

@snowglobesandwinter / snowglobesandwinter.tumblr.com

Not blogging anymore, enjoying your content
Hello Jeanpiku fandom! I feel like drawing chibis so if you have ANY request for me, Jean, Pieck, Jeanpiku with other characters etc. send it my way and you shall receive it!
Don't be shy, you can ask anonymously too! 💜
I'm in the middle of a Jeanpiku art but it's taking long to complete, I wanna give back to you!


JeanPiku Week, Day 4!

Theme of the day: AU

Note: Shifter Jean and human Pieck was apparently recommended, so that’s what I wrote… kinda.

Day 4: AU

“So, do we make a plan or do we just charge in?” Jean asks “I’d prefer making a plan, but- “

“But you have no idea how to fight a dragon, right?” Pieck finishes, inspecting her newly sharpened sword “While the best bet would be to observe it and gather information first, we probably won’t have that luxury. We can try, but if it notices us, we’ll just charge in and do what we must.”

“What about the option of retreating and coming back another time?” Jean asks, and Pieck gives him a look “I take it that’s not an option?”

“The longer we wait, the more people in the palace will starve” she says, sheathing her sword. Standing up, she checks over he armor. Everything is in place “Many of them probably have already as no one has been able to retrieve more food in a month thanks to the dragon.”


“You don’t have to come you know; I can do this alone” Pieck assured when Jean didn’t say anything. The man scowled.

“Like I’d let you go alone” he says “Besides, if something goes wrong, you’ll need me for a quick escape.”

“Already thinking of escape?”

“Pieck…” Jean groans, and the woman laughs.

“Sorry sorry” she says “So, I can safely assume that you have my back?”

“Always” Jean says, making Pieck smile. She picks up her helmet, putting it on “Well then, my brave stallion, it’s time to go.”

Jean started to glow with faint light, but his companion wasn’t alerted, having gotten used to it since long ago, just as she’d gotten used to the sight of his body taking another shape entirely, a majestic one that stood on its four hooves. Transformation complete, Jean threw his head to the side once, his light grey mane swaying with the movement.

“Hop on, my fearless knight”


The princess frowned as she tapped the window sill repeatedly, staring at the dragon pacing in the yard. It looked so peaceful that if she didn’t already know better, she would’ve thought it to be docile and harmless. But the blood from the dead guards still staining the yard told her otherwise.

“Hitch, you shouldn’t be at the window; it’s dangerous”

“You worry too much, Marlowe” the princess says without turning around “It hasn’t attacked anyone who’s just looking out the window so far, so I highly doubt it’ll do so now.”

She paused.                                                                                                      

“Also, aren’t you being a bit too familiar with me?”

“No one’s around” Marlowe says, and the princess looks at him over her shoulder “I checked. Twice.”

“Is that so?” Hitch says, throwing herself to Marlowe’s arms “In that case- “


That was all it took for Hitch to push Marlowe aside as she hissed: “You said you checked!”

“He did” the blond woman who’d walked in on them says “He’s just not very good at it.”

“More like he’s poor at it” says a guy that walks up to the woman “If you need a check of your surroundings, you should just ask Annie; nothing gets past her, your make out sessions included.”

“Shut it Boris” Hitch says “Are you two here for a reason or…?”

“Annie spotted something” Boris says, handing Hitch a pair of binoculars “And we thought you should see it, too.”

Annie pointed to the right direction, and Hitch took a look, seeing a lone knight nearing the palace on horseback.

“It’s just one person” Hitch says “I think he’s gonna die; if he comes much closer, the dragon will notice him and it’s over.”

“He came alone, so he’s probably really good” Annie says “That, or a moron, but if we’re lucky- “

“Then the brave knight just might get all the glory, the princess’ hand and half the kingdom” Boris states, getting a glare from Hitch “What? If the knight asks for that, he’ll have a right to it if he actually manages to save us all.”

Hitch scowls.

“Makes me hope he messes up…”


“It sure is huge” Pieck says as she stares at the dragon, which has its winged back to them “I wonder if it has some specific weak spot.”

