
Here's the photo.....

You'll have to use this one, cuz I'm probably not gonna have internet again for a while:/


AusNTM Cycle 7 Episode 7: South Australia Island Photo Shoot

This week, the girls went to the Adelaide airport to fly off to an island off the South Australian coast. They're flight was delayed so they had to spend a night at the airport, but nevertheless they got there. And when they did, they headed off to do a photo shoot in a canyon of sorts.

Anyway, my favorite photo belongs to:

1. Hazel - Okay, this is fucking amazing. I know I said last week was her best, and well, I lied, cuz this is stunning. Her eyes are so intense and fiery, and her bone structure looks magnificent. It's hard to believe she's younger than me!

2. Liz - LOVE this photo. The pose is so regal and sophisticated, and she looks quite elegant with that neck extension. Plus she managed to make that hideous hat look presentable.

3. Izzy - Okay, I stick up for her when she deserves it, but I just do not get this girl. I think she's borderline hideous, her voice is annoying, and I've only seen two photos of her that I've legitimately liked. That being said, this is one of them. She looks strong, sexy, and totally in her element.

4. Rachel - I love the intensity in her eyes and that fedora looks cute with the fur. That being said, I HAAAATE her mouth here! It's like some half-growl, gassy, Mona Lisa smirk thing! But it's still a good photo, so it doesn't hurt it too much.

5. Jess - I'm surprised with how jovial she was this week at how disastrous her shoot went. But still, I like this photo. The fur looks great, she looks like a model, and I like how her bone structure looks straight on. Despite the boring eyes, she still pulled it off.

6. Yolanda - It's certainly not amazing, but I don't think it's elimination worthy. Especially considering how well she did up until now. The pose is cool and the styling makes her look beautiful, but her eyes and mouth both come across tired and lazy. Sad to see her go, but I can safely say she never TRULY disappointed me.

7. Simone - Okay, I didn't bring it up with Rachel's fedora cuz fedoras are amazing, but in what world is that top hat cute? I guess they though it would be a fun contrast to her glamorous outfit, but with that scarf it just looks stupid. Anyway, yeah, this is not amazing. Her face is boring and the way she's lazily touching the rock is even more so. Glad she stayed, though.

8. Montana - This photo is so intensely boring it frightens me. I mean seriously, name one thing worth mentioning about this photo. Exactly, you can't. The only thing even remotely good about this photo is that she's a beautiful girl. But that won't cut it in this industry, sweetie.

9. Madeline - Wow. This sounds horrible, but she seriously looks like a cancer patient, here. I mean look at her! The sickly expression, the jaundice eyes, the poofy hat and layers of clothing to conceal her lack of hair. I'm surprised that despite taking a large amount of terrible photos, she's has yet to be in the bottom two or even three.

10. Amelia - For some reason, I can't stand this photo. And most of it isn't even her fault. Because number one, the camera angle is beyond retarded. And also, she too looks like a terminal disease victim. What with the bony figure and the massive clothing an jewelry. She's trying, but this photo came out just awful. And if I had to pick someone to go home this week it'd definitely be her.


AusNTM Cycle 7 Episode 6: Natural Photo Shoot

This week, the remaining girls did a photo shoot for some hair, skin, and nails print ad. And, like last week, the best photo was to be published as an actual ad.

And, my favorite photo belongs to:

1. Hazel - Definitely the best of her so far. She looks vibrant, radiant, and like a model. Plus her stoic gaze into the distance is so intense and fascinating. For once she truly, truly nailed it.

2. Madeline - I love this photo. Her expression's cute, I love the wind in her hair, and her legs look fantastic. HUGE step up from last week.

3. Montana - The judges positively spurted all over the room for this one, and for me that was a bit much. I mean, it's a lovely photo, but it's certainly not amazing. She looks young, fun, and healthy, which was the point of the shoot. But there's nothing particularly special about it. The only problems I really have with it are the tense shoulder and her awkward left hand. But still, it's very, very pretty.

4. Simone - Her legs look a bit.... static. But her body looks great and she has a beautiful, glowing look about her. Plus she has a great, commercial smile.

5. Rachel - I'm stunned at how well the photo turned out, because considering how odd she looks in person I'd think she could only really do high fashion. But surprisingly, she actually pulled off a fresh, natural picture. But still, I'm getting tired of Sarah's massive bias with her.

6. Caroline - I really wish her hair wasn't in her face, but considering how disastrous her shoot was I suspected a much worse photo. Here, she actually looks quite natural and pretty. And despite it not being a great week for her, I DEFINITELY do not agree with her elimination. She clearly had a lot of potential.

