
Snow Covered Path

@kuroitakai-blog / kuroitakai-blog.tumblr.com

A tumblr Blog to go with my WordPress. I am a witch.A kemetic.I am an otherkin, fox for sure, definitely forest. And something with wings, I believe. I honor wepwawet, set, Hathor, sekhmet, and djehuty. I also work with a group of deities, via astral that I have dubbed, the forgotten ones. I also work with dragons, one in particular. I am also a PC pagan. If you have questions about any of that, please ask.

"Never did like that much," is a baller and superb way to express your irritation with the way the patriarchy refuses to acknowledge how badass you are.




Before World War I, she shot a cigarette out of the mouth of the Kaiser of Germany at his request.

After the war started she sent him a letter asking for another chance, as she was afraid her aim might’ve been a little off.

Annie Fucking Oakley everyone


New blog

Hi, I have decided to make a new blog for all my spiritual stuff so this blog will slowly become fandom only. New blog is Snowcoveredpath.


What would you consider warning signs when talking to a guy?

  • "My ex is crazy." In most cases not true. He is most likely the crazy one.
  • If he’s over 18 and not in school and doesn’t work or have a car (and isn’t trying to either) he’s a bum and is most likely looking for someone to monetarily provide for him
  • If you do date someone who has a child (which I don’t recommend) but if it does happen be VERY cautious if you NEVER hear him speak about his children, spending time with them, see him with them..etc… he most likely aint shit and will talk about his child’s mother being crazy (which jumps back to my first point)… especially if he has more than one with different women….RUN (he doesn’t like to use condoms and if you get pregnant it will be a YOU problem)
  • Guys who spend money on things he wants instead of needs…. and when he needs something you have to pay for it (like dudes who have weed but no money to eat)
  • Guys who ask for nudes or talk anything sexual within the first few conversations without invitation
  • Guys who put down other women. Like the guy who doesn’t like dark skinned women or talks shit about women who wear weave but doesn’t date women with natural hair…
  • Guys with the “Lady in the streets but a freak in the sheets” mentality. Normally are against anything pro-women…
  • If he already within a first few conversations is jealous or angry towards the idea of you talking to other guys. 

So many other things but it’s 5am and I can’t think…


Most of this list sums up my college dating experience

Anybody who says “I would never let my girl (insert thing an adult should have the freedom to decide whether or not to do here)”

if they try to separate you from the people you care about

if you have a suspicion that they’re insecure about any of your accomplishments

if he says “females” instead of “women”, “ladies” or even “girls”

the first time you hear him refer to a woman as a “bitch”, “thot”, “ho”, etc and he can’t reasonably explain how that term applies, just has some throwaway answer…she probably rejected him in the past or has her own mind. He’ll be calling you that after he does something shitty enough for you to leave.

if he tries to control the things you do or own (pets , vacations etc) without actually making any commitment to you.

(this ones connected to my fist one) if he tries to make you give up or abandon something for his love example “would you give up your dog for me?” (was actually asked of me in a very sweetheart, romantic big eyed tone)

if he’s so “busy”.

if he only seems to call you around for sex.

if he is constantly trying to pressure you into sexual acts you have previously told him makes you uncomfortable.

if he tries to make you feel insecure or foolish for enjoying the things you enjoy.

if he only seems to care about you, or becomes jealous the second you begin another relationship.

(and this sorta goes without saying) has no problem dating someone much much younger than him, or taking advantage of teenagers.


Just to add: (sorry if these were already mentioned)

• If he uses his “strong emotions” for you to manipulate you ex: I get so depressed when you go x amount of time without calling me

• if he says, “but I’m a nice/good guy” to get to you to do something you’ve said you’re uncomfortable with

• if he’s never where he says he will be when he says he’ll be there OR keeps you waiting an excessive amount of time

• if he stalks your social media profiles

• if he says “if I were gonna hurt you, don’t you think I would’ve done it by now?”

Basically, if it don’t feel right, it ain’t right.

if he denies things that have happened, especially details that incriminate him… for example you were having an argument and he pushes you, but later says he didn’t

if he raises his voice but demands that you speak softly or calmly

if he reinforces other double standards, like the idea that you aren’t allowed to talk to/be friends with other men but calls you insecure or crazy if you mention that he talks to/is friends with women

if he claims your personal property as his own without permission

if he guilts you into doing things for him consistently without reciprocation

if he speaks in a derogatory way about women when around his male friends, or his personality changes drastically for the worse when the room is dominated by men


what if with our first clot of air when we are born we inhale a soul, and every time we breathe out, we squeeze a tiny part of our souls out. would our final breath actually be the very last soul fragment leaving our bodies?