“Even if it did, being able to recognize it from here is impossible” Jean, still in his horse form, says “Should we wait until nightfall to go get a closer look?”

Pieck thinks about it, but decides against it.

“No. The darkness will bring us disadvantage as we wouldn’t be able to see, but the same might not ably to the dragon. Plus, it might have a good sense of smell” she says “While it might be easier to get close while it’s asleep, if it wakes up then night time will only work as a disadvantage for us.”

“Should we look for a higher ground to get a better look at it, then?”

“That could work” Pieck says “We could- “

She pauses as she sees the dragon lift its head up, sniffing the air. It turns around and, despite Jean and Pieck being far, not even really in the palace grounds, stares right at them.

“Shit” Jean says, not moving “Should we run?”

“Good idea” but before Jean can even move his hooves, the dragon spits out fire, reaching far and wide. For a moment they both panics, before realizing that the flames go past them, leaving them undamaged, but cutting off the path they came from instead.

“Next time I’ll just run without asking”

“Had you been running that way, we’d been hit by the flames” Pieck points out as she glances behind her, then looking at the dragon again “Looks like we’ll have to handle this now.”

“Great” Jean sighs “What’s the plan?”

“Charge in to the garden and get close enough to the dragon that it’ll have trouble frying us alive, but far enough that it doesn’t get us with it’s claws” Pieck tells, tightening her hold on the bridle “I’ll think of something while you’re at it.”

“Got it” Jean says and sprints forward. An outsider would think he’s fearless, but Jean has no problem admitting that he’s not; he’s a realist that tends to lean more towards pessimism than optimism. He knows how dangerous this is and what all could go wrong, but he does it all anyway. This is his job, their job, and he’s always determined to do his job just as well as he knows his partner to do hers.

With that in mind, he jumps over the incoming claw. Guess he’d gone a bit too close to the dragon just now, but they were both still in one piece, which meant so far so good.

“It’s slower than I expected” Pieck says “That’s good.”

Indeed, it was, though Jean was unsure if the dragon was truly slow or if it simply seemed that way due to his speed. Getting some distance between them, Jean took a moment to observe the creature as well. It was around ten meters tall, its green scales glistening in the sun. It looked like it’d walk more naturally on four legs, but for as long as they’d been there, it had been standing on two. Maybe that’s why it was slow; maybe it wasn’t used to standing on both legs. Or maybe it moved mainly by flying. Either way, they could use that to their advantage.

“If you spot a long chain or rope, tell me” Pieck says suddenly “Now, try to circle behind it!”

“Roger on both!” Jean gallops as fast as he can, able to lose himself from the dragon’s line of sight in the process as he gets behind it. He guesses that Pieck’s trying to get a proper look, trying to see if there was any visible weakness that she could use. The horse himself sees that its wings are slightly damaged, which was probably why it didn’t go up in the air, but he doubted they were enough of a weakness.

“It’s turning” Jean commented as he made an effort to stay out of the dragon’s sight “Do I still need to stay behind it?”

“I spotted a chain that could be long enough for my plan” Pieck says “Stay out of its line of sight for now, and let me get off when there’s a place that I can hide in. Then, distract the dragon and lead it to me when I give you a sign!”


It didn’t take long for Jean to find a proper place, and Pieck hid in some bushes, trusting that even if the dragon did have a superior sense of smell, it could find her with, as long as it could actually see Jean, it’d rather focus on him.

“Honestly, this is a big gamble” she thought “If it has no interest in animals or if I mess up and get noticed by it, this plan is done.”

But who knows, perhaps Jean smelled enough of a human due to what he actually was. That was another thing Pieck was counting on to help them. Now, she had to get to the chain she’d seen earlier, which was hopefully long enough and in one piece, for that was not guaranteed, either.

Meanwhile, Jean held the beast’s attention, zigzagging around it while keeping a proper distance. Occasionally, it spit a little fire at him, and while he was close enough to the dragon that he didn’t need to worry about it hitting him, he had to be careful to not get trapped by the flames.