7. Yolanda - Her smile looks a little forced, but I like the bare shoulder and the way she's hugging her knees. Makes it look very charming and relatable.

8. Jess - Considering this week was about looking natural and commercial, the job was essentially to look in your photo how you do in person. And for Jess, this was not a good thing. Because as I've said before, in person, she does NOTHING for me. But in photos, she consistently looks amazing. Until now.

9. Izzy - I don't think she was as outshined by the grass as the judges said she was. But still, it's not a great photo. Her eyes are squinty, she's being eaten by her shoulders, and I still HATE her hair. Baby blonde would have looked so good on her! But her face still looks nice.

10. Liz - WHY do the judges love this photo so much?? She's covering her face with her hand and her ass looks MASSIVE. I've loved all her photos so far, but I'm not feeling this one.

11. Amelia - Uggggh, this was just not her best. Her face looks dead, her feet look hella bony, and for once, her rail thinness actually worked against her.

12. Neo - Wow. She started off with three AMAZING photos in a row, and ends on this. Now that's sad. This is like, Dawn of the Dead level shit. Bitch ruined her chances, which sucks because I really think she could have won this.


ANTM Cycle 17 Episode 2: Pink's Hot Dogs

This week, the remaining 13 all-stars got the star treatment: makeup, mani-pedi's, and makeovers! None of the girls really got anything drastic, but there were a few stand-outs: Kayla got red hair again (but a bit less severe this time), Lisa and Alexandria got their hair chopped to the chin, and Bre got the sides of her head buzzed. Which, of course, she bitched and moaned about. But I still like Bre:) Also, Alexandria absolutely CREAMED all over the set when they chopped her hair off. She also pulled a Kacey and shrieked so loudly it broke the sound barrier and everybody's ear drums. BUT AGAIN, I'm still an Alexandria fan. I just like to make fun of her:) Anyway, after that, the Jays (in their usual inconspicuous fashion) marched in with a dozen trays of Hollywood Brand Pinks© hot dogs (ohhh product placements. Who do they think they are, the Real Housewives?). And as it (obviously) turned out, these were their props for their photo shoot! So lets get to the photos, shall we?

And my favorite shot goes to:

1. Allison - Holy shit, this photo is all kinds of adorable. She just looks like America's friggin sweetheart, here. But she still kept it modelly by working her legs, so she kept her job in mind. And I would buy that hot dog AND those shoes. She absolutely nailed it to the wall this week.

2. Shannon - Well OBVIOUSLY she would do well this week, this is SO her brand. It's all about being cute and commercial and relatable, and that's her wrapped up in one. And yet surprisingly, she managed to make it quite fashionable with the shape she made with that dress. Hats of to you this week, Shannon.

3. Kayla - Oh STFU judges! This photo's friggin amazing! I don't care whether it's "free" or not, it's fabulous and that's good enough for me. Her legs go on for days, her face looks adorable, and I love her hair blowing in the wind. I'm absolutely sold.

4. Bianca - Fun, commercial, and relatable. She checked all the boxes this week (while also keeping her word, "candid", in mind). I don't think it's the quite splooge-fest the judges made it out to be, but it's still fabulous.

5. Camille - Sure, it's a little obvious...... okay, it's a LOT obvious, but who cares? It's cute and carefree, and her legs look amazing. Bottom three material? I don't think so.

6. Lisa - Not exactly best photo worthy, but still is still a great photo. Her legs look long, she looks crazy and fun, and I love her hot dog idea. My only criticisms are that she could have at least TRIED to keep her face pretty, and her left arm looks a bit limp. But other than that, it's awesome.

7. Dominique - Not a big fan of the nose-pick look, but this is still super cute. I agree with Tyra about the whole "Oscar winning actress who just couldn't wait to get her Pinks© hot dog!" thing, and she looks very young a vibrant, here.

8. Angelea - I'm not loving the hard smile, and her legs look quite awkward, but there's still something warm, almost radiant about her in this photo. I think her makeover did her quite a bit of justice.

9. Alexandria - Okay, unpopular opinion here, but I REALLY do not like her makeover. I mean, it looks great here, but in person it makes her look SO 70's, and not fun, vintage 70's. Like, Black Sabbath groupie 70's. Personally, I think they should have chopped her hair boy short. THAT would have looked amazing! But anyway, about the photo. It's certainly not "tough", but it's really heartwarming and adorable. I just want to give her a big hug in this photo.