Woah woah wait 

you know those things that say “you become like the 5 people you hang out with the most”

that would explain why, because you would actually be inhaling little parts of them over time

Oh my god


Some light in the darkness that is Gaming news right now


gaming is SO IMPORTANT for so many disabled people (myself included).  There’s not many hobbies that have the range of interactivity and engagement that gaming has, while still being something someone can do with little movement or motor control.

I’ve met a few people who were very disapproving of my gaming hobby (was literally told to “go read a book” in a snooty way by one of them) and it frustrates heck out of me that they can’t see how important and fun gaming can be.  Gaming isn’t passive like a lot of other hobbies recommended for disabled folks.  Gaming is something to get pumped about and something that you can get better at!  You can improve your gaming skills and feel accomplished!

if it weren’t for video games I would be a much, much more unhappy and unfulfilled person.


It always amazed me how cats can look so comfortable in the most uncomfortable places

i just realized cats are like college students


A limerick:

Doesn’t look like a limerick to you? Try this:

A dozen, a gross, and a score Plus three times the square root of four Divided by seven Plus five times eleven Is nine squared and not a bit more.



DIY Godphone. (aka, my own personal Ear Stela!)

Because after this post, I began to realize what a brilliant idea it was. I gave it full battery, infinity G and excellent signal strength, because this little guy is going to help me get through when I can’t with my normal methods. 



This fandom…


It’s funny to think that even back in Ancient Egypt people were basically fretting that their godphones weren’t working hard enough. And their answer?



Like they even had giant ears in rooms in the temples to help the deities hear better. Next time my godphone seems weak I’m totally going to draw out a lot of ears and see if that helps any.

When I first learned to clean my own place, I thought Saturday had to be an all day clean-a-thon. I didn’t really have a concept of how to balance the work load during the week so weekends could be reserved for larger projects or even you know…fun! Now I clean in 20 minutes a day — every day — and things just seem to take care of themselves. Here’s a glimpse at the schedule I use!

How To Clean Your House in 20 Minutes a Day for 30 Days

When I first learned to clean my own place, I thought Saturday had to be an all day clean-a-thon. I didn’t really have a concept of how to balance the work load during the week so weekends could be reserved for larger projects or even you know…fun! Now I clean in 20 minutes a day — every day — and things just seem to take care of themselves. Here’s a glimpse at the schedule I use!

No one said you had to do everything at once and even when time seems short, if you can manage one task a day, things should start to work themselves out. Adjust this list as your family’s needs require (those with more or less children might require doing certain activities more or less). If it’s easier, take a blank calendar and fill it in accordingly so easier tasks are on days where your day is go, go, go and reserve the more difficult ones for days when things are a little lighter. Here’s 5 tips to help make this 30 days a success:

1) Dealing With What Comes Through The Door Set up a small area by the front door to act as a “landing strip" for incoming items into your home. If you’re a long time reader this is nothing new to you. If this is the first time you’ve heard this phrase outside of reference to personal grooming habits, then make sure to check out Maxwell’s Home Cure video on the topic.

2) Do Your Dishes After Every Meal This will help you stay on top of your kitchen instead of having it turn into a monster! No one really wants to do them (after all, you probably cooked dinner to boot). But waiting for another meal or until you have enough to fill the dishwasher just makes things feel overwhelming and easier to put off. The same goes for take out trash as well. If you need to take the trash out, place it by the front door to go out in the morning or dispose of it that night so it’s over and done with. Still having trouble? Try the one-cup method.

3) Laundry If you have a washer and dryer at home, do a little bit each day. Spread things out so you don’t feel bogged down by 200 towels and stinky socks. If you take things to a laundromat, sort clothes as you go so things are easier to load up into machines when you get there. Fold them before you come home so you aren’t dumping baskets out on your sofa or bed and they can go straight into drawers and closets. Not feeling inspired? Treat yourself… to a new laundry basket. It’s the little things.

