
I Write It, You Read It.

@pineships / pineships.tumblr.com

Small time writer, big time procratinator. Askbox is always open. (Icon by @spywi)

Had A Good Run

Hey guys and gals. I'm just popping on to say i'm leaving. You could probably guess from my lack of posts/reblogs i'm not on too much, and now i'm leaving this blog in a more permanent way. I don't really find enjoyment in tumblr anymore, not because of someone or thing in particular. I just need to move on. Ill leave my blog open so you can view stories if you wish, but i'm going to find a way to throw away the proverbial key. Thank you all for being there, following, talking. I hope you all have a great life. (side note, all i can thing rn is Bill’s song from weirdmagedeon.)

If you need to contact me for some reason then email me at thefamiliarstrangerz@gmail.com



2 May 1998: the battle of hogwarts

17 years ago today, people fought for freedom. 

17 years ago today, Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin died fighting for what they believed in: love and equality. 17 years ago today, Teddy Lupin became an orphan.

17 years ago today, Fred Weasley died fighting for family and joy. 17 years ago today, two became one and nine became eight.

17 years ago today, Colin Creevey and Lavender Brown fought for education and their friends. 17 years ago today, a boy lost his older brother and role model and two couples lost their child.

17 years ago today, Severus Snape died because he stayed loyal to the man who gave him a second chance. He died fighting for forgiveness. 

17 years ago today, 50 others died too. Leaving family and friends.  

Let us raise our wands in memory of all who fought bravely for what they believed in. They all fought for freedom and love, knowing that if they’d lose, they’d lose many friends and family. They didn’t want to live in a society were muggle-borns would be killed or had to go into hiding. They didn’t want to live in a society filled with darkness. They fought for light and goodness, because they knew that living without love isn’t living at all.

(Lays down) (tries not to cry) (cries a lot)


A soon as I read “Battle of Hogwarts” I got chills up and down my back,


Day 18 - E-o-F’s Pinecest Authors Appreciation Project

(Click here for my intro and up-to-date summary of authors I’ve shown appreciation for.)

@pineships​ and @mabelsguidetolove​

In case anyone is unaware, I’m kind of the “old guy” in this fandom. I didn’t catch on to this whole “fanfic” and “shipping” thing until after I started watching Gravity Falls last year, when I was well into my 40s. So to see the number of young people who are into Pinecest was, at least initially, a bit of a shock. I suppose it goes back to my comparatively very sheltered adolescence: I grew up as the shy nerd in a really (really) rural area, and my teenage years came and went in a time before even the existence of the Web. Simply put, I had no access at all to any taboo content.

Today, the world is different. Here’s a couple of Pinecest authors that are representative of kids who are as young or younger than the fictional characters they are portraying in their stories. Ships and Mabel are actual high school teenagers, bravely putting themselves and their writings out for everyone to see. True, there is anonymity of the Internet here, so real risk is admittedly small. But the kind of attitude I’m speaking of is the willingness to accept negative feedback. I know that at the age of 17 or so, I would have been loathe to publish anything like this for the world to read, and if I did I would surely have shriveled in shame at the first offering of criticism, or the first attack of an anti. These teens have both been in this ship on Tumblr for over a year now, so good on them!

Ships deals mostly in short-form fluff. He writes one-shots around prompts or ideas of his own, and they’re always heart-felt. He likes to explore a few different AUs, including FemDip, Double Dippin, and Pinescifica. And despite his stated reservations, he’s managed some perfectly acceptable NSFW pieces, as well.

Similarly, Mabel also produces mostly drabbles, but they’re very good. A touch of angst in a few stories, but mostly sweet (and occasionally pretty darn smutty, too). She draws artwork, too. Mabel is a girl who has corresponded with Alex Hirsch: he has called her a “real-life Mabel”. Does Alex know that real-life Mabel writes and ships Pinecest? I wonder …

I’m frankly amazed at the quality and creativity of some of the stories these two have produced. It’s certainly far better than anything I could have dreamed of producing at their age, or even most days today! I look at these stories as signs of the even better fiction they will be writing in the future. They represent the younger Pinecest authors well, and they should be proud of their accomplishments. Well done!

Ships’ List of Stories: Stories (link may not work on mobile apps)

E-o-F’s Favorite Stories:

Mabel’s List of Stories: Master Fic List (link may not work on mobile apps)

E-o-F’s Favorite Stories:


Thanks for the shout out Ed!