10. Laura - She looks so lazy and careless here. Her legs look nice and her face is cute, but the energy of the photo and the way she's holding the hot dog just looks... disheveled.

11. Sheena - It's a fun photo. I mean, I like the leg and the swaying motion with her arm and hair. But it's SO boring and SO safe, it would never grab my attention in a magazine. Or anywhere else, for that matter.

12. Bre - Her makeover looks AMAZING. But this photo gives me mixed feelings. I like her, and her face looks cute. But she looks so uncomfortable and self-conscious here, and that pose was not the best choice. Not a great week for her.

13. Isis - Okay, seriously? I mean what was she thinking?? Number one, obviously, she's grabbing her, well, that thing that USED to be there. And number two, her face looks..... grizzly! That's the only word I can think of to describe it. I love ya, Isis, but man! This is not your best work by a long shot.


AusNTM Cycle 7 Episode 5: Newspaper Photo Shoot

This week, the girls posed for a photo shoot where the top 4 best photos got published in the newspaper. What an honor (pfffffft...).

Anyway, my favorite photo belongs to:

1. Jess - Everyone knows I love a bleached blonde, and this really encapsulates that. She looks effervescent and lovely, and as usual, miles better than she does in person.

2. Rachel - I didn't realize until her makeover how unusual-looking she is. But nevertheless, this photo's stunning. She has a very interesting and intense thing about her face that I can't quite pinpoint. Well whatever it is, it works.

3. Hazel - Not a particularly intense photo, but there's something quite interesting about it. Plus, she just looks so striking and beautiful here. And I love the grace and charm in her pose and posture. Definitely most improved.

4. Simone - One of the many "just standing there" photos of the week. But I love this because she looks like a legit model. I mean, her face is simply breathtaking.

5. Montana - Her legs look amazing and there is an intensity about this, but I don't want to put it too high because there is something inherently zombie-ish about her face here. But there's still no doubt it's a beautiful picture.

6. Caroline - Again, she's really just standing there. But her legs look great, her face is beautiful, and I like the way she worked the jacket. So all in all, she did a very good job.

7. Liz - A little lazy, but her face looks stunning and the pose is flattering to her unconventional body. Plus, unlike most girls this week, she's actually doing something.

8. Alissandra - I'm really not a fan of her lumpy figure, but you can't deny her face is gorgeous. And I agree with Alex (this isn't Australia's Next Top Head), and I don't like that her eyes are so vacant. But nevertheless, it's still very pretty.

9. Amelia - I love the shoes and her legs look very nice, but I don't really like how she's staring off into nowhere, it makes this a little random. Plus her hair looks weird and her arm is a bit awkward.

10 .Yolanda - I don't know what it is about this photo, it's just neither here nor there. She just looks uncomfortable and even forced, it doesn't even really look like her. But still, it's not terrible. The dress is amazing and she is clearly putting forth effort, which is more than I can say for some of the other girls.

11. Izzy - She looks nice, but that pose is straight up weird. It makes her legs look shorter and her hips look wider. In fact, there's something almost retro about this, and not in a good way. But still, it's not totally awful.

12. Neo - From the neck down, it ain't bad. But her face looks SO old. And not to mention, her eyes are completely dead. This is the first time she's disappointed me, and let's hope it's the last.

13. Madeline - Okay, TALK about dead face! I mean, she just looks like Frankenstein, here. Why does she have to keep mucking it up? She was doing so well in the beginning.

14. Annaliese - This blows because I was really rooting for her, but this is seriously the pinnacle of her mediocrity. She looks tall and slim, but she's just standing there. And the fact that her face is empty and the lifeless way she's lifting her hair only makes it worse. Really hate to see her go (along with Alissandra), but it was a justified elimination.


AusNTM Cycle 7 Episode 4: Posing in a Coffin

This week, the girl's posed in a Lady Gaga inspired photo shoot lying down in a coffin. The judges were all pissy cuz none of the girls did anything wild and crazy or "out there" the way they had wanted, but some of this pecs were still gorgeous!

And my favorite photo goes to:

1. Jess - Another slam-dunk. I can't believe it cuz this girl does NOTHING for me in person, but she dishes out the most fabulous of the fabulous! Her legs go on for days, that pose is all sorts of Gaga, and her face exudes confidence and sexiness, despite her tomboy-ish demeanor. Girl knows how to WORK.

2. Neo - Omg, what a luscious cup of hot chocolate we have here! This photo has so much power and sexiness it's ridiculous. Plus her legs are so long and silky, and her face is beautiful. Girl has yet to not impress me.

