
Guilty pleasures

@lionlobster / lionlobster.tumblr.com

Hello there visitor :D Here's a bit about me: Name: Marina Age: 23 (1990) Fandoms: superwholock mostly, also lotr/hobbit, hannibal and more Life: student at university, getting me a degree in Economics and Business Administration (just finished my 4th semester) Hobbies: fandoms... with all it entails I suppose :D
Bold the ones you’ve done (don’t judge)
  • 1. had sex
  • 2. bought condoms
  • 3. gotten pregnant
  • 4. failed a class
  • 5. kissed a boy
  • 6. kissed a girl
  • 7. used a little paper bag for lunch
  • 8. had a job
  • 9. missed the school bus
  • 11. left the house without your wallet/purse
  • 12. bullied someone on the internet
  • 13. sexted
  • 14. had sex in public
  • 15. played on a sports team
  • 16. smoked weed
  • 17. smoked cigarettes
  • 18. smoked a cigar
  • 19. drank alcohol
  • 20. watched “The Breakfast Club”
  • 21. been overweight
  • 22. been underweight
  • 23. had an eating disorder
  • 24. been to a wedding
  • 25. made fun of someone for being fat
  • 26. been on the computer for 5 hours straight
  • 27. watched tv for 5 hours straight
  • 28. been late for work
  • 29. been late for school
  • 30. kissed someone in the rain
  • 31. showered with someone else
  • 32. failed my drivers test
  • 33. ran a mile in less than 10 minutes
  • 34. been outside my home country
  • 35. been on a road trip longer than 5 hours
  • 36. gotten my heart broken
  • 37. had a credit card
  • 38. been to a professional sports game
  • 49. broken a bone
  • 40. been unhappy about your weight
  • 41. won a trophy
  • 42. cut myself
  • 43. had an STD
  • 44. got engaged
  • 45. been on a diet
  • 46. tried out to be on a tv show
  • 47. rode in a taxi
  • 48. been to prom
  • 49. played in a drinking game
  • 50. stayed up for 24 hours or more
  • 51. been to a concert
  • 52. had a three-some
  • 53. had a crush on someone of the same sex
  • 54. been in a car accident
  • 55. had braces
  • 56. learned another language
  • 57. killed a bug
  • 58. been at a yard sale
  • 59. been to a japanese steakhouse
  • 60. wore make up
  • 61. talked to someone via webcam
  • 62. lost my virginity before I was 16
  • 63. had my wisdom teeth taken out
  • 64. kissed someone a different race than myself
  • 65. snuck out of the house
  • 66. bought porn
  • 67. had a virus on my computer
  • 68. had oral sex
  • 69. dyed my hair
  • 71. graduated from college
  • 72. wore someone else’s clothes
  • 73. voted in an election
  • 74. rode in an ambulance
  • 75. rode in a helicopter
  • 76. caught the stove on fire
  • 77. got in a verbal fight
  • 78. been on vacation
  • 79. been in an airplane
  • 80. been on a boat
  • 81. had surgery
  • 82. kissed someone before I was 14
  • 83. beat a video game
  • 84. found something valuable on the ground
  • 85. made a survey
  • 86. stalked someone on facebook/myspace
  • 87. prank called someone
  • 88. been to a library outside of school
  • 89. spent over $100 shopping in one day
  • 90. cut your hair and hated it
  • 91. peed outside
  • 92. went fishing
  • 93. helped with charity
  • 94. taken a pregnancy test.
  • 95. been rejected by a crush
  • 96. been suspended from school
  • 97. broken a mirror
  • 98. faked sick from school
  • 99. owned a pet
  • 100. been to six flags

Spring is (almost) upon us and you know what that means; it’s time for another giveaway!

The lucky Grand Prize Winner will receive: 

1 Funko Pop! Castiel with wings 1 temporary anti-possession tattoo 1 temporary devil’s trap tattoo 1 pocket exorcism 1 “demon blood” lip balm 1 DVD copy of “Finding Home” with Misha Collins 3 Character ID Cards (Dean, Sam and Cas)

Additionally, 5 runners-up will each receive 1 temporary anti-possession tattoo!

The rules are as follows:

-must be following me -to enter, just reblog this post! -reblogs only; likes do not count as entries -no contest blogs please! -only 15 entries will count for each blog; additional reblogs will not count as             entries, but will not affect your previous entries or chances at winning! -winner can live anywhere in the world! -winner and runner up’s askboxes must be open so I can contact them; if             they don’t respond in 24 hours another winner will be selected -winners will be selected by a random number generator -the giveaway will end on May 1st, 2015 at 11pm EST

Good luck!


Personality Tests Galore


About Me

Name: Marina

Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, LeoVirgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Chinese Zodiac : Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig

Celtic Zodiac [x] : Birch (the Achiever), Rowan (the Thinker), Ash (the Enchanter), Alder (the Trailblazer), Willow (the Observer), Hawthorne (the Illusionist), Oak (the Stabilizer), Holly (the Ruler), Hazel (the Knower), Vine (the Equalizer), Ivy (the Survivor), Reed (the Inquisitor), Elder (The Seeker)


Alignment [x]: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, True Neutral, Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil

The Four Temperaments [x] : Melancholic, Phlegmatic, Choleric, Sanguine

Enneagram [x] : Type 1, Type 2, Type 3,Type 4, Type 5, Type 6, Type 7, Type 8, Type 9

Soul type [x] : Sage, Server,Scholar, King, Artisan, Priest, Warrior

Hogwarts House [x] : Gryffindor, Ravenclaw,Hufflepuff, Slytherin


since so many people are a fan of my insults, i’ve made a curse-free insult generator at the request of a very enthusiastic anon

here u go, bud








I am going to die

You don't understand, my laptop broke! windows completely fucked upand now I have to send it to get repaired! I can't play games... 

I know it's not the biggest deal in the world, but it is the only way I can seem to get rid of stress and I am kinda freaking out... none of my games can run on my old laptop... 

I was playing DA:I... and I need to play it!!! UGH!!!


Misha and Rob taking Matt’s shirt off because thanks to the fans they have collected more than $ 50 000 for Random Acts. 

[that was very intense]

whatever choices you make,whatever details you alter, Matt Cohen will always end up… shirtless


One time in Spanish class, we were watching the Lion King and we had to translate a bunch of random phrases from the film and I got 100% and everyone thought I was really good at Spanish when really I just had the whole movie memorized and could pinpoint what which phrase was supposed to be.


I did the same with an English test about hobbits once. We had to read some text and then answer questions and I just skipped the reading and got 100% and the fastest time in my school


I just sat through a whole day without mentioning my excruciating cramps, hoping I'd make it through my meeting only to throw up from the pain half an hours before it started... I am now, in full uniform, just sitting waiting for the bus and trying not to cry... I fucking hate periods...


i talk a lot of shit for someone who can’t choose rude dialogue options in games because i’m scared of hurting a characters feelings

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