→ Weekend Assignment: How to Clean Your Cleaning Tools

4) Whistle While You Work: Those who are happiest when cleaning are few and far between. Singing, humming, whistling or turning up the stereo are all great options to keep the beat in your feet and have fun while working. Here’s a few past posts on killer cleaning soundtracks.

5) Set a Timer: Most items on the list below should take no more than 20 minutes total. It’s easy to rationalize 20 minutes, but it’s also easy to get distracted by phone calls, emails, children and other projects that call your name as you tackle each chore. Set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes (which ever works best for you) and that way when it sounds you know exactly how much time you have left. If you find yourself off task it’s easy to get back on track

1. Surface clean living room and kitchen (pick up stray items, dust, sweep, vacuum)

2. Clean bathrooms (toilets, showers, floors, walls, mirrors)

3. Surface clean bedrooms (put away toys, clothes, dust)

4. Surface clean “extra” rooms (basement, office, play room)

5. Surface clean living room and kitchen

6. Clean bathrooms

7. Clean all interior windows (white vinegar and newspaper works great and is cheap!)

8. Sweep and vacuum all floors in the house (don’t forget stairs)

9. Surface clean bedrooms

10. Deep clean living room (mirrors, baseboards, dust artwork)

11. Clean bathrooms

12. Clean out closets (hang up clothes, mittens, jackets, hats)

13. Surface clean “extra” rooms

14. Deep clean bedrooms (organize drawers, check under bed, tidy closet, dust artwork, fans, lights, mop)

15. Surface clean living room and kitchen

16. Deep clean bathrooms (clean inside drawers, inside of trash cans, tops of mirrors, tile, mop)

17. Clean all door knobs, phones, entertainment equipment (remote controls), switch plates, banisters and other things that are repeatedly touched.

18. Clean out the refrigerator, take stock of food, organize pantry

19. Clean entryway, sweep porch (if you have one), clean out car (because they’re often our home away from home)

20. Surface clean living room and kitchen

21. Surface clean bathrooms

22. Surface clean bedrooms

23. Sweep and vacuum all floors in the house

24. Clean linen closet, straighten towels, sheets or regular closet if not applicable

25. Surface clean living room and kitchen

26. Deep clean kitchen (scrub appliances, wash trash cans, base boards, wipe down and straighten cabinets)

27. Surface clean bathrooms

28. Surfaces clean bedrooms

29. Clean one item you’ve been meaning to get to and haven’t (deep clean your stove, wipe down all light fixtures, tackle a particularly unruly area)

30. Sweep and vacuum all floors in the house

To this list you can also add chores that are to be done monthly or quarterly. It’s easier to plan for larger tasks like steam cleaning a sofa or heavy traffic hallway, then it feels like part of the routine instead of that thing you keep putting off and dreading.

Habits are formed by doing and one of the best ways to change a bad habit is to replace it with another action. So if the time spent right when you come home from work is usually filled with email reading and a small nap, try switching it out with your cleaning instead. Making the 20 minute time slot routine will build good habits and help you stay on top of the game without feeling like it’s a real chore.

Do you have anything to add to the list above? What cleaning tasks would you add to the list? Let us know in the comments below!

When I first learned to clean my own place, I thought Saturday had to be an all day clean-a-thon. I didn’t really have a concept of how to balance the work load during the week so weekends could be reserved for larger projects or even you know…fun! Now I clean in 20 minutes a day — every day — and things just seem to take care of themselves. Here’s a glimpse at the schedule I use!

How To Clean Your House in 20 Minutes a Day for 30 Days

When I first learned to clean my own place, I thought Saturday had to be an all day clean-a-thon. I didn’t really have a concept of how to balance the work load during the week so weekends could be reserved for larger projects or even you know…fun! Now I clean in 20 minutes a day — every day — and things just seem to take care of themselves. Here’s a glimpse at the schedule I use!

No one said you had to do everything at once and even when time seems short, if you can manage one task a day, things should start to work themselves out. Adjust this list as your family’s needs require (those with more or less children might require doing certain activities more or less). If it’s easier, take a blank calendar and fill it in accordingly so easier tasks are on days where your day is go, go, go and reserve the more difficult ones for days when things are a little lighter. Here’s 5 tips to help make this 30 days a success:

1) Dealing With What Comes Through The Door Set up a small area by the front door to act as a “landing strip" for incoming items into your home. If you’re a long time reader this is nothing new to you. If this is the first time you’ve heard this phrase outside of reference to personal grooming habits, then make sure to check out Maxwell’s Home Cure video on the topic.