3. Simone - She looks a little squished, but frankly I don't give a shit. Girl looks fucking gorgeous and seductive, very Sharon Stone meets Gwen Stefani.

4. Liz - Beautiful photo. I know she's screaming and all, but that doesn't instantly make it the best. It's a great photo, but I wouldn't put it over the other three. In fact, it doesn't even really look like her. But like I said, I still love it.

5. Yolanda - It's a bit drag-liscious, but that works with that outfit. She looks so sultry and seductive, it's quite brilliant.

6. Caroline - I don't get what the judges issue with this was, it's a great photo. She looks gaunt and debonair, very classy and elegant. The whole thing reminds a bit of Dracula, which definitely serves the coffin theme.

7. Rachel - Face is a bit, um, Wildenstein? But it's still elegant and editorial, so it works.

8. Annaliese - Lower body's a bit hellish, but cropped it chest up and it's slamming. I love her facial expression and the emotion in her hand.

9. Hazel - This would be super cute, if it weren't for that damn midget arm! Come on, you're a tall girl! I think if she'd picked up her energy level she wouldn't have ended up with this, cuz otherwise it's fierce.

10. Amelia - I do NOT understand the love for this photo. To me, it looks like she's an aviator that just hit the ground after falling out of her plane. They gave her the best call-out she's gotten so far for this photo, but to me this is easily her worst photo yet.

11. Montana - Ehh, her legs look quite crooked , she's got a bad angle on her face, the whole thing's just a little off. Plus she doesn't even look like herself here, really.

12. Madeline - I get that the theme was coffin's, but she just looks too... corpsy! She just looks so pale and lifeless. Her legs look okay, though.

13. Alissandra - Her body looks wretched and she's rather cramped into the coffin, but her face looks nice (or at least the half we see of it). But agree agree with Alex, "This is not Australia's Next Top Head." Damn straight.

14. Izzy - Her legs look fine, but that is like the weirdest, boob-gropiest pose I've ever seen. Plus her face is BUSTED. Not good.

15. Tayah - With her age and that hair and that outfit, this looks very, oh how do I put this delicately..... JonBenet-ish. You know, the Toddlers in Tiara's type thing? Because of that the whole thing is frankly creepy, and her modeling skills are not strong enough to make up for it. Second justified elimination in a row, AusNTM's on a role!


ANTM Cycle 17 Episode 1: All-Star Characters

Okay, so most of these were the same as the pre-show photos, but some were still a little different. So, I'm gonna redo this with the newly edited photos.

And my favorite photo goes to:

1. Kayla - I just love this photo. The strength in her face and her pose, and that Rosie the Riveter thing she's doing with her arm! Gorgeous! She was in the bottom 3 for this, which is complete bullshit. Homegirl hit a home-run with this.

2. Bianca - This picture is just all sorts of fabulous. I love the hair and the styling, and the strength and character in her face. Plus that pose is simply dynamic (oxymoron<3).

3. Dominique - Not quite as strong as her original photo, but still absolutely beautiful. Her legs look super luscious, and her face is so soft and delicate, yet strong at the same time. Plus I love how she's gently caressing that tree.

4. Isis, I actually prefer this with the new background, makes it a lot more interesting. The pose is still hot as hell, and now I think with the editing, her face looks a lot more alive than it did originally.

5. Camille - Girl has legs of death. Plus I love the soft serenity she's emitting here. Big contrast to her queen bitch personality (which I love, btw...).

6. Angelea - Don't mess with this bitch, or she'll cut you with her gorgeous, razor-sharp cheekbones:)

7. Allison - Like I said before, her face looks gorgeous. I still just wish she'd worked her legs more.

8. Shannon - I love this so much more with the background. Makes it look so much more angelic. Plus her face, despite being 8 years older, still looks flawless here.

9. Sheena - Yeah, upon second inspection, this isn't genius. I mean, her theme was sexy, which she nailed. But the pose is little amateur and the face is nothing special either. I like the arms, though:)

10. Laura - Adorable, but NOT MODELLY. Her legs look stunning, however.

11. Bre - She doesn't say "model" like she used to, but this pose flatters her a bit better. However, her face looks dead and her neck is hella stiff.

12. Alexandria - This photo's a bit of a yawn-fest, but I still have faith in her!

13. Lisa - This photo is ugly in terms of a modelling photo, but it looks a lot nicer with the new editing. It may not be attractive, but AT LEAST it's fun.

14. Brittany - This photo is just unattractive. Plus, she made her long legs significantly shorter. Love ya, Brittany, but this elimination was justified.

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