“Pieck, you done soon?” he wondered as he narrowly dodged the dragon’s claws. Suddenly, he heard a whistle, and knew that it must be Pieck’s sign. Making a U-turn, he galloped towards the sound. Looking carefully, he could see the knight hiding high up in the tree, gesturing downwards with her hand. Looking at the pointed direction, Jean could see the chain wrapped around the tree, its other end stuck in a wall. It was about two meters from the ground, but it would take him no effort at all to jump over it. He just hoped that the same wouldn’t apply to the dragon and that it’d be dumb enough to run straight in to a trap.

Speeding up, Jean jumped high when the time came, getting over the trap with no real effort. He kept running, just in case the dragon was more intelligent than it let on and would notice something off if he stopped, but kept his eyes open in case he needed to turn around and go to Pieck’s aid.

As the dragon got closer, Pieck prepared for her move. It was possible that the monster’s weight and speed would cause it to make the chain snap, only slowing it down slightly, but if luck was on her side, it’d trip because of it. And if it did, she’d be ready to strike.

The dragon ran, not noticing the chain, and tripping on it just as Pieck had planned. She waited for it to fall on it’s front, and the second it did, she jumped down with her sword drawn, aiming for the creature’s neck. She hadn’t seen any obvious weak points, so she had decided to go with what usually worked on living beings. Even if the dragon’s scales made its skin hard to get through, the added strength given by gravity should give Pieck’s sharp sword a chance.

“Success!” the knight thought as her sword sunk in to her target’s neck, her legs landing on the dragon soon after her blade was buried in to it. She winced a bit, her fall having been not so perfect, but she was sure nothing was broken. Standing up, she stomped her leg a few times, both to check that it was fine and to see if the dragon reacted. She winced as she did, but the good news was that the dragon didn’t show any signs of life. Instant kill.

“All done!” she announced to Jean “Think I twisted my ankle though.”

“Need help?”

“I’ll get down on my own, but carry me from there, please” Pieck says as she pulls her swords out with one powerful tug, wiping off most of the blood on it on the dragon’s mane before sheathing it. After that, she slides down, slightly stumbling at the end, but Jean’s by her side as soon as her feet hit the ground, still in his horse form.

“Now then” the knight says “Let’s find someone to give us our reward.”


“Crap, he actually did it” Hitch curses as she stares at the dead dragon from the safety of the palace.

“Isn’t that supposed to be a good thing?” Annie asks “Now we won’t starve.”

“Now I might have to marry that guy!” Hitch hisses “Where the heck did Boris and Marlowe go!?”

“To see the knight, I’d guess” the blond says “Or if you’re unlucky, to see your future husband.”

Hitch groans.


“We thank you for saving our palace and kingdom” Marlowe tells the knight as he and Boris reach him and his horse “As the tradition demands, a knight who saves the kingdom from a great crisis can ask for great things as a reward.”

Internally, Marlowe wishes and prays that the knight doesn’t ask for the princess’ hand. He didn’t want to lose his princess.

“I appreciate that, but I won’t be asking for much” the knight says, his voice surprisingly feminine. And now that Marlowe thinks about it, despite being on the horse’s back, the knight is also rather small. Either this knight is actually very young, or perhaps- “Two bags of gold and three of silver will do for my aid.”

Not much, had the knight said. Marlowe is not sure if the knight is from around here, or some other kingdom from far away, so he, no, not necessarily a he, may not know that their kingdom is not a rich one. Two bags of gold and three of silver is by no means an impossible amount, but it is a lot. However, it is indeed not much compared to what the knight could ask for, and he’s sure that their armor glad savior knows this. He, or she, perhaps, is being generous to the people who’ve just been saved.

“Then we shall arrange it as soon as possible” Marlowe tells. All in all, he is relieved that this is all that is demanded “In the meantime, please honor her highness with your presence; she wishes to thank our savior.”

Pieck would rather not, but she knows how disrespectful it would be to say so, so she accepts the invitation, following the two guards, though she does so from Jean’s back. Once they reach the doorway, she hops off and tells Jean to stay put. He’d be perfectly capable of transforming back in to a human and following her, but they both knew it was wiser not to do so. Many people tended to fear shapeshifters, and they didn’t want to take any risks in case it was the case here.

