
Growing up in an abusive household is a fucking trip dude……If you’ve never had someone angrily wash a dish at you or fold a sock in your direction then how are you gonna understand why I get nervous when you quietly do the laundry, or why I ask “are you mad at me?” when you set the bag of groceries down too hard? It’s a totally different way of living and it impacts you long after you’ve left the situation.

This is so important.

Abused kids speak a language you can’t learn


Today I heard the phrase “yeah nah that’s heaps dog but” and was sharply reminded that broad Australian English isn’t so much an accent as a dialect

is op pulling a fast one or do yall talk like this


i really wish i could get a refund for all the love i’ve wasted on people like! repay my emotional labour your bill is in the mail

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