When U.K. scientists asked the public to choose the name of their new research vessel, they probably weren’t expecting “Boaty McBoatface” to sweep the vote.

they might not have been expecting it but the rest of us were

The name Boaty McBoatface has been vetoed even though it won the vote.  To protest train staff in the south of England decided to protest by re-naming their train ‘Trainy McTrainface’.  



Me: *gets paid on Friday* *broke by Tuesday* *survives off of $8 for two weeks*

That’s not being an adult. That’s being an irresponsible child. Like… That’s literally the opposite of being an adult.


who the hell asked you?

this aint no group discussion sweetheart. this is a college sophomore (60K /year tuition) working two jobs (that pay over minimum wage), whilst supporting his damn self (and family back home), talking about his situation on HIS post!

and ill be damned if some dusty, bottled neck, “what would a kinkajou do” looking white, tell me that Im not an adult because of the system, that wasn’t built to benefit me nor my family, forced me into countless unfavorable financial positions. 

Child my bills are paid, my mothers bills are paid, I got clothes on my back and food in my stomach (all of which i paid for).

so take that classist bullshit else where and think twice before condescendingly delving into other peoples business.

Literally rebloging this because that’s one of the best insults I’ve ever seen in my life


i wonder if magic is real, but only in a really mundane way.

when i was little i could almost inerringly switch back to disney channel right as the ads ended when i was channel surfing.

maybe youve never accidentally crushed a ladybug underfoot. maybe your microwave popcorn never burns. maybe you can spin around lots and lots of times before you get dizzy.

is that magic??

honestly im not sure if these are magic or just small, invisible skills. im not sure which i like better.

My ankles never twist.  I’ve always been rather active, I did track for five years (all the running events), and one time while running I stepped in a hole, lost my shoe, and landed sprawling about five feet away.  I pulled my shoe on and kept running.

I have a coworker who somehow makes better coffee than everyone else even though the grounds come pre-measured and all you have to do is load them up and push a button.  I have a friend who has inch long nails that never break.  My brother can copy origami just by looking at the finished product and my mother can do the same with knots.  I knew a guy who never made an error when typing.

Maybe we all have little magics, the kind that you don’t realize you have.  Just tiny things that make your life slightly better but are completely unnoticed on the outside.

this is the cutest post i have ever read…


I can drink like, a lot of wine

Anonymous asked:


Polly want a potato? (What? You don't feed birds potatoes? Since when? Oh. Okay.) Umm... Polly want a bagel?

Anonymous asked:

I lyke screaming, screaming es mi favorite

Since im still sick and so far behind on fics that some are going overboard in a bad way, i shall join you.



I know I never (personally) post things like this but I saw this on the news and I really wanted to share it.

Guys the party happened yesterday - look how happy he is!

😢 so cute!!!!

yes yes yes! ☺️


There is still so much good in the world😊✨ I am so happy his spirits were rejuvenate!

I will forever love this post I am crying goodbye I want to marry this man


My favorite thing about Thomas the Tank Engine is that it canonically takes place in a train post-apocalypse where the Island of Sodor is the only safe zone in a totalitarian dystopia in which steam trains are routinely killed and their body parts are sold or cannibalized for repair

If you think I’m kidding you need to read the original books

could you please direct me to a source? i would feel much better if this was validated.

It took me so long to find this quote online but I did it because it’s so much darker than one might expect from Thomas the Tank Engine:

“…Engines on the Other Railway aren’t safe now. Their controllers are cruel. They don’t like engines any more. They put them on cold damp sidings, and then,” Percy nearly sobbed, “they…they c-c-cut them up.” -”The Bluebells of England.”  Stepney the Bluebell Engine.  Rev. Awdry, Wilbert.  London: Egmont Publishing, 1963.

This illustration, by Gunvor and Peter Edwards, accompanied the above text in the original book, and depicts a pair of unfortunate Other Railway engines moments before being disassembled with a blowtorch.


the early thomas the tank engine books are pretty standard stuff. saccharine bubblegum type stories and illustrations. if you watched the show, it’s like that in book form. the second half of the railway series are so fucking dark and surreal i’m convinced they were a result of reverend wilbur awdry doing copious amounts of lsd and having hallucinations of his own death.

