
I guess I just like liking things.

@my-tardis-sense-is-tingling / my-tardis-sense-is-tingling.tumblr.com

The return was foretold. Emily | 31 | she/her | bi/pan | leftist | former superwholock | forever
nerd | tired | pfp by qinni art RIP <3

Mom sent me a facebook link to a PBS news hour post about how the anti-lawn movement is growing. The vast majority of the comments on it were stuff like this:

Most people are on our side here, even the so-called "boomers." We just have to be spreading ecological knowledge and practical means of creating useful habitat in back yards! Educate! Protect! Resist!


dashboard in the morning simulator

mutual 1: i need to quit my job

mutual 2: i need to quit my job

mutual 3: i need to quit my job

mutual 4: i need to quit my job

mutual 5: i need to quit my job

mutual 6: i need to quit my job

mutual 7: i need to quit my job

mutual 8: i need to quit my job


“Surge in antisemitism”

I have worn my magen david and not had a single comment, from anyone— not Muslims, Christians, people wearing kufiyahs. I’ve been to protests and demonstrations, and never been more welcomed or felt so safe. Palestinians have hugged me, have shared food with me. Leftists have constantly held space to listen and to learn, to make room for changes and growth.

But you know what I have experienced? Jewish Zionists screaming at me, calling me shameful, Jewish Zionists on the internet debating the legitimacy of my Jewishness. I’ve been called kapo, k*ke and told I’d be r*ped by Hamas. I’ve had the most vitriol from ZIONISTS. I’ve faced the most antisemitism from Zionist Jews, and that makes me so inconceivably sad. I’ve been looked down upon and cursed at.

Zionism is not Judaism. Never will be.


so funny when people talk about small business owners like they’re powerless or like. a toddler

“it’s a small family business they can’t afford to pay people..” then. Don’t hire people? damn


reminder to:

  • straighten your back
  • go pee goddAMN IT STOP HOLDING IT
  • go take your meds if you need to
  • drink some water
  • go get a snack if you havent eaten in a while
  • maybe wander around the house/stretch a little if you’ve been sat at the computer a while (artists especially: sTRETCH THOSE WRISTS)
  • reply to that text/message from earlier you’d forgotten about
  • maybe send a nice lil message to someone having a bad day?

I just would like to thank everyone who ever reblogs this so that it somehow ends up back on my dash because I usually need the reminder (especially the drinking water one)

Of all posts to see with a million notes, I’m glad it’s this one.

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