“Wait here” the knight tells her companion, who does as told, though he soon grows bored. At least the weather’s good.

Jean settles down on the grass, waiting for Pieck to come back. Absentmindedly, he wonders if he would’ve become a powerful knight like her were it not for his ability to shapeshift. He didn’t know why he had been born with it, but while he still wondered about the reason from time to time, he no longer cared, not really. It had made him an outcast once, but now he had a place to call his, his place at Pieck’s side. At times, he wonders how long that’ll last, how long until she decides to settle down, perhaps to a place where his kind were not welcome, and they’d have to part ways. He tends to hope that once their time of traveling the lands is over, she’ll settle down somewhere where he’d be accepted as well, and both of them could be a part of whatever community the place would have.

“Better not to think of the future too much” he reminds himself “It won’t do any good.”

After some time Pieck finally emerges from the castle again, this time without her helmet on, and Jean doesn’t miss the limp she has and is trying to hide from the women trailing behind her. He assumed one of them is the princess, and the other probably her attendant.

“It’s a fine horse indeed” the princess, it’s the one wearing the crown, says as she looks at Jean up and down “Very fast too, judging from what I saw. I don’t suppose it’s for sale?”

“I’m afraid not” Pieck says “I need him by my side.”

Jean knew Pieck didn’t mean anything of the sort by that, but he was still glad he was in this form, for in his human one, he would’ve certainly blushed.

“Too bad” Hitch shrugs “But you know, I’m so glad you were a woman, otherwise things might’ve gotten ugly for me.”

“And I’m glad this kingdom has no prince; had my hand been asked instead, it would’ve been difficult to refuse without offending anyone” Pieck answers. Of course, had such a thing happened, she and Jean could’ve just made a run for it before they could actually insult someone, but the princess didn’t need to know that.

“Oh? You would’ve refused?” the princess smiles slyly “Do you have someone special already?”

Pieck smiles calmly.


Jean snorts. If Pieck actually had someone like that, she would’ve told him. And on the off chance that she hadn’t, if it was anyone, he’d met he would’ve noticed. She was most likely lying, but whatever for? Maybe he’d ask her later.

Knowing that he wouldn’t be able to offer any input to what they were saying, Jean tuned out whatever conversation the women were having, simply getting some rest before they’d head out again. Considering that Pieck had come back out and had made no move to move him elsewhere, he guessed that they’d get their money and could be on their way by the end of the day, so it was best to rest while he could.

After two to three hours, which Jean had spent in one spot, the man from earlier finally arrived with the money and they were able to leave, after politely declining the formal invitation to stay for the celebration. When they were a safe distance away and no one could hear Jean, he spoke: “Why did you bother lying about having your eyes set on someone?”

Pieck smiles coyly.

“What makes you think it was a lie?”

Jean snorts.

“Please, if you really had someone, I would’ve noticed!”

Pieck just hums and, sensing that she wouldn’t give more of an explanation, Jean leaves it at that. Patting the horse’s mane, Pieck can only think that sometimes, her brave stallion was very dense.


What if Pieck joined Paradis mission and become friends with Jean and Marco?

A Jeanpiku headcanon:

Pieck joins the Paradis mission and trains with 104th. She becomes close friends with Jean and Marco, also Sasha/Connie duo and Armin. Quiet but passionate, everybody is surprised this small girl is capable of so much. Jean has a crush on Pieck from their cadet days and her playful comments only fuel it further. Pieck is interested in Jean as well but she doesn't want them to get attached even more so she tries to keep their friendship, being there for Jean after they lost Marco, having to keep RBA's involvement secret. The guilt is enough to put a wall between them, she realises she is lucky to be on his side for now and cherishes their friendship, denying the tension between them.