Excuse me but the very first story in the Railway Series is about an engine who hides in a tunnel and refuses to run because he doesn’t want to get his paint job ruined in the rain, so railway management seals off the tunnel.

They eventually let him out because another engine breaks down or something, but the original plan was to just leave him in there forever.

On the show, didn’t they also hook up one engine to a generator, so he’d never move again? That was literally one of the lines, I think. It’s on some other post on here. It was chilling.

Yes!  This also happened in the books, to an engine referred to only as “No. 2″, but the television series applied the same scenario to an invented character named “Smudger”, in the episode “Granpuff”.

“Smudger,” said Duke. “Was a show-off. He rode roughly and often came off the rails. I warned him to be careful, but he took no notice.” “Listen, Dukie” he snared. “Who worries about a few spills?” “We do here! I said, but Smudger just laughed.” “Hahaha!” “Until one day, Manager said he was going to make him useful at last. Smudger stopped laughing then!” “W-w-why? What did he do?!” “He turned him into a generator. He’s still there behind our shed. He’ll never move again.”

This is so fucked up

No, listen.

Okay, so we see Railway Management doing all this shit, right, but supposedly it’s so much worse in the Other Railways? I mean, sure, you might get turned into a generator or bricked into a tunnel for not doing as you’re told, but at least you’re not cut up and sold for parts, right? It’s not so bad on the island of Sodor, right?

Or maybe that’s just what Railway Management wants the engines to think.

Maybe the island of Sodor is the real totalitarian regime, and the engine citizens (slaves) are fed propaganda, illustrated in hellish grays and sulfuric yellows, about how bad it is everywhere else, at all the Other Railways.

You are lucky to be an engine of Sodor.

Railway Management cares about you.

Trust Railway Management.

Stay on Your Track.

It Could Be So Much Worse.

Wtf the fuck is this train based 1984 bullshit


can we take a moment to just think about how incredibly scary magical healing is in-context?

You get your insides ripped open but your friend waves his hands and your flesh just pulls back together, agony and evisceration pulling back to a ‘kinda hurts’ level of pain and you’re physically whole, with the 100% expectation that you’ll get back up and keep fighting whatever it was that struck you down the first time.

You break your arm after falling somewhere and after you’re healed instead of looking for ‘another way around’ everybody just looks at you and goes “okay try again”.

You’ve been fighting for hours, you’re hungry, thirsty, bleeding, crying from exhaustion, and a hand-wave happens and only two of those things go away. you’re still hungry, you’re still weak from thirst, but the handwave means you have ‘no excuse’ to stop.

You act out aggressively maybe punch a wall or gnash your teeth or hit your head on something and it’s hand-waved because it’s ‘such a small injury you probably can’t even feel it anymore’ but the point was that you felt it at all?

Your pain literally means nothing because as long as you’re not bleeding you’re not injured, right? Here drink this potion and who cares about the emotional exhaustion of that butchered village, why are you so reserved in camp don’t you think it’s fun retelling that time you fell through a burning building and with a hand-wave you got back up again and ran out with those two kids and their dog? 

Older warriors who get a shiver around magic-users not because of the whole ‘fireball’ thing but the ‘I don’t know what a normal pain tolerance is anymore’ effect of too much healing. Permanent paralysis and loss of sensation in limbs is pretty much a given in the later years of any fighter’s life. Did I have a stroke or did the mage just heal too hard and now this side of my face doesn’t work? No i’m not dead from the dragon’s claws but I can’t even bend my torso anymore because of how the scar tissue grew out of me like a vine.

Magical healing is great and keeps casualties down.

But man.

That stuff is scary.

lets also not forget that if a healer has learned how to knit your skin, cells, whatever back together, they also know precisely how to unweave it


I just realised where Kylo got his name from:

Ky = sKYwalker

Lo = soLO

Ren = literally just his birth name with an R

which means that when he was choosing his super scary Dark Lord name, he just mashed up the surnames of the most positive figures in his life. poor sod can’t even evil right


literally a ‘what is your star wars name’ meme

2nd two letters of your mother’s last name Last two letters of your father’s last name

1st three letters of your name but with an R


so mine would be….Onth?


Fear my somehow even more ridiculous light saber! 


Hamilton and Orval make Amrv, 

Doesnt make sense but okay.

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