

@jieunique / jieunique.tumblr.com


Reblog for the last one

it’s a game show where everyone eats the furniture in a room and tries to see which is made of chocolate

So basically you’re telling me this is the best game ever created

The last guys face tho




girlgroups: fairytale concept!! maid concept!! adventurer concept!! thief concept!! black swan concept!! eve concept!! pippi concept!! doll concept!! catwoman concept!! table tennis concept!! classy concept!! great gatsby concept!! 80′s disco concept!! retro concept!! seafood concept!! femme fatale concept!! vampire concept!! 

everyone: ugh girls are the same always cute/slutty :/

boygroups: hip-hop concept #982062 

everyone: now thIS IS what im talking about!! iNNOVATION! no oNE HAS ever worn a backwards cap before!! did you know that my oppa invented the word swag?! did you????!!


Please reblog this!

I havent seen any information on Baghdad or Beirut on my dash, so for people that are also wondering what’s happening outside of paris:



If anyone has further information feel free to add it onto this post!

Let’s give these two countries just as much support as Paris!

And to any followers who live or have family in these areas, I hope you all remain safe and that your families are ok too.


I think it’s really cruel to continue to hang around/ interact with people that have severely hurt your friends. im not talking about petty arguments but it really says something if your disregard the pain someone has caused a person close to you all for the sake of socializing and your image.

person: whats the first line of your favorite book?
me: "so i met this white bitch at hooters"

it’s the one year anniversary of mike brown’s murder so this is a reminder that black lives matter, they have always mattered and they will always matter. take a moment to think about the lives lost to police brutality and how that affects you and other people in your life. Ferguson is not over. we are still here and we are still fighting and we will not be silent.


Okay I’ve seen this wave of people on tumblr editing photos to ~make idols look like their natural color~ and honestly while whitewashing is a serious issue, however what’s more gross to me right now is a bunch of international kpop fans taking photos of idols who have a lot of makeup and lighting focused on them all the time and could possibly actually look like that on stage and in the eye of the public and randomly assigning our skin color on us as if you know better about what we and our skin color looks like. If it’s a photo that’s been blatantly edited w photoshop to be whiter yeah there is a problem. But there is also a problem where intl kpop fans are literally talking over korean kpop fans and editing photos to make it look like what your image of we look like onto us.

That is gross beyond imagination to me. Issues of colorism and shadeism should be discussed within our community. It is not gonna be solved by a bunch of non Koreans telling us that they know what we “really” look like. That they know better about our skin tone than the actual people who have them.

Honestly? There’s also a lot more variation to our skin tones than the standard, oh let’s make them darker and especially yellower, stance y'all seem to be adapting. Are there Koreans who do have darker, yellower skin tones? Yeah. Are there people who don’t? Also yeah.

Stop fucking pulling this shit. It’s super anti-Asian and racist.

-admin J

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