Pieck joins the Hange squad after RBA's identities were revealed and Survey Corps gets Eren back, founder is found at last. She stays hidden and waits for an opportunity for herself since she can't fight Eren or Levi one on one and catching them by suprise and posing as a pure titan is easier for her titan. She is ordered to join Squad Hange and Levi to fight against the Armored titan as she observes the battle to make her move. She realises Bert is going to blow up Shiganshina and turns into a titan to save herself and join her Marleyan comrades. When Jean and Squad Levi realise they are the only ones left alive and Hange confirms this, Jean is crushed, they mourn her death until around one year later the meetings with Yelena. Meanwhile Reiner is saved by an unknown quadrupled titan.

A broken Pieck and Reiner ride back to Liberio with Zeke. I believe Reiner/Pieck become closer in this scenario because they understand each other and what they have to leave behind. When they learn about the enemy forces and the identites of the Marleyan titans from Yelena, 104th and Hange is shocked and betrayed. Of course it's nothing compared to how conflicted Jean is feeling. Jean doesn't want to believe it as the last time he saw Pieck, they were getting ready for the battle and wishing they could go back to each other safe. His heart denies to believe until he confirms it with his eyes, he wants to hear it from her. Jean keeps his crumpled drawing of Pieck with him as he prepares for Liberio mission. Jean/Sasha/Connie have to steel their hearts and do what they have to do or else they'll lose their only hope. Needless to say, Liberio hits hard for both sides.

After Hange's ally proposal, Jean and Pieck have to work together once again. They work to get the allies safely out of Shiganshina, however the tension is there out of mission as they don't know where to even begin. After Jean learns the truth about Marco and goes into the forest on his own, Pieck gets out of her titan and hesitantly approaches him after he cries his heart out. There are so many things to solve between them but at least she knows how to comfort Jean, be it hearing him vent or being there for him. The care they still have for each other is obvious during the rumbling arc. Both lose precious people, live through a nightmare and almost lose each other again. Getting back is not easy as there's so many things to talk and solve but they don't want to stay apart anymore after all the horrors they had to endure.


hey love!!!!! don’t mind me if you’re busy but if you aren’t, what’s your favorite thing about Saeyoung??¿?


Hiii~ This is such a good ask. I’d say I love a lot of things about Saeyoung. For example his humor, or just how much of a genius he is.

But I think what I like the most is his kindness. To me, kindness is the most important thing to have. I love the way he protects everyone even if he’s extremely busy, or how he does have a lot of faith into others even if they seem suspicious, at some point he wouldn’t believe them anymore as well (for example V) because that is just a healthy mindset.

In every (or nearly every, idk rn) route, he works his butt off to find Unknown or Ray, even though he’s getting threatened by his agancy because of his own work. In a way it’s being careless, but on the other side it’s really kind of him.

I guess everyone knows his back story and all the shit that happened to him and Saeran. He stayed kind, he still is the kind person he was when he was a child what with everything that happened a really admirable trait is. And all the bad stuff he did was because he was protecting his brother, even if he couldn’t protect him like how he wanted, he still gave up his life, himself, for a person he loves.

And in addition, most sibling aren’t really kind to one another, especially when they’re young. They fight a lot and all that stuff. But he was always kind to Saeran and even with all these bad examples (kids tend to imitate what they see their elders doing) he was always kind and never hurt him.

I think I could go on like this for a pretty long time, hehe. But thank you for asking me about that, love!


Timeline of Asra /edited 27/2

As the curious person I am, I want to know everything about a character I like. I was looking at alternative choices as I come upon new information and some I didn’t notice.  I want to know everything about Apprentice and Asra so I’ll try to understand the timeline. The post will be edited a few times, you can check the versions from the title. Also Spoilers!

This is the roughest first version from what I remember, reference/source will be added later. ↓

  • Asra lives somewhere at Vesuvia with his magician mother and father Aisha and Salim. They both have a serpent for familiar, named Chimes (yellow) and Flamel (blue). Their house has more than one story however, it is unknown if they also have a shop like the Apprentice.

days of productivity [8/100]

i woke up to 50 cm of snow that had fallen overnight, it hasn’t stopped snowing all day…. we spent over an hour clearing our driveway of snow. being basically forced to stay inside all day, i watched two episodes of the show by Marie Kondo, did a bit of work on my portfolio, reorganized my whole room, read my book and made lots of tea.

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