I take care of her and this is a way to help us to continue to take care of her and then pay a Care Professional when we can’t.

My mother is my whole world. Please, if you find it in your heart, donate, share, pray. We appreciate every bit of help. Show some #LoveforLauri ❤️✨

Hey, folks! Please chip in to help out my mother-in-law, if you can!

Source: gofundme.com
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