
Read books, love cats, go to sleep

@magical-pollyanna / magical-pollyanna.tumblr.com

"Books were safer than other people anyway." -Neil Gaiman ☆♡○•°*~ [26][She/her][Librarian] ~*°•○♡☆ Avatar made by @Rainbowsans

(through gritted teeth) there's so much to learn (through sobs) there's so much to learn (through maniacal laughter) there's so much to learn (through sleepy eyes) there's so much to learn (through a tired smile) there's so much to learn


i'm not a doctor or a nutritionist, but sometimes i hear women talking about their diets and it takes all i have to not be like "this is not normal. you have an eating disorder and you are in a cult."

saw a magazine article yesterday called something like "how i lost 3 stone without setting foot in a gym" and when i read it i discovered that the secret to her weight loss was... eating under 500 calories a day. girl that's not a diet that's just anorexia

and everyone's like "why are so many girls nowadays developing eating disorders" as if diet culture isn't an entire industry specifically designed to profit off women's misery and dysmorphia and self-hatred. this is the bad place!!!!!


This might be unpopular but I’m not going to use simpler vocabulary in my writing if it’s out of character for the narrator. If my POV character is a botanist, he’s going to call a plant by its name. If you don’t know what it is you can either Google it or move on just knowing it’s a plant of some sort.

I don’t like this trend of readers being angry that not everything is 100% understandable for them. I want my characters to be believable as people and sometimes people use words people outside of their field will not understand. That’s not a bad thing.

You don’t have to understand every word to get the gist of what’s happening. I’m not going to slow down an action scene to describe every weapon because someone might not know them by name. They can just assume it’s a weapon because that makes sense in the context of the scene.

I just had a debate with myself over using the word mezzanine, wondering if I should describe it instead. Ultimately I decided the character would call it a mezzanine, and therefore readers could look up a new word if they didn't know.

It's how I learned words like myriad as a seven year old reading Lord of the Rings for the first time, why would I steal that experiance from someone else by simplifying language?

I don't know about y'all, but books are how i know my vocabulary in the first place


my favorite thing relevant to this is when a dumb character uses regional or obscure words completely casually, but i have to look them up. To me it's a big weird word, but to the silly town drunk in a story what else are you supposed to call that thing??

anyway, read outside your culture as well, even if it's just the state/city/country next door that you've never been to. you will expand your vocabulary substantially.

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