
Ian's Nerdy blog

@thenerdianjones / thenerdianjones.tumblr.com

My personal blog of this nerd and great guy. Hello I am Tran guy in a very nerdy word.

If anyone like my hero and villian deku fanfic .i am currently doing a 30 day writing challenge . it unedited so there may be some grammar or spelling errors . i link it below and thank you if you end up reading it .


Halloween Ask Game 🎃✨💀

👻 - Favorite costume you've worn on Halloween?

🎃 - Favorite Halloween tradition?

✨ - Best Halloween memory?

💀 - What age did you stop trick or treating?

⚰️ - Have you seen any of the classic monster movies?

🎵 - Favorite Halloween song?

😱 - Scariest Halloween memory?

🧛 - Favorite movie monster/character?

🔮 - Favorite childhood Halloween movie?

🕷️- Do you decorate for Halloween?

🦇 - Favorite non-scary Halloween movie?

🧹 - Have you ever made your own costume?

🔪 - Favorite Horror movie?

🍬 - Favorite candy?

👀 - Do you like being scared?

🧟 - Zombie movies? Yes or No?

🩸 - Do you like Haunted Houses?

🦴 - Did you ever get anything other than candy trick or treating?


George Salazar was also in the 2011 revival of Godspell. Stylistically it is not similar to Be More Chill or The Lightning Thief but Light of the World (the song he sings) is a absolute Bop. There is also the Two Player Game album which he did with Joe Iconis so it is very similar to BMC because Joe Iconis wrote all the songs. There is also the Jonathan Larson Project which is a bunch of previously unreleased Jonathan Larson songs and that is pretty spectacular.


Thank you I look it up .


“If someone had taken a picture right then, it’d look like the moment before two people kiss. But, they stay in their stalemate, swaying their hips together as if no one else was around.”

My and @nervousgaylaughter  ‘s participation to the Cracklepop : Mini-Pop event ! It was a pleasure to illustrate this absolutely lovely fic <3 you can read it by clicking here

Yes gays . i am a critter who support this . I cant wait for more. Ah. Give me more queers please

Nico: One time i sneezed so hard i accidently shadow traveled into my dad's throne room.
Will: Was your dad in his throne room when you got there?
Nico: Oh yeah, I scared him so bad he screamed at the top of his lungs. I almost pissed myself laughing. He just sat back down and told me to fuck off.

chthonic worship tip

In my experience, chthonic (underworld) gods really appreciate hearing “thank you.” (This includes Hades and Persephone as well as Hecate, Hermes in his psychopomp aspect, Hypnos, Thanatos, Morpheus, and others.) They all do incredibly dirty, difficult, and vitally important jobs and rarely get recognition for it.

Things you can thank them for:

  • Sheltering, protecting, and taking care of the dead
  • Treating everyone fairly, meting out divine justice to people who escaped it in life
  • Allowing us to extract precious metals and material resources from the earth (I usually pair this with a commitment to do what I can to be a responsible steward of the earth, and follow the principle of xenia rather than hoarding wealth)
  • Maintaining the boundaries between this world and the next, and allowing people to pass through when appropriate
  • Making new growth possible by clearing away that which is no longer useful (this can be both literal and metaphorical)
  • Guiding and looking after people who are going through grief, depression, or “dark nights of the soul,” enabling personal rebirth and transformation
  • Protecting and nourishing the roots of plants, making all plant life and agriculture possible
  • Things that come from or are sheltered in their world include: sleep, dreams, precious metals, plant life, reincarnated or newly incarnated souls, magic, purpose and destiny — and according to interpretation, vaccination, EMDR, anesthesia, X-rays and MRIs, mass social movements, psychology, shadow work**
  • Also, please do something nice for Charon. I’ve long thought of him as the patron of customer service workers who are frequently yelled at.

*sources: Greek Religion by Walter Burkert, Ancient Greek Cults by Jennifer Larson, The Greek Way of Death by Robert Garland – these three books are my go-to’s for info about the roles the chthonic gods and the underworld played in ancient Greek religion and culture. Add to this the underworld as metaphor in Jungian psychology and archetypes (I’m less well read in this area, but see also The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell)

**I once read a great series of essays on the rivers of the Underworld (which I can not find right now) that posited the principle of vaccination comes from the Styx. According to myth, Achilles was dipped in the river as a baby and this protected his body from injury — just as exposure to a dead pathogen grants our bodies protection from a live version of that same pathogen. Along these lines, things like anesthesia and EMDR would come from the Lethe and/or the Acheron, psychology and self-reflection from the Mnemosyne, and so on. And modern astrology understands Pluto (Hades) as a god of invisible forms of power, which makes him also the ruler of things like X-rays and MRIs, nuclear energy, mass movements, and lots of other things…

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