@briannaroye /

I shoot stuff (and things)

Long time no see y'all. Gonna be posting some new work here cause why not?


Nadia. Over the past few weekends I've been teaching a photography workshop in the esplanade with a group of young women wanting to learn more about photography and using cameras, and man. It's been such an eye-opening experience just listening to the young girls, and women tell their stories on what it's like being a woman, especially a black woman in today's society. The whole point of these workshops is to not only arm them with the power to tell stories through imagery but to control their own narratives. I really hope at the end of this they leave feeling empowered and knowing just a lil bit more about photography. I'm not the best teacher and I don't know it all, but this is so dear to me and I hope I've made some sort of impact. by Brianna Roye


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