
Enter the Saponatrix...

@paintboxsoapworks / paintboxsoapworks.tumblr.com

Random detritus that may or may not have anything to do with the soapy empire that is Paintbox Soapworks: www.paintboxsoapworks.com

dudes who accuse films like captain marvel of teaching young girls to hate men have no idea that literally no one and nothing is more effective at making girls hate men than men

“Pretty good view from up here on the high road, y’all.”

— Kelly Sue DeConnick, 11 March 2019, Bitches Get Shit Done


they should remake breaking bad but instead of making and dealing meth it’s a suburban white mom who makes soap and the same levels of violence, gore, and drama remain


The brain is just 8 lbs of meat that sits in complete darkness and plays a video game of what it thinks is the most realistic thing ever.

it’s 3lbs, not 8. also it’s not really meat, it’s mostly fat with some water and salt. You have a wad of soggy bacon inside your skull. And this blob of gross unprocessed jello somehow manages to run a complex biomechanical suit using less electricity than it takes to work a lightbulb. And people wonder why humans are so fucking weird and have odd experiences that aren’t actually real. I mean, if a bowl of tapioca pudding managed to hallucinate so vividly it invented calculus, it also going “dude, i heard a weird noise and i’m 100% sure it was the ghost of the neighbor’s cat which hasn’t actually died yet” would be just as expected as anything else.

Omfg dying



Source: reddit.com

Reblog if you genuinely support asexuals

It terrifies me that there’s so much raging passion in the lgbt+ community that insist on marginalizing asexuals and implying that asexuals don’t deserve to have safe spaces. There’s still so much acephobia so I just wanna know which blogs are genuinely supportive and a safe space for asexuals


the hag in folklore actually is symbolic of men being afraid that when women get older we’ll realize how shit they really are and eat them which is fair and they should be


lets clear up a common misconception:

when i ask if something looks “good” i’m not asking if it makes me sexually appealing. im asking if it makes me look like the modern remix version of a medieval fantasy novel protagonist


concept: an austen-inspired tabletop rpg where there are five classes

  1. single man in possession of a large fortune who is in want of a wife
  2. young woman with low connections who must marry so that she can secure her future
  3. cad whose main goal is to convince someone to elope with him
  4. wealthy, scheming woman whose goal is to ruin the happiness of the aforementioned young woman
  5. tiresome & vulgar elderly busybody (can be either a man or a woman)

I’m gonna split this out a little farther, because I feel like we’re blurring the lines between classes and stats. First you should pick your Austen class:

  • Bachelor/Bachelorette
  • Cad / Floozy
  • Husband/Wife
  • Matriarch/Patriarch
  • Busybody

Then you roll for your stats across the 6 basic Abilities:

  • Money
  • Intelligence
  • Connections
  • Manners
  • Looks
  • Snark

10/10 would kickstart

I’ve written this up as a quick-play version! You need a d6, a d20 and 3+ friends who are as into Jane Austen as you are, or at least willing to have a go.

I’ll make it up into a proper printable with illustrations if I get a chance next week, but in the meantime if anyone wants to playtest it I’d love to know how it goes!

Someone play this with me omfg


If you don’t have anywhere to wear a very specific piece you have in your wardrobe, grab a friend or three and host a “soirée.” Get some $5 sparkling wine or grape juice, some cheese or cocktail onions or grapes if you don’t eat cheese and make a Playlist and just walk around one of your homes being fancy together. It’s nice to go out but if you can’t, don’t let that stop you.

i just got soirée and séance confused and the last two minutes were a bit distressing

Honestly? Invite your ghost friends too. They probably have hella looks to serve.

Beautiful and incredibly important.

Give the events names, give them themes, make them reoccur. 

I have a friend that I see 3-6 times a year for “Dracula Breakfast.” We meet at a diner and drink coffee and I eat waffles and she eats eggs and we talk about Dracula. Then other things. Then monsters in general. Then back to Dracula.

For about 2 hours, then we schedule another Dracula Breakfast and go our separate ways. This is our only form of communication because we’re both introverts who like to spend time apart.

There is no other standing appointment in my life that could rival Dracula Breakfast.

We exchange tiny gifts occasionally (almost always something we’ve made and nothing that is ever more than a few dollars). I’m always 5 minutes late. I usually do not sleep the night before to try to make it on time and I inevitably fail ever. Single. Time.

I ramble.


And you should too.


I know everyone has a big crush on Alexandra Alessio-Cortez but I am here for Ayanna Pressley

I love her for a lot of reasons but one is that she makes this face in a lot of her photos:

Even if I knew nothing else about her, i would love her for that alone. This woman did not come to fuck around. Look out.


That’s my rep 😍

The best part is that that’s just her face! Her neutral expression is, “I wish a motherfucker would.” I love her.

(I mean, I’m sad she didn’t run for mayor of Boston, but I’m happy I get to share her with the entire country now.)

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