2) Do Your Dishes After Every Meal This will help you stay on top of your kitchen instead of having it turn into a monster! No one really wants to do them (after all, you probably cooked dinner to boot). But waiting for another meal or until you have enough to fill the dishwasher just makes things feel overwhelming and easier to put off. The same goes for take out trash as well. If you need to take the trash out, place it by the front door to go out in the morning or dispose of it that night so it’s over and done with. Still having trouble? Try the one-cup method.

3) Laundry If you have a washer and dryer at home, do a little bit each day. Spread things out so you don’t feel bogged down by 200 towels and stinky socks. If you take things to a laundromat, sort clothes as you go so things are easier to load up into machines when you get there. Fold them before you come home so you aren’t dumping baskets out on your sofa or bed and they can go straight into drawers and closets. Not feeling inspired? Treat yourself… to a new laundry basket. It’s the little things.

→ Weekend Assignment: How to Clean Your Cleaning Tools

4) Whistle While You Work: Those who are happiest when cleaning are few and far between. Singing, humming, whistling or turning up the stereo are all great options to keep the beat in your feet and have fun while working. Here’s a few past posts on killer cleaning soundtracks.

5) Set a Timer: Most items on the list below should take no more than 20 minutes total. It’s easy to rationalize 20 minutes, but it’s also easy to get distracted by phone calls, emails, children and other projects that call your name as you tackle each chore. Set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes (which ever works best for you) and that way when it sounds you know exactly how much time you have left. If you find yourself off task it’s easy to get back on track

1. Surface clean living room and kitchen (pick up stray items, dust, sweep, vacuum)

2. Clean bathrooms (toilets, showers, floors, walls, mirrors)

3. Surface clean bedrooms (put away toys, clothes, dust)

4. Surface clean “extra” rooms (basement, office, play room)

5. Surface clean living room and kitchen

6. Clean bathrooms

7. Clean all interior windows (white vinegar and newspaper works great and is cheap!)

8. Sweep and vacuum all floors in the house (don’t forget stairs)

9. Surface clean bedrooms

10. Deep clean living room (mirrors, baseboards, dust artwork)

11. Clean bathrooms

12. Clean out closets (hang up clothes, mittens, jackets, hats)

13. Surface clean “extra” rooms

14. Deep clean bedrooms (organize drawers, check under bed, tidy closet, dust artwork, fans, lights, mop)

15. Surface clean living room and kitchen

16. Deep clean bathrooms (clean inside drawers, inside of trash cans, tops of mirrors, tile, mop)

17. Clean all door knobs, phones, entertainment equipment (remote controls), switch plates, banisters and other things that are repeatedly touched.

18. Clean out the refrigerator, take stock of food, organize pantry

19. Clean entryway, sweep porch (if you have one), clean out car (because they’re often our home away from home)

20. Surface clean living room and kitchen

21. Surface clean bathrooms

22. Surface clean bedrooms

23. Sweep and vacuum all floors in the house

24. Clean linen closet, straighten towels, sheets or regular closet if not applicable

25. Surface clean living room and kitchen

26. Deep clean kitchen (scrub appliances, wash trash cans, base boards, wipe down and straighten cabinets)

27. Surface clean bathrooms

28. Surfaces clean bedrooms

29. Clean one item you’ve been meaning to get to and haven’t (deep clean your stove, wipe down all light fixtures, tackle a particularly unruly area)

30. Sweep and vacuum all floors in the house

To this list you can also add chores that are to be done monthly or quarterly. It’s easier to plan for larger tasks like steam cleaning a sofa or heavy traffic hallway, then it feels like part of the routine instead of that thing you keep putting off and dreading.

Habits are formed by doing and one of the best ways to change a bad habit is to replace it with another action. So if the time spent right when you come home from work is usually filled with email reading and a small nap, try switching it out with your cleaning instead. Making the 20 minute time slot routine will build good habits and help you stay on top of the game without feeling like it’s a real chore.

Do you have anything to add to the list above? What cleaning tasks would you add to the list? Let us know in the comments below!

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